UK Newswire Archive
Updated Indymedia ESF Newsblast 2
26-10-2004 12:32
Indymedia UK ESF NEWSBLAST #2This is an updated listing of some of the reports posted around the European Social Forum and the Autonomous Spaces in London, October 2004.
Dissenting Voices: from the Edinburgh Dissent! Gathering in September
26-10-2004 12:16
New audio documentary from IMC Éire. 47 minutes, 128Kbps high quality MP3 audio. 44 Mb download.Iraq's Child Prisoners
26-10-2004 10:28
A Sunday Herald investigation has discovered that coalition forces are holding more than 100 children in jails such as Abu Ghraib. Witnesses claim that the detainees – some as young as 10 – are also being subjected to rape and tortureBy Neil Mackay
eviction alert borehamwood
26-10-2004 09:51
received this email this morningStrike Action Brewing Over the Laing O’Rourke ‘Contrick’
26-10-2004 02:10
Workers employed by construction giant Laing O’Rourke are refusing the company’s new pay and conditions deal. Under the new contract or ‘contrick’ as it has been renamed by workers, pay will be halved, bonuses will be decided by management, a day off must be planned 40 days in advance and holiday pay could be cut by £20 per day for each worker. Management has told workers they will be sacked if they do not sign. Construction union UCATT has told workers to sign the contract despite there having been no ballot and no full viewing of the contract itself. The GMB union has been barred off the site, in contravention of construction industry agreements.Laing O'Rourke Workers Solidarity - Meeting
26-10-2004 00:46
Everybody welcome to the meeting below. The anti-capitalist movement in this country hasnt really made meaningful links with grassroots workers struggles since the Liverpool Dockers Dispute in 1995. Whenever workers' struggle credentials or credibility need to be proven, the Liverpool Dockers struggle, which anarchists and anit-capitalists accomapnied, is held up as a pretty much solitary example. This is a struggle which looks set to escalate and will need as much support as possible. Solidarity begins at home. Lets get on board!Bob Crow to Address Laing O'Rourke Workers Refusing Contract
25-10-2004 23:10
The General Secretary of the RMT addresses workers from the Channel Tunnel Rail Extension Link who are refusing Laing O'Rourke's 'Contrick' of a contract. Workers will elect shop stewards and re-affirm their opposition to Laing's unacceptable pay and conditions deal. The meeting is to be held in the park oppositte the worksite at lunchtime. 200 workers are expected to attendNorthern 'training skills for activists' day report
25-10-2004 22:57
in the run up to the G8, we're training people up to train others, in all sorts of skills. The first two have just happened - next one 8th November, see website for infoSouthern 'training skills for activists' day report
25-10-2004 22:54
in the run up to the G8, we're training people up to train others, in all sorts of skills. The first two have just happened - next one 8th November, see website for infoSpeeding copper who killed gets off scot-free
25-10-2004 22:04
The policeman who killed a Brookes student in November last year has been cleared of causing death by dangerous driving.UK Porton Down WMD Expert Dies In Aircrash
25-10-2004 21:42
Porton Down's commercial arm is of course Bioport, supplier of the ill-tested anthrax vaccine Cipro The anthrax attacks post-911 were with the particular Ames strain of weaponised anthrax that originates or was verified at Porton Down before being shipped back to the Merck company in New Jersey near to where the anthrax mailings were madeThe likelihood is that Porton and all the connected drug and military research units and their university outreach facilities are heavily implicated in the emerging virus and prion diseases
Human Rights Activist Angie Zelter Locked Up At Ben Gurion Airport!
25-10-2004 21:24
Angie Zelter has been labelled a 'security threat' by Israeli authorities....The CIA know what islamic terrorism "really is"
25-10-2004 21:10
"They [roots of terrorism] include the closed economic and political systems in much of the Muslim world that deny many young adults the opportunity to build better lives for themselves and, often, the political representation to voice their grievances peacefully over the lack of such opportunity."Rare bit of intel, says it all, doesn't it? The CIA/American-government know what they're doing - decieving you idots into thinking its about wacko religious freakazoids
Post ESF - IPS reports Different Paths Emerge
25-10-2004 18:23
97.5% accurate article from IPS - the internet press service:
ESF: A Tale of Two Plenary Disruptions - What's Going On with the SWP?
25-10-2004 18:05

Confused? Read on.....