UK Newswire Archive
resistance anarchist bulletin - issue 78
08-10-2005 08:29

The struggle against Shell in Ireland
07-10-2005 22:00
Rossport Solidarity Camp speaking tour.Nottingham Venue at 7 pm on 10th November
International Community Centre 61b Mansfield Rd
Brides Without Borders - Keep Couples Together
07-10-2005 21:47
Lobby of Parliament - Monday 10th OctoberWOZA WOMEN - Women of Zimbabwe Arise
07-10-2005 21:42
A conversation with courageous activists from
Women of Zimbabwe Arise
Thursday 20 October 2005, 7pm
UGANDA: Concerns over renewed LRA attacks on civilians
07-10-2005 21:35
KAMPALA, 5 Oct 2005 (IRIN)© IRIN news Wednesday 5th October 2005Wednesday 12th October: Venezuelan "Day of Indigenous Resistance"
07-10-2005 21:01
We have two Hands Off Venezuela-related events this Wednesday 12th October:From 4pm to 6pm there is a picket of the Colombian embassy in solidarity with terrorised workers on general strike. 3 Hans Crescent (behind Harrods) SW1, nearest tube Knightsbridge.
Then from 7pm, a booksigning of "Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution" by Richard Gott plus photo exhibition of the Alberdi School in Caracas by Jason Harris, followed by Venezuelan food & music. NUJ headquarters, 308 Gray's Inn Rd WC1, nearest tube King's Cross.
Foxs stop houses being build on floodplain by Nottinghams richest man
07-10-2005 19:01

Bush's Satanic Verses
07-10-2005 18:47
Meanwhile, the BBC backs away from the story, as the people who said "Iraq has WMD!!!" deny these statements. People have a right to understand the Mania driving this relatively small band of Extremists in DC.IN A RIGHT STATE
07-10-2005 18:45
I'd call it a Hard Right State, only the People are not of that particular persuasion, only the dictatorial Regimes lording over them, placing them at risk in order to stoke fear and numb their minds, while they profit from the unspeakable, indefensible.Who Did You Torture During The War, Daddy?
07-10-2005 18:43
So much for the West being the "Good Guys" because we come from the "Civilized World". What a Xenophobic bit of the Propaganda from the Neo-Fascists creating these crises ... How shameful that none of our leaders are brave enough to do anything about them, their crimes, or the hypocrisy/plutocracy making this all possible.Launch of Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign
07-10-2005 18:22
The family and friends of Jean Charles de Menezes will be officially launching their campaign for justice at a public meeting on Monday 10th October, please see details below.Men say No to Male Violence against women
07-10-2005 16:50
Men in the UK have launched a branch of the White Ribbon Campaign. The campaign was founded in Canada, adn now operates in more than 20 countries around the world. Men wear the badge or ribbon as a reminder and pledge never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence to womenSumac Centre - October Dates Confirmed
07-10-2005 15:29

Print off and distribute!
Events include:
Colombian Activists Presentation - Mon 24th Oct
Medical Aid for Cuba Benefit - Sat 22th Oct
G8/No I.D. Benefit - Fri 28th Oct
Saving Iceland Gathering - 28th-30th Oct
Workshops, Gatherings and Meetings! ...
Morocco, more than 500 immigrants have been abandoned...
07-10-2005 15:03
In southern Morocco, more than 500 immigrants have been abandoned and left to fend for themselves after being expelled from Ceuta and Melilla07 Oct 2005 14:49:00 GMT
Source: NGO latest
MSF International
AOL Time-Warner Censors Alex Jones Websites blackout nationwide in US since 7/7 bombings
07-10-2005 15:00
AOL Time-Warner Censors Alex Jones Websites Nationwide blackout a clear attempt to shut down free speech or just an error?They were the first site to broadcast Peter Power's C4 comments about conducting 'an exercise' on 7/7 at exactly the same underground stations
First Australian farmer falls prey to GE contamination
07-10-2005 14:14

The first confirmed case of genetically engineered (GE) contamination in a field of commercial canola has struck a Victorian farmer. The incident opens up a legal mine-field for farmers and threatens Australian export markets.
Peak District - The Rise of the Machines 2
07-10-2005 14:11
The natural environment is commodified as machines are used to collect a new countryside tax from visitors to the Peak District National Park.POST HUNT BAN POLICING TARGETS ANTI-HUNT PROTESTORS NOT HUNTS
07-10-2005 13:07
After another protestor was arrested on Saturday, the Hunt SaboteursAssociation (HSA) is highlighting a concern that police forces are not
only failing to enforce the Hunting Act, but are targetting anti-hunting
activists who attend meets to monitor potential law breaking activity.
Sheffield - The Rise of the Machines 1
07-10-2005 11:56
Sheffield inchs towards Orwellian-Terminator nightmare as South Yorkshire Police announce plans for new machines in South Yorkshire.Nestle Partners Blend accredited by Fairtrade Foundation
07-10-2005 11:18
Nestle, the UK's most boycotted company, has been awarded a Fairtrade mark for its new Partners Blend coffee. Nestle is the target of a boycott over its aggressive marketing of baby foods and there are many other concerns about its business practices, not least how it treats suppliers.