UK Newswire Archive
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13-10-2008 09:45

Smash EDO Press Release - Campaigners Say "Shut ITT!"
13-10-2008 09:45
13/10/2008 For immediate releaseBNP's Mozar inflicted upon Dartford BNP
13-10-2008 08:11
Lynne Mozar: the BNP is all hers, and don't you forget itAround the Campaigns Monday 13th October 2008
13-10-2008 05:08
Mustafa Abdulrahim MustafaOnline campaign to prevent the removal of Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafa, Sudanese cameraman, from the UK

Background: Mustafa Belongs to Nottingham

Palestine 60 years of Resistance
13-10-2008 00:17

United States Claims Bankrupcy!
12-10-2008 22:54
Economic Fascism and The United StatesFascism, or: The Limited Liability Corporation of The United States Of America.
We own your home!
Roberto Perez: Cuba - from collapse towards sustainability
12-10-2008 22:41

(Im)Precision of U.S Bombing and the (Under)Valuation of an Afghan Life
12-10-2008 18:58

"precision" bombs than we killed Serbs in 1999. More than 80% of Afghan
civilian deaths today caused by the US/NATO are due to close air support
attacks. They (Afghans) are only worth one-tenth of an Alaskan sea otter
rather than forty camels. We spend ten dollars on the military in
Afghanistan to pursue our geo-strategic aims and less than $1 on
reconstructing the everyday lives of Afghans devastated by thirty years of
Food Not Bombs at Freedom Not Fear
12-10-2008 18:48

Trade Unions for Asylum/Migrant Rights Meeting
12-10-2008 18:00
Trade unions can play an important role in supporting the rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrant workers. The South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG) has called an organising meeting on Monday 13th October to plan action.Freedom for the Basque Country-Public Meeting
12-10-2008 17:45
London Basque Committee invite you to this public meeting with the intention of presenting an alternative account of the political situation in the Basque Country.Jessie Baston
12-10-2008 13:17
Our sister comrade and friend Jessie Baston has died rest in peace sister, This is Sad news indeed-squat pretoriusstraat 28 in amsterdam to be evicted
12-10-2008 11:31
Those activists who have passed through Amsterdam, will know that there is a thriving squatting scene there. One of the main squats in the east of the city, Pretoriusstraat 28, will be evicted by riot cops on tuesday 14th October. After a seven year battle against speculation and the sale of social housing, state and capital have finally got their way. For the time being!On this day other Amsterdam squats will be evicted.
Dick Cheney rampages through London - Pictures.
12-10-2008 10:39

Call out for day of action: Shut Down BMI Airlines- 20th Oct
12-10-2008 09:42

Economic Fascism and The United States
12-10-2008 00:46
If I do not believe in, trust, or support the US Federal Government, my home should not be in jeopardy. The Federal Government, whenever they choose, through the IRS, will take your home if you do not support them. This confiscation of property by the Federal Government is absolutely and unequivocally wrong, and it is illegal.For the Federal Government to threaten me with stealing my home because I want them to fail, is economic FASCISM.
Let the Federal Government collect it’s taxes but to put my home in peril because of taxes - is ECONOMIC FASCISM.
I want the Federal Government to spend itself into bankruptcy and irrelevance; and it is my patriotic right as a human and and an American to have control over my money to do so.
I believe in local taxes, and local representation of those taxes; to me - the FED is DEAD.
The day a Trident Nuclear submarine pulls into port for salvage and dismantling, because the US Federal Government has no money, will be a day I open a bottle of champagne and christen my life. (I will drink it and not smash it on some battleship.)
Demonstration for Amdani Juma's right to stay, Market Sq, Nottingham : Pictures
12-10-2008 00:43

Mr. Kean and Mr. Hamilton are Invited to Participate in “A Real 9/11 Commission
12-10-2008 00:37

A May 2006 Zogby U.S. poll found that 42% of adults polled believe the U.S. government and the 9/11 Commission "concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence" that contradicts the official explanation of the attacks. 9/11 Commission chairs Kean and Hamilton were upset with their own commission.
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Stalling Tactics Win A Victory for Freedom of Expression
12-10-2008 00:20

Pix of Anti-RBS Action, London - Fri 10 Oct 08 (1 of 2)
11-10-2008 23:21

• People & Planet -


• Rising Tide -

...and some shitty-brown suited security drones.
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