UK Newswire Archive
Oxford Mini Lands Rights Film Festival
21-02-2005 00:04
Films, food & thought on Land Rightsat The Vaults & Gardens Organic Cafe, High St, Oxford (entrance on Radcliffe Square)
Iam a terrorist too
20-02-2005 23:22
I am a terrorist too, because I am a citizen from a state that destroy everyday, and with more strength, the basis for the survival of humans around all this beautiful planet called Earth.Grandpa Jeanmarie : Hassan and Ismaël (maintenance 4)
20-02-2005 23:04

UNISON General Secretary election nearly over - vote Jon Rogers in a big hurry
20-02-2005 22:13
There is urgency about the whole thing now, people: the postal vote for the UNISON General Secretary election closes on 28 February, which is just a week away.Conscientious Objector To Speak In Oxford
20-02-2005 21:54

Trial of the protest camp 3
20-02-2005 19:35
Trial of the Protest Camp ThreeThree activists were arrested at the Smash EDO Protest Camp last
August. They were staging a twenty four hour occupation of EDO’s roof.
20-02-2005 19:21
Israel's cabinet today voted in favour of removing occupying Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip and from parts of the West Bank. Disengagement from these Palestinian territories, which is opposed by many of the settlers, will begin on 20 July.Subvertised! "The law should protect people not property!" :: Nottingham
20-02-2005 17:58

Actually, being a piece of advertising, that has been 'Subvertised', it is a tory election poster that they thought should have said.
"The law should protect me, not burglars!"
Latest Corporate Watch now on-line
20-02-2005 16:16
Corporate Watch is an independent research group. We aim to expose the mechanisms by which corporations function and the detrimental effects they have on society and the environment. Corporate Watch newsletter comes out six times a year.Australian Freedom Ride confronts racism
20-02-2005 15:18
A Freedom Ride bus trip by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students of Sydney University has found crass racism in northern and north-western New South Wales. The trip began in Sydney on February 12 to retrace the steps of a 1965 Freedom Ride for Aboriginal rights. A participant said the experience so far had been “incredible” and that they had encountered “racism and segregation, as well as community programs and organising”.Catalan Countries' fight, forward to freedom
20-02-2005 14:56
Catalan socialist fight against capitalismWar Crimes In Fallujah: Film Showing
20-02-2005 14:15
2 short films exposing war crimes in FallujahBENEFIT CLAIMANTS ARE FACING MORE INTIMIDATION!
20-02-2005 13:02
Note the following article on Sheffield Indymedia:
The above article was the first time I've seen anything at all on this issue, there are many people here in Liverpool and elsewhere on social security benefits both in work and out of work, disabled, sick or retired. Many claimants have had the pressures put upon them, I for one have been getting letters pressuring me for months and months into accepting payment firstly into a Post Office (P.O.) card account.
Leave Our Country Now - article in Guardian by Leader of Barsa Oil Union
20-02-2005 12:59
Hello everybody, this was published in the Guardian's influentialComment page on Friday and has so far been reprinted in two newspapers
in Pakistan and one in India.
Please fwd widely! Reports and photos of Hassan's two-week trip will
follow in the next few days...

UK Contact for the Basra Oil Union
0044 7749 421 576

London Animal Action’s bank account frozen
20-02-2005 12:38

20-02-2005 12:15
20-02-2005 09:27
"Let us, collectively, free our minds, softenour hearts, comfort the wounded, put down our weapons, and reassert ourselves as human beings by putting an end to war."G8 and OILWATCH interview on Climate Summit Cop10
20-02-2005 08:33

ID Card Facial Biometrics turn your face into a 'licence plate' with CCTV
20-02-2005 02:23
In a little-noticed development, the UK Government's ID card plans include the capturing of a 'facial biometric' for every UK citizen. A video camera maps the contours of your face into a unique set of numbers, which could be used to identify people from CCTV photos, using technology already used in the London Borough of Newhamno human patents pls
20-02-2005 01:46
no not to human patentinghumane rights for all species
..a timely article in the steading fight against slavery