UK Newswire Archive
Demands for an Independent International 9/11 Investigation
29-06-2008 17:58

The questions that are being asked all over the world need to be evaluated by independent experts.
Feminist Activist Forum on trans and intersex issues, Lambeth, London, 12th July
29-06-2008 17:52
Learning exchange event on trans and intersex issues and their relationship to feminismRoots of Change - Bath climate camp/eco event - Sat 12th July
29-06-2008 17:17

Activists disrupt work at site of opencast coal mine
29-06-2008 17:03
Activists yesterday obstructed a steamroller which was being used to set a tarmac ramp designed allow heavy plant machinery access to the fields where UK Coal intend to extract around 1 million tonnes of coal.SAAB Microwave Becoming2 Ploughshares Action in Sweden
29-06-2008 16:03
On Thursday, June 26, 2008, two Ploughshares activists were arrested inside SAAB Microwave in Sweden. Using blacksmith hammers, Ulla Roder and Per Herngren started to disarm military radar at SAAB Microwave's test range at Mölndal and planted fig trees in the area around the factory.Hounded - Anti- hunt monitor harassment injunction
29-06-2008 14:34
THIS WEEK'S SchNew's FRONT PAGEUK Gov failed to assassinate Scottish inventor of fraud-proof voting system
29-06-2008 13:03
2006 Alex Weir, Scottish software developer, invented a fraud-proof voting system specially designed for 3rd world conditions (i.e. Zimbabwe, Kenya, Nigeria etc). British and Chinese Governments described system as 'dangerous'. 2007/12 British Intelligence and French Intelligence tried unsuccessfully to assassinate Weir over 5 days in Conakry, Beirut and Aleppo.Anti-Badger Cull Demo Action Report
29-06-2008 12:14
Bath Activists report from badger cull demo in Cardiff.Seven Year Ditch: Shark Fin Soup Off Hakkasan Menu
29-06-2008 10:47

Petition against any ethnic filing of the Rroms
29-06-2008 07:29

St Bonniface School Tooting
29-06-2008 05:56
The discovery of a "Rat Run" for criminals running through a local school and the lack of co operation from the school to erradicate the problem.U.S. Senate Spy Bill—Locked and Loaded to Shoot Down 1st and 4th Amendments
29-06-2008 02:35
More frequently U.S. Senators can been seen on Television reading sections of HR 6304 which they claim will protect lawful persons in the U.S. from being targeted by government wiretaps. Not mentioned by the Senators, is that THE FISA AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2008 has a low level of “probable cause” that will permit Government to wiretap U.S. phone calls, faxes and emails.New secret U.S. effort to snitch on E.U.
28-06-2008 22:56
If a recent article in the New York Times is to be believed, the Bush regime are trying their damned hardest to get their mitts on the personal data of E.U. citizens. Ideally they want your secrets before Bush leaves office. That means your browsing habits and credit card records. The EFF are already onto it, are you?Photos from the 23rd Green Fair in Sheffield
28-06-2008 22:11

Lebanon: Cleaning Up Nahr al-Bared Camp (Video)
28-06-2008 21:36
The anarchist film collective 'a-films' announces another short film from Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp in North Lebanon.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Garden chair case dropped (like a hot potato) by CPS
28-06-2008 14:59

Black Londoners in solidarity with Zim
28-06-2008 14:14
It was a complete role reversal in that those who were jamming the (radio) phones with their enthusiasm to express their views were not the anti-Zanu-PF and anti-Mugabe brigade, at least the part of the broadcast that I listened to.Imperialists slander Zimbabwe
28-06-2008 13:15
Sanctions carried out against Zimbabwe by the British, American and EU states, coupled with an internationally coordinated campaign of slander and vilification of the ruling party and the government, has isolated the country and severely crippled its economy.Calling all bloggers- Milliband Alert
28-06-2008 11:51
Some blogging action