UK Newswire Archive
Christianity without Christ
09-06-2007 12:19
Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) sought to introduce Christianity into Christendom when the state religion had become comfortable and indistinguishable from the world. Kierkegaard like Boff calls us to authenticity in a world of reversible cups and self-righteousness, a world of half-truths and fish stories.Postal workers countdown for strike action
09-06-2007 12:03
Workers in the CWU across the different sectors of the postal industry have given a massive vote in favour of strike action in a national ballot. The results, announced at the CWU conference in Bournemouth on Thursday 7 June, were a victory for activists, militants and the leadership. If Royal Mail does not change course then picket lines could go up within as little as ten days, on the first national postal strike in eleven years.“Police debacle in Heiligendamm” - “Demonstrators outfox police”
09-06-2007 11:57
These are the headlines on the website of the prestigious German news magazine Der Spiegel. Reuters likewise reported “Thousands of protesters successfully blocked delegates from accessing the G-8 venue at Heiligendamm on Wednesday.”ESSO Garage Blockade in West London
09-06-2007 11:56

Athens, Greece: Two anarchists and a female friend in pre-trial detention
09-06-2007 11:53
Please circulate widelyLondon picket in support of John Bowden and ABC
09-06-2007 11:21

Ten arrests at AWE Aldermaston
09-06-2007 10:38
Ten women arrested at nuclear weapons factory as bylaws to keep them away come into forceWorld’s Largest Biometric Database Gets Green Light
09-06-2007 09:40
The European Parliament has backed proposals to set up a European Visa Information System (VIS) and create the world’s largest biometric database, holding 70 million sets of fingerprints.Anti-G8 solidarity action in Seoul, South Korea
09-06-2007 06:39

My open letter to Jared Israel of TENC: on his support for the war on Lebanon
09-06-2007 05:54
Jared Israel, who i believe is a jewish american, of The Emperor Has No Clothes (TENC) website, a former leftwing activist, is not only not wearing any clothes, but is seeking the naked destruction of Hezbollah, which as we saw in the 2006 war with Lebanon, means the total destruction of that counrty,as well as the ovethrow of the current israeli government; which is called sedition. Here is my comment to his genocidical ambitions.Social Mystery
09-06-2007 05:16
The masses are considered to be moronic by political strategists and analysts of almost every persuasion and it’s easy to understand why. In full view of EXPOSED criminal governments, wholesale plunder, global exploitation, outrageous ‘salary’ contracts (hundreds of millions for corporate directors) the people, the herd, the sheep, the slaves, the ‘work force’ -- or whatever other fitting derogatory description you care to make -- sit in their socially underprivileged spaces eating ‘shit’, relatively speaking! In no way or by any stretch of the human imagination is a person who earns 100K/annum hundreds of thousands of times the inferior of a person who earns tens or hundreds of million per year – that is patently obvious YET the sheeple tolerate that inequity and much more.The JFK Pipeline Plot: Forcing the Chávez Connection
09-06-2007 04:19
Breaking: The latest terror threat has connections to latin is the US trying to find an excuse to invade Veneszuela?Video: Hugo Chavez recommends reading Thierry Meyssan’s investigations
09-06-2007 03:43
NOTE Video in link.The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, has denounced in length the CIA-organized "velvet coups" attempts around the world, including against his own government, using techniques revealed by Thierry Meyssan.
Pride is protest. Alternative Block Madrid 2007
09-06-2007 03:36
The Alternative Block invites you to take part in its critical and dissident demonstration taking place in Madrid on 30th June, coinciding with the celebration of the “Europride” march. The Alternative Block is made up of various LTGBQ groups and people organised in an assembly.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
10 Peace Women arrested
08-06-2007 22:56
10 women have been arrested from Aldermaston nuclear weapons establishment at 11.30pm this evening. New Byelaws have been brought into force prohibiting camping or fires. The women were arrested for not puting out the small camp fire.G8 - Closing march, harbour rally and prison solidarity pics
08-06-2007 22:21

During the march, their were halts when a soundsystem had to be negotiated into being able to travel with the crowd into the harbour area.
With hundreds of protesters arriving at the harbour rally, speakers began to relay their thoughts of how the actions against the G8 went - the feeling was generally jubilent with some speeches throwing up some interesting facts such as the various propaganda lies pushed by the police and printed in the press.
During the rally a large group spontaneously took to the streets marching down the road towards the prison to show solidarity with all those still detained. As they set off the police scrambled to block in and surround this group for several hours before they dispersed. A number regrouped at the prison and are awaiting more news on those still inside.
This Week In Palestine – Week 23 2007
08-06-2007 21:12