Year of the Tree
Herby Spiral | 22.01.2006 10:56 | Culture | Ecology
The UK Permaculture Association are appealing for people to get involved in the year of the tree activities
Year of the Tree
For the 2006 'Year of the Tree' program, the Permaculture Association will provide opportunities for members and friends to increase their knowledge and skills in reference to trees and woodlands. This will relate to the uses of trees in permaculture and demonstrate the relevance of trees in both rural and urban situations.
To that end this section of the web site will be dedicated to articles, information on training and events, "how to" guides, dissemination of research findings and anything else the inclusion of which is supported by the members.
Send anything relevant, with photos where possible, to the Permaculture Association office e-mail.
So, calling all writers, teachers, course providers and those brave souls who are willing to host site tours on their plots……Write articles or adverts, schedule events, set your rates where applicable and post it. Please.
Anyone wishing to advertise silviculture tools in this section should include an article on rationale for their use or a 'how to' ……on pruning for example.
Those advertising courses and site tours can also add a piece extolling their virtues, with pictures or diagrams where possible.
Any and all feedback appreciated; if we have it wrong the sooner we know the sooner we can tweak it!
For the 2006 'Year of the Tree' program, the Permaculture Association will provide opportunities for members and friends to increase their knowledge and skills in reference to trees and woodlands. This will relate to the uses of trees in permaculture and demonstrate the relevance of trees in both rural and urban situations.
To that end this section of the web site will be dedicated to articles, information on training and events, "how to" guides, dissemination of research findings and anything else the inclusion of which is supported by the members.
Send anything relevant, with photos where possible, to the Permaculture Association office e-mail.
So, calling all writers, teachers, course providers and those brave souls who are willing to host site tours on their plots……Write articles or adverts, schedule events, set your rates where applicable and post it. Please.
Anyone wishing to advertise silviculture tools in this section should include an article on rationale for their use or a 'how to' ……on pruning for example.
Those advertising courses and site tours can also add a piece extolling their virtues, with pictures or diagrams where possible.
Any and all feedback appreciated; if we have it wrong the sooner we know the sooner we can tweak it!
Herby Spiral