UK Newswire Archive
Nottingham City Council Postpones Victoria Pool Closure
20-03-2008 22:30

Join the Nano-Bio-Virtual-Sit-In Against War Profiteers!
20-03-2008 22:19
//please forward and help grow the SWARM!///Join the action and learn more at

We are extending the action to coincide with calls to "On M20 Shut it
Down" from Unconventional Action Chicago and March on M21 from SDS.
Demo @ Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s River Cottage shop
20-03-2008 22:07

contact details update.
20-03-2008 19:44
As many of you know there is an attempt to build the world's larghets ever, highest level virus containment facility ans animal testing lab on a Camden council estate. {Somers town}Two-day DWP strike ends
20-03-2008 19:18

'Blok R' Mass Action in Copenhagen, April 3rd
20-03-2008 19:11

Belgium Calling: Solidarity for Julian, Dhuratha and Matéo
20-03-2008 17:51

ALF raids fur farm in Ireland, again
20-03-2008 17:41

Direct Action; UK, Mexico & Germany
20-03-2008 16:39

Democrat’s New Spy Bill – Lulling Americans Into False Sense of Security
20-03-2008 16:39
The war on terror and the war on freedom are nonpartisan issues. Both Democrats and Republicans alike have consistently voted for legislation that, through the illusion of protecting our families and our homeland, have actually removed critical components of the U.S. Constitution. Will the Democrat’s new FISA Spy Bill be any different?Friends of Mohammed Isahq Ibrahimi
20-03-2008 16:31

First offenders of new anti-terror law admonished for peace protest
20-03-2008 16:06
Faslane anti-nuclear peace activists charged with offences under SOCPA discover that the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act is not so serious after all.Houseless on a Hillside
20-03-2008 15:45

The Christian Peacemaker Teams, a human rights action group based in the area telephoned the office of IMEMC (the International Middle East media Centre) in Beit Sahour near Bethlehem.
“Three houses belonging to Palestinian villagers are being destroyed by the Israeli army with bull dozers”
Palestine Today 032008
20-03-2008 15:43

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday March 20th, 2008.
Climate Camp Victory over Evening Standard
20-03-2008 15:40
The Press Complaints Commission upheld a complaint by the Camp for Climate Action, that the Evening Standards coverage of the Heathrow protests was inaccurate because it was fabricated.Cancer victim deported to Ghana dies
20-03-2008 15:18
Ama Sumani, the Ghanaian woman who was deported despite undergoing treatment for terminal cancer, has died, friends said last night. The 39-year-old mother of two died on Wednesday afternoon in Korle Bu Hospital in Accra, Ghana. Friends had told her recently that £70,000 had been raised to get her the treatment and drugs that she so desperately needed.Friends of Mohammed Isahq Ibrahimi
20-03-2008 14:58
He is currently detained in Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre and is due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Tuesday, 25th March at 20.30hr by Hamburg International Airlines 'Ethnic Charter Flight' PVT008 to Baku for onward transit on flight PVT085 to Kabul.MOVE Members Up Before The Parole Board
20-03-2008 13:14
MOVE is an organization formed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia, in 1972 by John Africa. MOVE was described by CNN as "a loose-knit, mostly black group whose members all adopted the surname Africa, advocated a 'back-to-nature' lifestyle and preached against technology."