UK Newswire Archive
Open Letter to President of Venezuela
23-02-2014 11:33

Weekend Edition February 21-23, 2014
Open Letter to President of Venezuela
Soon, the Battle for Venezuela
They are already sewing your funeral gown, Venezuela. They are now ready to welcome you back to that world of the lobotomized, destroyed nations that are fully submissive to Western political and economic interests – Indonesia, Philippines, Paraguay, Uganda, Kenya, Qatar, Bahrain, and almost the entire Eastern Europe. There are so many places like that – it is impossible to list them all.
Commentary: Shadow of Western War 'Games' Falls on Friendly Olympics
23-02-2014 09:07
In this way (together with a chemical estrogen tsunami, from GMOs to BPA in the environment) the New Order policies act against fertility, in a likely move to bring the regimentation of industrial production to bear on human reproduction, for genetic quality control. This is eugenics, an important part of the Nazi-era, Western elites' politics.As Russia's Sochi Games draw to a close, we see the smoke rising from the feared, Olympic terror attack--not in Russia but on its doorstep in Kiev, yet another regime change hotspot. This is the real danger, as an old spectre haunts Europe--and the world--anew.
North Devon Community Squat Local Pub
22-02-2014 16:53
Residence of Forchers housing estate in Barnstaple,North Devon have occupied their pub The Borough Arms which
is due to be knocked down to make way for flats
as part of a regeneration scheme.
Obey or Die - The Pathology of Organised Treason in Europe
21-02-2014 16:43
Is it legitimate to use weapons of mass destruction against the imperialist scourge when there are no means to reach into its national borders? This question is now gripping the world for many reasons. First, the signals of the last days have left no reasonable doubt that any attack that forces the Washington regime into unconditional surrender would be more legitimate than their own bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If it was successful to end the spying against the people of the world and allow them to take back their data the loss of the entire population of Unitedstates would be completely justified. That might sound hard but should have been considered by them before their regime brought the world to that point. Second, in order to pursue its terror and destruction, that regime has a number of assets outside its borders whose loss could make a significant difference in terms of human survival. Not only would their neutralisation benefit the regions they are occupying but other places as well. E. g. an attack on a hop between Washington and Kabul somewhere halfway would benefit Afghanistan, even if several of them were necessary to bring about a significant throttle. Third, the analysis of possible targets shows that their design accepts such attacks as possible scenarios and prepares for them by taking local populations hostage by means of collaboration of local regimes, and such preparations nullify any necessity to respect any cover of neutrality that would make a difference to Unitedstates territory. And fourth, the natural feedback cycle makes it that in the middle or long term imperialism is not only producing weapons of mass destruction, it is itself such a thing and therefore any approach to stop it justified by extraordinary circumstances.Water Cannon “Consultation” at London City Hall 17th Feb 2014
21-02-2014 12:37

Charges dropped against DSEi protestors
21-02-2014 10:09

On Tuesday 18 February 2014, the CPS dropped its charges against the activists arrested during the day of action against the DSEI Arms Fair on 8 September 2013. Different activists had been charged with different offences including obstruction of the highway and obstructing a police officer.
Charges dropped against campaigners who intended to put arms fair 'on trial'
21-02-2014 09:56
The Crown Prosecution Service has dropped charges against six activists arrested during a four hour blockade of London's DSEI arms fair on 8 September 2014, in which the activists blocked one entrance with their bodies using “lock-ons” and blockaded an HGV at the other entrance. The protest saw military equipment turned away in the final hours of the arms fair's set up.The True Cost of Extreme Energy in Somerset & Bristol
21-02-2014 09:02

Solidarity with NO TAV Struggle - Info Night in Bristol this Sunday
21-02-2014 08:52

Egyptian historic breakthrough with Russia, not a strategic shift yet
21-02-2014 07:13
For Egypt to look now for Russian armament and economic help means that the Egyptian – US strategic cooperation since 1979 has failed to cater for its defense needs and development aspirations.Badger cull protesters descend on Birmingham for 2 national demos!
21-02-2014 07:09

