UK Newswire Archive
BBC Complaint
17-10-2007 11:32
Misleading article on BBC TV news this morning (17 Oct) implied that Moseley Road Pools are under threat due to falling swimmer numbers which is not the case. Threat to baths is Birmingham city council seeking to cut back costs of leisure provision and their neglect of the baths over many years has bought about a big repair bill.Full article | 3 additions | 6 comments
BP Executive pied as Europe's largest BioFuels Event disrupted
17-10-2007 11:30
This morning a group of 15 climate change activists from protest group Food Not Fuel entered the BioFuel Expo & Conference taking place at the Newark Showground and took over the keynote speech. Oliver Mace, CEO of BP Fuels, the lead sponsors of the event recieved a cream pie in the face. Another campaigner was D-locked to the podium and various alarms were placed around the place. The hall was emptied and talks were canceled. There were no arrests.Students in Liverpool cross Royal Mail Picket Lines
17-10-2007 08:38
A temp agency in Liverpool has been employing 300 students to sort themail after workers walked out in wildcat strikes. The students have been
picked up in the town centre and driven through picket lines in Royal
Mail vans.
5,000 demonstrate against nuclear waste dumping in north Germany
17-10-2007 02:40
In north Germany more than 5,000 people (police say 2,000) took part on Saturday 13 October in a demonstration against a planned final nuclear dump in the former Schacht KONRAD iron ore mine in Salzgitter.The demo was called by an action coalition of environment groups, trade unions and initiatives.
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
tonight in Kimberly
17-10-2007 01:00
Wow, that was fun!Hopefully people will post up something more comprehensive soon, but I thought I'd kick off with my feelings about tonight's Stop the BNP action.
Campaigner in Court After Final GM Crop Trashing
16-10-2007 21:38
Campaigner Martin Shaw, 43, will be in Cambridge Magistrate's Court at 10 a.m. wednesday morning facing charges of criminal damage. He was arrested while trying to destroy a GM test crop.This was the only crop of GM potatoes being grown in the UK by chemicals giant BASF. The crop was destroyed subsequently, by persons unknown at night-time.
Press release on Government announcement on funding for psychotherapy
16-10-2007 20:56
For immediate release 16 October 2007Changing politicians' minds about changing our minds?
"Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and associated approaches are
comprehensively problematic. Primary prevention is the only way to
substantially reduce socially, economically and materially caused
distress. To be effective primary prevention must involve social rather
than cognitive change. Reducing income inequality in our society would
be one of the most effective ways to reduce psychological distress and
ill health”, says the UK Community Psychology Network.
Full press release follows / is attached.
A Hundred and Fifty Years Later and Marx Still Prevails
16-10-2007 20:23
Marx Was Right But Don’t Tell Them"Indonesian territorial integrity"'s just a bloody map
16-10-2007 19:50
An article exposing the UK Government's collusion with Indonesia in stopping the people of West Papua from voting for freedom from Indonesian colonial ruleMyanmar's “Saffron Revolution”: The Geopolitics behind the Protest Movement
16-10-2007 19:13
Burma’s “Saffron Revolution,” like the Ukraine “Orange Revolution” or the Georgia “Rose Revolution” and the various Color Revolutions instigated in recent years against strategic states surrounding Russia, is a well-orchestrated exercise in Washington-run regime change, down to the details of “hit-and-run” protests with “swarming” mobs of Buddhists in saffron, internet blogs, mobile SMS links between protest groups, well-organized protest cells which disperse and reform. CNN made the blunder during a September broadcast of mentioning the active presence of the NED behind the protests in Myanmar.HLS demo, November 10th
16-10-2007 17:29
Despite the recent government and police repression, the SHAC campaign is as strong as ever. HLS is still nearly $100 million in debt, and it is the only company in the world which does not have a bank account or insurance, both of which are instead provided by the UK government in a desperate bid to shore up this failed business.Libdems stitched by media. . . . does it matter. Odd, but "yes,a bit."
16-10-2007 16:12
Inside scam.What it means - for liberals, ex-wishy-washy types, democrats-that-MEAN-it,
but also you/us uk indymedia types.
"Told you so"s requested, with info.
cheers. . . . a lot.
Burmese Pressure Breaks UN Mould. . . . keep breaking the news blockades!
16-10-2007 15:11
Recent statements from the western media that the burmese situation is blocked by china have shown themselves as the"cold-war nostalgia" war spin they were intended as. . . .Brighton police make early morning raid against squat.
16-10-2007 14:43

Midsummer House and The Headley = Crown Group Foie Gras Target!
16-10-2007 13:47
Midsummer House Restaurant in Cambridge and The Headley Restaurant in Essex, its time to hit the Crown Group!Community Campaigners Disrupt TVEP Conference
16-10-2007 13:31

Crisis of trust in Birmingham City Council
16-10-2007 12:46

Latest agenda for Feminist Fightback conference, 20 October
16-10-2007 12:43
See below.Crassrail is already discredited- so here come jobs! spin by Crassrail Ken!
16-10-2007 12:03
'Undone mayor' Ken Egostone is risking being exposed as a serial fabricator at the expense of same of the key communities whom he first disenfranchised over 20 years ago when he abused the GLC funding programmes to bribe strategically -and contemptuously racistly selected and placed ethnic surrogates who sacrificed the long term economic, social and human rights of entire communities in return for the corrupting cash that the egotist Livingstone doled out to these colluders... Today Livingstone is embarked on a massive lying project to ensure he gets re-elected in May 2008 as the 'undone mayor'Activist Film Festival is seeking submissions
16-10-2007 11:52

on the theme of the festival: social justice and environmental action.