UK Newswire Archive
Close down Guantanamo
22-01-2006 21:10
March to American Embassy to demand the release of British residents and the many forgotten people of other countries from Guantanamo BayFull article | 1 addition | 10 comments
Serious Crime Act a farce as police refuse to arrest demonstrators
22-01-2006 17:54

Reclaim Bristol Pool
22-01-2006 17:52
Bristol North Swimming Pool has been closed for three months, likely to be sold off to a private developer. On Friday, activists entered the building and are currently occupying it in protest of the loss of public space.check for updates
22-01-2006 11:49
No sign of the Nazi British People's Party in the Leeds area they claim as their 'own'.CS used in second raid on Bradford Squat
22-01-2006 11:06
Police have raided the squat on cecil avenue a second time CS gassing two of the occupants.WSF condemns EU Anti-Immigration Policies
22-01-2006 11:02

Year of the Tree
22-01-2006 10:56
The UK Permaculture Association are appealing for people to get involved in the year of the tree activitiesAcoustic night at Shearbridge Squat Bradford
22-01-2006 10:28
Acoustic night at shearbridge social centre in bradfordLiverpool Social Forum Plan Centre
22-01-2006 02:34
Liverpool Social Forum is planning to create a social centre similar to those found in other major cities across the country and around the world.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Quick notes from day 1 of video activism gathering + SUNDAY SCREENING DETAILS
22-01-2006 01:54
I thought it would be a good idea to share my initial thoughts about the first day of the video activism gathering. Firstly I'd like to get some of it down while it's fresh in my mind and secondly I need an excuse to plug sundays public screening that ends the event...Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Photos from March to US Embassy
21-01-2006 22:47

anangu people of ularu flag launching
21-01-2006 22:37
anangu flag launch.january 26th invasion daymass walk out of first nations peoples of australia to ularu in 2007
21-01-2006 22:12
first nations peoples have had enough of this man made rule of law system that is killing our people.we are calling on all 500 nations of our people to come together at ularu and unite under the one law creators law this is the law we are bound by as aboriginal people, we lived by this law before the bible and this man made rule of law system came to our shores and this thing aclled the crown or commonwealth of australia34 broadway market on eviction red alert
21-01-2006 21:58
Sheriffs have been seen checking the site on Thursday, the order of restitution has officially been granted... In other words, we are going to be chucked out soon!MPH : so where next?
21-01-2006 20:07
A meeting to consider the way ahead for campaigning for global economic justice in 2006.The “Free Market”: The Greatest Terror Of All
21-01-2006 19:52
The economic system of production we live in is called capitalism or the free market. We are supposed to be fortunate because we are free to starve to death amidst abundance. This form of social organiztion has not existed for all time and need not exist in the future. The first step in eliminating it is accepting this simple idea.Jean Charles: IPCC forwards report to police -- but not to family
21-01-2006 17:18
The "Independent" Police Complaints Commission has finished its report on the killing of J. C. de Menezes and are handing the report to the police and Crown Prosecution Service – but keeping it secret from the family.Family & friends gather Sun 22th at Stockwell Tube Station to commemorate 6 month anniversary of the killing, at 10.05 am to mark the exact time Jean was killed, and at 1 pm for a public vigil.
The Genova G8 Diaz trial - Chilean night
21-01-2006 16:07
As the first week of testimony from the British witnesses at the Genova G8 Diaz raid trial passes, despite many incursions by lawyers representing the police, Oscar Beard recounts the events of the attack in interviews with several victims.Anti Arms Trade Stall in Briggate
21-01-2006 15:46