Animal lovers, wildlife enthusiasts, hunt sabs and animal rights campaigners from all corners of the UK are expected in Birmingham for a march and rally on Saturday 22nd February (tomorrow!) and a static protest outside the conference on Tuesday 25th February. There will also be an after party on Saturday.
Read on for further details of both events and please attend if you possibly can.
International call-out for antifa support/solidarity in Coulogne/Calais France.
20-02-2014 23:15
A callout for antifacists to come to Calais...Alliance Ngondiop Must Stay!
20-02-2014 20:55
Alliance Ngondiop, a Cameroon national, is currently detained in Yarl's Wood IRC and due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Monday Alliance Ngondiop, a Cameroon national, is currently detained in Yarl's Wood IRC and due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Monday on British Airways Flight BA302 to Paris and onward to Douala, Cameroon. Model letter to Jacqui Smith - application/msword 34K Model letter to British Airways - application/msword 33K Alliance Ngondiop Alliance came to UK to visit her niece. However her husband who had accompanied her had to return after 4 months because of work reasons. Alliance continued to stay on to assist her niece who had given birth to a premature baby. Whilst here, Alliance received a phone call from her husband in Cameroon to say that their toddler daughter had fallen sick and died suddenly. Her visa had expired 29.06.05 - she overstayed without being aware as it was her husband who arranged the travel from Cameroon to UK and it was her husband's niece who had control of Alliance's passport when the husband had left UK. When in late 2005, Alliance had been diagnosed with ill health; Alliance's husband became very abusive on hearing the news of the HIV. He was screaming at her for agreeing to have the HIV test without his consent. He hung up on her and when she contacted him later, insisting that he too take the HIV test, he threatened to kill her on her return to Cameroon. Alliance sought asylum at Home Office in Liverpool on 18 February 2008. Then Alliance was moved from Coventry to Nottingham pending the outcome of her asylum claim. On 6 March there was a Home Office full hearing with Solihull Home Office. A solicitor was present. When the asylum case failed, her solicitor contacted her with that information on 9th April 2008. On Wednesday 16 April her solicitor told her that she was not prepared to represent her for the appeal, as she did not feel the case was strong enough. Alliance has not been able to find a solicitor and made her appeal without representation. On Wednesday 2nd July 2008 she was at her weekly signing in Loughborough when she was detained and informed that her claim for asylum had been refused. Then she was taken to Yarl's Wood where she is now. Her husband and extended family in Cameroon have threatened to kill Alliance if she comes back to the country. In May'08, Alliance telephoned Cameroon and learnt that her estranged husband had visited her father a week earlier, and that there had been a lot of shouting and screaming between the two men. The neighbour found Alliance's father bound up and dead a few days after that visit by Alliance's husband. Home Office want to remove the Alliance because Cameroon is considered safe and her life is not considered at risk despite the fact that Alliance is HIV positive and has no family to return to in Cameroon to help her when her health fails. Her father is dead and her mother is dead. She should not be forced back to Cameroon to return to her angry and threatening husband. To return her to Cameroon now to face isolation and social rejection is a very inhumane act by the UK Home Office. Given that Alliance is getting a lot of support from her local church and also the hospital and Terence Higgins Trust. Her health issues, and that she has been a victim of abuse and rape, sending her back where she will not be able to afford the medical treatment for her conditions is going to make her quality of life back in Cameroon very bad indeed. Especially to face the lack of family support and financial means to provide accommodation and medical care for herself. Please support Alliance in her fight to stay in the UK where she has community ties. She should not be forced back to her country to suffer more abuse, stigmatization, isolation, or threats to her life by an abusive family. There is no guarantee that the police in Cameroon will protect her from abuse, given the level of corruption that exists in the police force in that country today, which human rights reports have highlighted as a major problem in Cameroon. Please take urgent action now All day to day and through the night 1) Fax/Phone/Email, Willie Walsh, BA Chief Executive Officer, using the model letter 