UK Newswire Archive
fallujah - democracy or death
11-11-2004 22:14

Cambridge Forum - Deforestation and Human Rights
11-11-2004 22:11
This coming Tuesday, November 16th, we have a Cambridge Forum meeting onDeforestation and Human Rights, with three expert speakers. 8pm to 10pm at CB1 cafe, Mill Road.
Bring the War Home, meeting. London
11-11-2004 22:10
So far 100,000 Iraqis have been killed as a direct consequence of the US and UK led war on Iraq. It's about time it stopped."Bush Took His Personal Lawyer and Made Him Lawyer to the Nation"
11-11-2004 21:09
President Bush has nominated White House counsel Alberto Gonzales to replace John Ashcroft as attorney general. We take a look at Gonzales' record with Karen Greenberg New York University School of Law and Rep. John Conyers (D-MI).New York Times: Confirmation of U.S. gassing of Fallujans: White Phosphorus Gass
11-11-2004 20:42
Photographic and text evidence.Denial of water to Iraqi Cities during US assaults
11-11-2004 20:01
Water supplies to Tall Afar, Samarra and Fallujah have been cut offduring US attacks in the past two months, affecting up to 750,000
civilians. This appears to form part of a deliberate US policy of
denying water to the residents of cities under attack. If so, it has
been adopted without a public debate, and without consulting Coalition
partners. It is a serious breach of international humanitarian law, and
is deepening Iraqi opposition to the United States, other Coalition
members, and the Iraqi interim government.
US Troops Reportedly Gassing Fallujah ? Phots from Fallujah
11-11-2004 19:43
Fact or Fiction?
US Troops Reportedly Gassing Fallujah
"The US troops have sprayed chemical and nerve gases on resistance fighters, turning them hysteric in a heartbreaking scene," an Iraqi doctor, who requested anonymity, told Al-Quds Press.

Photos from Fallujah
ESF - Protests against Subhi Meshadani & Livingstone. Photo Reportages
11-11-2004 18:50
Protest 1
European Social Forum Alexandra Palace Plenary 15 Oct 2004
End the Occupation of Iraq
Subhi Al Mashadani (General Secretary, Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions);
Sabah Jawad (Iraqi Democrats Against Occupation) ;
Fabio Alberti (A bridge to Baghdad, Italy) ;
Joanna Puszwacka (ESF Committee, Poland);
Lindsay German (Stop the War Coalition, UK);
Tommy Sheridan (Scottish Mobilisation for the ESF)
M: Ingrid Fiskaa and Jeremy Corbyn, vice-chair CND

Protest 2
Alexandra Palace 16 Oct Panel
"Stop fascism and the far right in Europe"
Ken Livingstone (Chair, Unite Against Fascism) /w ogóle nie przybył/;
Ester Ben Bassa (Re’seau des associations contre l’extreme droite, France) ;
Rafal Pankowski (‘Never again’ campaign/United campaign, Poland)
Yiannis Sifakakis (Stop the War Coalition, Greece) ;
Pal Aradi (President, Alliance of Public Personages for Gypsies of Borsod-Abuji-Zemplen County, North East Hungary - BCKSZ)
Elisabeth Gauthier (Espace Marx, France)
Weyman Bennet (Unite Against Fascism)

I have just witnessed a murder on my TV screen
11-11-2004 18:34
We have all let this occur, but there is hope and it will manifest it's self soon. We will see the results of our actions and what our way of life will bring.Hate singer 'supporters' demo Home Office.
11-11-2004 17:48
Very sad- Supporters of the violently homophobic Jamaican reggae hate lyricsingers
are apparently demo ing outside the Home Office this evening.
protestors blockade israeli company
11-11-2004 17:01
Activists protesting against the illegal wall cutting off Palestinians from their work, schools and hospitals, today blockaded the Israeli company Agrexco UK which imports Carmel produce. The aim was to hightlight the continued existence of this illegal structure and to draw attention to the plight of Palestinian farmers in the occupied territories.We seize servers, you can't complain - US gov
11-11-2004 16:24
The US Government is attempting to block efforts to find out who seized Indymedia's servers in London last month. The Government has filed a motion in San Antonio District Court opposing the Electronic Frontier Foundation's motion to unseal the court order which resulted in the seizures, and arguing among other things that unsealing would "seriously jeopardize" an "ongoing criminal terrorism investigation".Mad Chicks take flight!
11-11-2004 16:15

Maelstrom – The Story So Far…
11-11-2004 15:17
This short article has been written from the perspective of a lone individual involved with Maelstrom, and therefore is not meant to represent anyone nor be some mythical collective statement of intent or desire.Venice - No Nato convention! - Satuday November 13th - 18th
11-11-2004 14:44

Yasser Arafat vigil in Cambridge
11-11-2004 14:33
Yasser Arafat vigil tomorrow in CambridgeSheffield peace events/meetings
11-11-2004 14:32
Forthcoming anti-war events in Sheffield, mainly Sheffield Stop the War Coalition stuff so not comprehensive.Deaths In Fallujah
11-11-2004 14:11
The US Army have given an estimate for how many it has killed so far in FallujahBlunkett in Nottingham
11-11-2004 13:41
Blunkett In Nottingham - Demonstrate from 5.30pm, Park Plaza Hotel, Maid Marion Way, Nottingham.