James Woolsey, Neo-con, to visit Cambridge in December
Gus | 27.11.2003 19:06 | Anti-militarism | Cambridge | London
James Woolsey, one of the neo-con architects of the Iraq invasion, is coming to St Catz, Cambridge on 12 December to give a Lecture about the investment opportunities in the 'war' on terrorism. It is anticipated that the lecture will be extremely popular
This message just happened to find its way into my in-box, so I thought I should share it with people closer to Cambridge than I am.
If you want confirmation of who James Woolsey is, you can find his signature at the bottom of this famous neo-con letter from PNAC in 1998.

It's the old story of start a war, then make money out of it.
There are lots of ways into the college for people who want to have a word with this gentleman.
Now start organizing!
Subject: St Catharine's College - Lecture on the War on Terrorism
Dear Member,
The Master and Fellows of St Catharine's College would like to invite you
to the College's December lecture, which will address one of the great
discussion topics of the day, the current 'war' on terrorism. The talk is
entitled 'The long war of the 21st Century and how we must fight it' and
will be given by James Woolsey, Principal at Paladin Capital Group, a
private equity fund specialising in anti-terrorism investment projects. He
is a Member of their Homeland Security Fund Investment Committee and is
also Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton in the Global Strategic Security
division of the firm. In addition to having been Director of the CIA under
President Clinton, Mr Woolsey was US Ambassador to the Negotiations on
Conventional Armed Forces in Europe under Presidents Reagan and Bush Sr.,
and Under Secretary of the Navy for President Carter. He has also served
as General Counsel to the Senate Arms Services Committee, and worked on the
National Commission on Terrorism and the National Academies Committee on
Science and Technology for Countering Terrorism.
Mr Woolsey's talk will be of special interest to those who are in the
business of technology investments.
The lecture will be held on Friday 12 December at 11.30am in the Ramsden
Room at St Catharine's College. There will be pre-lecture drinks with the
speaker at 11.00am in the Senior Common Room (SCR). Thanks to the generous
sponsorship of Herbert Smith and Library House, there will be no charge.
It is anticipated that the lecture will be extremely popular; I therefore
ask that you reply to this email if you would like to attend. Regrettably
parking is not available in College; there are several Park and Ride
facilities around the outskirts of the City or a rather more expensive car
park in the centre of town at Lion's Yard.
With all best wishes,
Sean O'Harrow
Development Director