UK Newswire Archive
Make Richard Curtis History
30-06-2005 16:32
The antidote to celebrity campaignersFreedom of press under attack?
30-06-2005 16:31
The police seizure this week of a computer server belonging to alternative network Indymedia is not the first time the organisation has been targeted. Last time the FBI was involved - on behalf of the Italian and Swiss authorities.Jack Kane Edinburgh G8 Campsite to be FREE (not £5)
30-06-2005 15:18
The council has today decided that instead of charging £5 per night to stay at the Jack Kane G8 Campsite in Edinburgh, it will in fact be free.G8 press accrediation refused to freelance journo
30-06-2005 14:48
London based freelance journalist and film maker with an assignment to cover the G8 summit in Scotland has been refused press accrediation after vetting by police. No reason or justification has been given for the refusal which could easily been seen as state interference in freedom of expression under article 10 of the human rights act.The journalist involved has no convictions and is a full member of the NUJ who had applied for official press accreditation to attend press conferences at the G8 summit over a month ago.
Around 3,000 journalists are expected to attend the G8 summit where they will out number delegates by two to one. The journalists who will attend have been hand picked by the state.
Stay tuned to indymedia for something other than corporate state sanctioned celebrity obsesed press coverage of the G8.
Piracy in Paddington
30-06-2005 13:48
Wednesday 29 June saw the meeting of two groups of corporate pirates at the Paddington Hilton Hotel....G8 LEGAL SUPPORT :: WEBSITE - RELAUNCHED ::
30-06-2005 13:29
The G8 Legal Support Group (a working group whichemerged from the Dissent network) has re-launched and
updated its website
resistance anarchist bulletin - issue 75
30-06-2005 13:28

Protest against the G8 - Carfax - 6pm - 6th July
30-06-2005 13:25
WHERE WILL YOU BE ON 6 JULY?Police Surround London Institute for Autonomy in Preparation for G8 Summit
30-06-2005 13:23
It appears that police have just surrounded the Institute for Autonomy squat and are illegally detaining and searching its occupants, seizing personal documents and openly talking about the searches being conducted in preparation for the G8 Summit. At the request of a friend, I am posting all the information he has sent me so far.The Principles of Socialism
30-06-2005 13:22
It is very likely that the hour is late, that capitalism will soon perish. It will happen sooner or later and if it does happen sooner, we have to be prepared. We need to debate the principles of our coming revolution; the principles of socialism.Rhythms & Noise
30-06-2005 13:07
Those of you who missed the gig at the rampART last night missed a real treat. While somewhat disorganised to say the least, the first performance on their UK tour up to Scotland by Infernal Noise Brigade, Filastine and The Lost Film FesT was undoubtedly well worth braving the tropical heat in the pack rampART hall. Joining the US marching band for this gig only were Londons own Rhthyms of Resistance who gave a spirited performance, pretty much the best I've ever heard them. Many people were looking forward to experiencing some kind of 'battle of the band' or back to back dual between the Rhthyms and INB but the way it turned out was simply two sets with a break in between. It would have been awsome to have had both bands play together - perhaps something for Scotland?The rampART was packed and hot as hell with people spilling out into the street and the roof garden to catch some air and cool off. Thankfully there was food and cold drink to hand throughout the night. By the time it ended, the floor was soaking wet, not from spilled beer but from the sweat dripping from the performers.
If you get the chance, catch one of their gigs on the way up north. You can also support their expenses as they travel to Scotland on the (10 mpg) Big Red Bus of Human Shields to Bahgdad fame - costing a cool £200 per day to hire.
Downing Street Memo Protest in Washington DC
30-06-2005 13:07
Activists protest one of America's leading newspapers for failure to cover the Downing Street MemosG8 police repression already started
30-06-2005 12:40
Police repression has already begun in the run up to the G8 summit protests.Discussion on ageism
30-06-2005 12:21
The activist community, especially the anarchist community, discriminates against middle aged people. We get photographed by so called "cop watch" activists at demonstrations for no other reason than being middle agedDay 9 of UK Detained Zimbabweans Hunger Strike
30-06-2005 12:20
Hunger strikers 'bullied' by centre staffImmigration officials were accused last night of bullying Zimbabwean detainees in an attempt to break their hunger strike. Alleged ringleaders of the protest have apparently been moved into solitary confinement.
Raised Voices from the South on the G8
30-06-2005 12:00
Billions of people most affected by the policies and decisions of the G8 will not be present in Scotland. Raised Voices is a series of several short film clips of people from the Majority World speaking out about the impacts the G8 has on their lives and their countries.