UK Newswire Archive
Alternatives instead of Corrections
22-06-2004 21:17
"Politics has actually never lost this control. The Washington Consensus is a purely political project.. With the slogan `Another World is Possible', the movement makes a far-reaching claim. It fights for a new social, economic, political and democratic order all over the world.. Alternative aims at changing the system, not at corrections within the system.." Jacques Nikonoff works with Attac France.9 Ladies campaign win in the High Court
22-06-2004 21:02
Today a High Court judge ruled that Stancliffe Stone (owned by Marshalls) do not automatically have the right to re-open the two quarries near the nine ladies stone circle on Stanton Moor in the Peak District.BRISTOL PEACE VIGIL : News and Actions
22-06-2004 20:59
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BRISTOL PEACE VIGIL NEWS
DAY OF ACTION : Two Bristol Actions On 30th June...
Independence from America at USAF Menwith Hill
22-06-2004 17:53

Green Anarchy Film Showing, Edinburgh, June 30th
22-06-2004 16:46
On Wednesday the 30th of June, 8pm, we in the Bilston Glen Collective are organizing a green anarchy film showing at the Forest Cafe, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh. The showing is a part of "Green Anarchy in the UK - Gathering of the tribes" and Re-pressed Distribution (
Livingstone back gay Jamaica vigil
22-06-2004 15:39
Mayor of London backs the vigil for murdered Jamaican activist Brian Williamson.NEITHER BLOOD NOR RAPE FOR OIL
22-06-2004 15:30
To Women Legislators of the Coalition of the Willing12 May 2004
Coming clean on rape and other sexual torture of women and girls
at the hands of US and UK armed forces or their agents in Iraq and Afghanistan
By Black Women’s Rape Action Project and Women Against Rape
Israel's Intelligence Scandal
22-06-2004 14:35
Two weeks ago, the international community made a shocking declaration.Giving in to a demand by George Bush, the "Quartet" accepted the "Revised Disengagement Plan" of Ariel Sharon. This means that the United Nations, the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States confirmed this document. I wonder if any one of the honorable diplomats has read the document with their own eyes.
Amnesty Says War on Terror increases Middle East repression
22-06-2004 12:35
They were going to "democratise the Middle East"; the war on terror, extended to Iraq, would "transform Iraq into a functioning democratic state that will inspire change in neighboring societies" . As Bush put it, "Iraqi democracy will succeed, and that success will set forth the news from Damascus to Tehran that freedom can be the future of every nation".Well, instead of Jeffersonian revolution, the Middle East is now suffering counter-revolutionary terror and repression, and it's all thanks to the "war on terror" according to Amnesty International...
Excuses, Excuses...
22-06-2004 11:54
Excuses, Excuses...I have had neither the time, nor the inclination, to blog lately. The weather is, quite literally, hellish. The heat begins very early in the morning with a blazing sun that seems unfairly close to our part of the earth. You'd think, after the sun has set, that the weather would be drastically cooler. This is not the case in Baghdad. After the sun has set, the hot sidewalks and streets emanate waves of heat for several hours, as if sighing in relief.
New York IMC publishes 51st issue
22-06-2004 07:04
The New York City Indymedia recently published the 51st issue of its biweekly paper, the Indypendent.More postal chaos for Oxford
22-06-2004 00:28
Mail backlogs growing thanks to bad managementSeptember 11 postal rubber stamp (by Latuff)
21-06-2004 22:21

Reclaim The Bases Summer Camp 2004 !
21-06-2004 22:00
D10 proudly presents the Reclaim The Bases summer camp 2004 :Skill sharing, training, workshops & tips on NVDA, anti-militarism,
military bases and legal issues with a focus on practical actions.
Londonrisingtide shuts down National Portrait Gallery
21-06-2004 21:28
Today (21/05/04) protesters gathered outside the National Portrait Gallery as it prepared to unveil this year�s winner of the BP sponsored National Portrait Awards. Four London Rising Tide activists chained themselves across the front door denying access to the exclusive event to the country�s richest & most influential culture vultures and forcing them to question their compliance to BP's actions around the world.B'HAM'S SLEEP-OUT IN SUPPORT OF DESTITUTE REFUGEES
21-06-2004 20:47

organising a uk no one is illegal network?
21-06-2004 19:14
In September, 5 people wrote a no one is illegal manifesto. They have organised a meeting in Manchester, July 24th, to bring interested groups together, discuss the manifesto and further steps. One of them could be participation and/or helping to organise a meeting of European migration related groups to take place in London in September, to coordinate for the European Social Forum. Info on the September meeting:
21-06-2004 18:45
People are questioning whether the Olympics are a 'good thing' or not...Fairy-Tale about the Upswing
21-06-2004 17:45
"A worldwide upswing of normal duration is only conceivable if demand is lasting.. Neoliberal policy lowers individual real income, increases mass unemployment and reduces mass demand.. In 2002 the US balance of payments deficit amounted to five percent of the GDP. The need for a constant influx of foreign capital is gigantic, $2.3 million a minute.." The truth will set us free but the truth is a process, not a cudgel orfairy-tale