UK Newswire Archive
We Own The Streets - Freedom of Assembly day of action 12th January
23-12-2007 12:01
At a public meeting on the 2nd December, we collectively decided it was time for a campaign for the freedom to assemble in the UK. This was in response to continued police repression and the Government's consultation 'Managing Protest around Parliament', which proposes giving the police powers to censor the content of banners and placards, and that the laws about restrictions and notifications which currently apply to marches should be extended to static demonstrations. This is what has already happened in the 'SOCPA zone' around Parliament.Let us press Turkey to stop killing villagers and destroying their homes
23-12-2007 11:15
Under the guise of fighting terrorism, Turkish war planes are bombing Kurdish villages, killing innocent villagers, and destroying their homes and possessions.France: police lies about Villiers le Bel
23-12-2007 10:02

Funding Democracy Or War?
23-12-2007 08:24
The ‘Iran Democracy Fund’ was recently awarded $60 million. There seems to be neither rhyme nor reason to this re-appropriation, especially since more than two dozen Iranian American and human rights groups appealed to Congress to eliminate the program given that the program had backfired, undermining democracy efforts in Iran and leading to wider repression of activists. It therefore begs the question why the United States would deliberately waste tax payers’ money while causing hardship on aspiring democrats in Iran? Perhaps the answer lies in the lead up to the Iraq invasion.3 Years On : Tsunami used as an opportunity by vested interests– Justice H. Sure
23-12-2007 08:11

In the concluding session of the two day people’s tribunal on the status of rehabilitation of tsunami, Justice H.Suresh stated that the tsunami relief work is used as an opportunity to exploit people. The tribunal organised by the Voices from the margins, a broad platform of organization of marginalized communities and support groups exposed many discrepancies and shortcomings in the tsunami rehabilitation after three years of the tsunami.
Open letter to Chief Constable of Sussex Police
23-12-2007 03:49

Full Text in Spanish of Mexican
23-12-2007 02:04
At the moment the group radiozapote is threatened with eviction, right at the start of the vacational period in the school - being propitious for it the decision to impose a new director of the ENAH, compatible to the interests of the director of the National Institute of Anthropology and History, Alfonso de Maria y Campos.Urgent Callout – Funds needed to continue building Fasayil primary school
23-12-2007 00:53
Brighton- Tubas Friendship an Solidarity Group is a network aiming to foster links between grassroots groups in Tubas, Palestine and Brighton, UKNew Year's Eve Peace Vigil on Salisbury Plain
23-12-2007 00:01

American quarantined for bird flu infection after trip to Pakistan, N.Y. disease
22-12-2007 22:31
The New York State Health Department — working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta — has completed an investigation of a 38-year-old male Nassau County resident who recently returned from Pakistan, where he was exposed to avian influenza, or H5N1, also known as bird flu.Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill - objection to be put to 'House of Lords
22-12-2007 20:32
On 8 January 2008, the UK Upper Chamber ['House of Lords] 'select committee' on the 'Crossrail Bill' starts receiving formal objections to the 'Bill'. That Bill has just been 'sent' there by the 'Lower House' [=] the 'House of Commons' which gave it the 'Third Reading'. Khoodeelaar! is organising a series of formal objections to be put to that ‘committee’ against the contents and the purpose of the ‘Crossrail Bill’. The background is that constitutional campaigning CAN produce results. May be not all that is wanted. But the Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail hole Bill track record shows that we have had some results. It is a matter of serious consideration whether the same outcome would have been available had we stayed inactive, silent and casual and ‘hoped’ for the part-time, media-fixated ‘faces’ occupying any number of public positions [fetching them handsome cash remuneration and other benefits] in the name of the East End to make the odd, publicity-oriented utterances…Former Italian PM: 911 Solved
22-12-2007 20:30
“All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe…know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.”Don't Say We Didn't Know-Plea From Gaza
22-12-2007 20:28
Put some pressure on the media as well. Their virtual silence is shameful.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
BNP delegation on Russian neo-nazi march
22-12-2007 20:11

international networking; these are from the Russian ultra-right's annual
big day out, when a couple of thousand neo-nazis and ultranationalists
march through Moscow on "National Unity Day" (November 5th).
Solidarity Demo with Iranian Workers & Students in London Today
22-12-2007 18:54

Merry Christmas
22-12-2007 18:07
But what is really Christmas if we cannot share a moment of peace and love with those who are close to us ?Latest US Tactic Against Iran Smacks of Desperation
22-12-2007 17:43
After the NIE report, the UN isn't going to consider any further sanctions, which China and Russia would simply veto anyway. (And which the US and Israel are only using to leverage a 'legal' justification for a war they view as inevitable, whose planning precedes both Ahmadinejad and the nuclear power program.)Russia has begun shipping fuel to the reactor site, and even if it's just the rods which are hit at this point, the resulting fire from a military attack hitting the rods and graphite would cause a regional catastrophe.
Russia has already stated that an attack on Iran will be perceived as an attack on Iran.
The word "checkmate" comes to mind, but one can never entirely dismiss the potential for sheer craziness and hubris coming from DC and Tel Aviv.
Direct Action Reports + New Prisoner
22-12-2007 17:02
Actions recently reported by Bite Back Magazine from the UK, Spain, France USA & Italy targetting: fur (7), zoolandia pet stores (2), vivisection (2), foie gras, duck farm, dairy, KFC & hunting.£16bn+ Crossrail - Taxpayers, farepayers and voter unite against fraud
22-12-2007 15:46
The fraudulent attempt to use public and farepayers monies to pay for the £16bn+ Crossrail scheme (320 schools and 32 high-end hospitals) benefitting Corporations and construction companies (US war profiteer Bechtel) is to be opposed. A variety of groups and Parliament and the Lords will be held to account for the lies (similar to Iraq) about Crossrail. No one in power is able to tell taxpayers what the scheme a scheme will cost (actual not estimated) , the burden of taxpayers, farepayers, harm and the apparent benefits. No one believes the lies in the corporate press, Livingstone, opposition or Government ...