UK Newswire Archive
''Dangers in neglecting Africa''
28-12-2001 14:52
(YellowTimes.ORG) – As the “War on Terrorism” moves from Afghanistan to Somalia and possibly other African countries such as Sudan, it is impossible to shake off layers of skepticism that has been brought on by years of what has been (at best) a benign neglect of Africa.''Australia’s involvement in the 'War on Terrorism'''
28-12-2001 14:49
(YellowTimes.ORG) – When Australian Prime Minister John Dubya Howard publicly committed Australian troops to the US “War on Terrorism,” he found himself up to his elbows in flack from the Australian Armed Forces who were deeply upset when Howard revealed Australia’s crack Special Air Services (SAS) were being sent in to assist the Americans.'''No bill' is better than a 'bad bill'''
28-12-2001 14:47
(YellowTimes.ORG) – On Thursday, December 20, 2001, the House Republicans, in their second attempt at a Stimulus package, passed a revised bill largely along party lines on a 224-193 vote in the wee hours of the morning."Inspiration from the top: Observations on the president addressing the nation"
28-12-2001 14:45
(YellowTimes.ORG) -- Millions of Americans settle into their couches with bowls of popcorn, bags of potato chips, and diet cola. They enjoy the color pictures on the evening news report of bombs exploding in Afghanistan. Pictures of explosions are always popular in America, no matter what their meaning or origin."US troops in Afghanistan important for survival of interim administration"
28-12-2001 14:38
(YellowTimes.ORG) – In the past couple months Afghanistan has been cleansed of the oppressive Taliban regime and international troops have begun to roll into the capital of Kabul to begin a peacekeeping mission; however, although many countries have offered their support in peacekeeping Afghanistan, the United States military is needed in...german militarism after 11.september 2001
28-12-2001 12:17
germany and the old traditionsSue the British Bandits
28-12-2001 11:56

Briton injured at army checkpoint in Gaza
28-12-2001 11:37
Sarah Irving, one of thirty Britons visiting the Occupied Terriories, was detained in hospital overnight with a pelvic injury after she was pushed to the ground by an Israeli solder at a border crossing.Sue the British Bandits
28-12-2001 11:27

Open Letter to Nobel Peace Prize Winner Joseph Rotblat
28-12-2001 09:36
This letter was first published at:
28-12-2001 09:03
Common aims or themes, relative to effective resistance, against those who would degrade our lives and environment, in pursuit of profit.Paramilitarism, U.S. "Plan Colombia" intensifies war against communist rebels
28-12-2001 06:48
The ignorance about Colombian history in this article is deliberate. The U.S. "Plan Colombia" (Paramilitarism) will intensify the class war in Colombia. The Washington Post relies on its beltway network for all its information, and that makes the Post less than a real newspaper. It's a political rag, and always has been. But still an essential read -- Washington is the most powerful city in the world, and this is its newspaper. Washington's "Foreign Service Post."India/Pakistan : The dynamics of escalation
28-12-2001 03:48
Drum-beating in New Delhi suggests that just as one South Asian war is dying down, another may be starting up, writes Iffat Malik from Islamabadfear of flying
28-12-2001 01:17
Controllee Richard Reid, poor man, mugger, friend of locked up terrorist and return flight booker lit match on a plane. So ugly from his photos and so obviously terrorist. Interviewed at the airport before the flight. What crap is this?Resisting Racist Organizing- tonight on ARN
27-12-2001 22:22

Justice for the Reclaim the Streets Defendants, USA!
27-12-2001 22:22
being young and refusing to go along with the status quo is not a crime! brutal cops who attack peaceful protesters should be the ones on trial! statement from Chicago's October 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Crimilization of a Generation.@narchist Horst Fantazzini is dead in Italian Prison
27-12-2001 15:37
The Italian anarchist died in prison 24/12, Bologna.US calling up troops for gulf war mark 2?
27-12-2001 14:03
unconfirmed reports are circulating that the US is to wage war again in west asia in mid january... (bloody idiots...!)" Lock up untried child abusers," says top judge.
27-12-2001 13:51
Surprise as liberal judge advocates imprisonment without conviction. The lord chief justice, Lord Woolf, yesterday sparked a row over civil liberties when he suggested that the law could be changed to allow paedophiles not yet convicted of a crime to be locked up to protect the public.550 refugees rush Channel tunnel
27-12-2001 01:39
Some of us ate dinner two or three times..... just to get the energy to cross.This is an attack, or strike, to get public attention.