UK Newswire Archive
The SHORTWAVE REPORT 11/28/03 ¡Listen Globally!
28-11-2003 02:51
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, China, Spain, and nothing day spot
28-11-2003 02:43
40sec mp3 advertisement for buy nothing day on for events.
Galloway speaks in Manchester on future of anti-war movement - video
27-11-2003 23:41

Fascists and Zionists out in Force
27-11-2003 22:15
Demonstration of Marks and Spencer on 27/11/03 encounters attack from fascists and Zionists, but the struggle continues.Birthday greetings for Tom Hurndall
27-11-2003 19:40

Non violence for animal liberation
27-11-2003 19:31
Stop Primate Experiments At Cambridge but lets keep the moral high ground.James Woolsey, Neo-con, to visit Cambridge in December
27-11-2003 19:06
James Woolsey, one of the neo-con architects of the Iraq invasion, is coming to St Catz, Cambridge on 12 December to give a Lecture about the investment opportunities in the 'war' on terrorism. It is anticipated that the lecture will be extremely popularRelease all Finnish Conscientious Objectors - protest 1st December
27-11-2003 17:34
Protest at the Finnish Embassy, 38 Chesham Place, London SW1X 8HWMonday 1st December 12 – 2pm
Banners, placards and leaflets will be provided.
Come and sign a card for the Finnish CO’s currently in prison.
FrontPage mag - pseudo-intellectual right wing rag
27-11-2003 17:22
In the wake of the anarcho-socialist invasion of Miami to protest the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) meetings, it is important to understand how such events are organized.Royal Mail plans to shut at least TWO Cambridge Post Offices
27-11-2003 16:41

Tonight! Indymedia Screening in London's Soho.
27-11-2003 16:33
Indymedia Cinema@ The Other Cinema
Was Georgia a CIA coup?
27-11-2003 16:19
Was people power in Georgia in reality a CIA coup? An example of the desire of George W Bush to bring 'democracy' to the world?Thessaloniki 7: Pictures
27-11-2003 14:52
Firts pictures of the 7 ex-prisoners:
Cambridge City Council Proposes ban on Open-Air Drinking
27-11-2003 14:40
Cambridge City Council Proposes ban on Open-Air DrinkingJUSTICE FOR DETAINEES NOW!
27-11-2003 14:32
Public Rally Saturday 13 December 2003 From 1-4pm, opposite Downing Street, London.Guantanamo Bay
Belmarsh prison in the U.K...
Prisons all over the U.S...
'Me? I thought, OBE me? Up yours, I thought'
27-11-2003 12:08
An invitation to the palace to accept an New Year honour... you must be joking. Benjamin Zephaniah won't be going. Here he explains whyFighting London's New Runway
27-11-2003 12:05
London Earth First! are holding an open discussion on the plans for a new runway in the South East and how we can fight it.