'AllianceNgondiopBA.doc' attached, which you can copy/amend/write your own (please ensure inclusion of the details - due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Friday 11th July 2008 at 06:15hrs on British Airways Flight BA302 to Paris and onward to Douala Cameroon. Fax: 020 8759 4314 Tel: 0844 493 0787 Email: 2)Please send urgent faxes immediately to Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that Alliance Ngondiop be granted protection in the UK. Please use the attached "model letter" (AllianceNgondiopJS.doc) which you can copy/amend/write your own version (if you do so, please remember to include her HO ref: N1142109). Fax: 020 8760 3132(00 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK) Email: Please send copies of emails / faxes to campaign co-ordinator : Email: g_ tel: 078 8194 8859 Geraldine Agbor c/o ANSU UK House 96 15 Grafton Place Glasgow G1 2TE End of Bulletin: Source for this Message: ANSU UK John O e-mail: - leaflet and briefing
20-02-2014 20:55
Maybe you could ask your GP surgery to display the attached leaflet from Keep our NHS Public?
Please see above excerpts from the KONP leaflet including a draft letter to your GP to opt out.
Please encourage everyone to take an interest and OPT OUT NOW!
20-02-2014 20:55
A national day of anti-ATOS demonstrations was called for Wednesday 19th. February. ATOS were contracted, by the last Labourshite government and fully supported by this ConDem one, to bully and harass the long-term sick and disabled off their meagre benefit support and onto, the even more meagre, Job Seekers Allowance (JSA). Once on JSA they are expected to make themselves available for work or face sanctions, a situation countless hundreds of thousands of others face every week due, in no small part, to the somewhat over-eager complicity of JobCentre staff. Well now, wouldn't want to miss out on a reward voucher or two now would they.
Nottingham joined in the 'action', organised locally by Disabled People Against Cuts, DPAC., well done them. Here is one attendees account below.
Arriving outside the ATOS (so-called Healthcare) Centre on Stoney Street at 08.00, who should walk straight up to me but our dear friend PC 1033 Brown, all grins and hellos. I said to him, 'Is this all you do, ATOS demos? Fucking good job you've got, only having to come out every couple of years or so'. He grinned again. This is a reference to the demo there on 30th. September 2011 when he arrested two local activists after an entirely peaceful and fluffy occupation of the ATOS waiting area. Evidently, the staff were so terrified of a bunch of the nicest folks in wheelchairs, and their supporters, that you could ever wish to meet, it fair put them off their dirty deeds and they fled to a back room in fear of their lives. Or so they would have you believe.Anyway, I digress. There were 4 of us outside at 08.00, the designated start time, and about 24 by the time I left two hours later. One cop meat wagon with about 5/6 in it was parked across the road with an ever varying couple of them getting out to 'stretch their legs' (must think we're daft in t'head if they think we believe that) they kept saying as they wandered amongst us. Most folks there were from, or associated with, DPAC, with a few Sumaccy-types in Anonymous masks thrown in. There was a compliment of two Trots, one giving out leaflets, taking a picture for Facefuck or whatever it's called, and then pissing off quite sharpish (no stamina or commitment these Trots) and the inevitable SWP shit paper seller. Now I don't mean to imply that he was shit at selling papers, although he was, more that the paper is shit, which we all know of course. However I took advantage of the opportunity to stock up on that very useful product, (you be a veggie and you'll find out) and just in case any of you don't believe me, I can show yer the latest edition on me bum anytime you like, a sight to behold in full and glorious technicolour. Although you'll either have to be able to read it backwards or use a mirror (bring yer own).
Overall it was a quiet affair, and specifically asked to be just that by DPAC.
EDL's Casuals United Exposed
20-02-2014 18:08

Payback's a bitch..
North West Vegan Festival
20-02-2014 17:06
Until the 150+ stalls Northern Vegan Festival in Blackpool on September 13, 2014, the North West Vegan Festival in Lancaster on Saturday June 7, 2014 will be the biggest ever vegan festival in the North.Calais: Callout for demonstration on Saturday 1st of March
20-02-2014 16:22
There will be a gathering in front of Calais town hall at 14.30h onSaturday 1st March. There will be speakers followed by a march through the
town centre. This is a demonstration for freedom, dignity and respect for
all, now.
Atos Kills - Archway Demo
20-02-2014 13:39

This is my account of the one I attended at Archway, North London.