UK Newswire Archive
May 17th Solidarity with Palestinian Hunger Strikers
14-05-2012 12:29
May 17th: 24 hours of hunger in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jailsCCF - on the shooting of Ansaldo Nucleare CEO Roberto Adinolfi
14-05-2012 11:42
communique from Imprisoned Members Cell of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire/FAI & revolutionary anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos from Greek prison system about the shooting of Roberto Adinolfi, CEO-magister of the nuclear energy company Ansaldo Nucleare, in Genoa (Italy) by the Olga Cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)–International Revolutionary Front (FRI)The anarchist economic alternative to globalisation
14-05-2012 11:13
An immediate question springs to mind: has an alternative society every existed, and has such a society existed for long enough to be useful to us as an alternative model to the economic model of capitalism. The answer to both these questions &endash; and this may surprise you - is YES. The most elaborate and extensive alternative economy ever created in human history existed in Spain between the years 1936-38. Estimates of the number of people involved range between 5 and 7 million; the sorts of industries that took part were both urban and rural in nature.Revolutionary politics and the failure of Occupy
14-05-2012 11:04
Over the past twenty to thirty years, there has been a tendency for activists to move away from organisations,and organisation on a class basis, and concentrate on single-issue campaigns.Trade Unionists and Unemployed Against the Programme (TUUAP, which was later to become TUF) distributed almost 100,000 leaflets in the three weeks leading up to the PESP (a social partnership programme between government and unions) through groups set up all around the country. Since then, Trade Union Fightback has had to be wound up due to lack of interest. DAIC, set up late in 1991, went on to organise pickets and rallies around the X-case, including a march of 10,000 people, and had dozens of people involved.
Damascus terror bombing: Made in the USA
14-05-2012 08:53
“Our policy is to try to accelerate the arrival of that tipping point” at which the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad is toppled, Assistant Secretary of State Jeffrey Feltman explained last March to the US Senate’s foreign relations committee.M9 REPORT - Outside South Korean Embassy in Solidarity w
14-05-2012 08:46
On May 9th. 4 London Catholic Workers were joined by 10 Swedish students on a day visit to Giuseppe Conlon House as we travelled into the South Korean Embassy. We went to the embassy to express solidarity with the people of Je Ju nonviolently resisting the destructon of their traditional lands & the construction of a new U.S. warfigting naval base.***London Solidarity Youtube (4 mins)

Disrupting the Community at the Bank of England
14-05-2012 07:38
May 12 saw a global day of action in over 380 cities. Occupy London started the day with a teach-out on the steps of St Paul’s. A buzz was in the air, spirits were high, and the sunshine bright, as James Meadway from the New Economics Foundation, NHS activist Dr. Jackie Turner, Ragnhild Freng Dale from Occupy London, Lisa Egan from Disabled People Against Cuts, John Cooper QC (Counsel for Occupy London v. Corporation of London), Sirio Canos Donnay (15M Indignados and Occupy London), and Costas Douzinas from Birkbeck University, gave talks organised by Tent City University. The crowd was 500-700 people strong, and included both old and new faces, who sat down to listen to what was said. John Cooper QC remarked that “if the sun is shining in London, it means that God is on your side”, an apt remark considering Occupy London’s complex history with the Church of England.
The Left, Labor and Occupy
14-05-2012 04:32
Barely half a year after it burst on the scene, the Occupy Wall Street movement is splintering left and right. This was inevitable in a movement that was united only in what it opposed and could never put forward a positive program, whether of reformist "demands" on the capitalist state or of revolutionary action against it. Liberals, who latched onto Occupy hoping it could pressure the Democratic Party in a more populist direction, want to expel "black bloc" anarchists. Reformist social democrats rail against "ultraleftists" in Occupy and cozy up to the labor tops. On the other side, many (but not all) anarchists oppose unions. Some are simply arrogant petty-bourgeois labor haters. Others are grappling with real problems, but with skewed analysis and dead wrong conclusions. Discussion of recent workers' struggles, from Wisconsin to West Coast longshore, underlines that the key question is leadership, but not just replacing one set of bureaucrats with another. Unions have always faced vicious anti-labor laws, but we have the power to defeat them. It is necessary to drive out the pro-capitalist bureaucracy, the labor lieutenants of capital, in order to turn the unions into instruments of revolutionary class struggle.June 11th: Solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners
13-05-2012 22:55

Bristol ABC presents an infonight/benefit evening for long-term U.S. anarchist prisoners Eric McDavid & Marie Mason. We will be sharing food, discussing the latest on Eric & Marie’s case and watching a short documentary on Jeff “Free” Luers.
6:30pm: Vegan food served (Suggested donation: £3)
7:30pm: Discussion on Eric & Marie’s case
8:00pm: Film screening of ‘The Jeff Luers Story‘ (40 mins).
British Government Admits Lyme Disease is a Bioweapon
13-05-2012 21:14
Sufferers from Lyme Disease have been denied treatment for decades, even though it is a serious disabling disease. For years some activists in the patients' movement have highlighted evidence that the denial was due to a biowarfare cover-up. Now, finally, the British government has revealed that all Lyme blood testing is to be conducted from Porton Down, our top biological warfare facility.Calais: Palestine House evicted!
13-05-2012 20:36
The last big migrant squat in Calais, known as Palestine House, was evicted Thursday 10th May. Some 50 people were thrown out in the street, though no arrests were made. People were not allowed to collect their blankets, only small bags of personal property. Some people who had applied for asylum in France were offered accommodation in hostels, some very far from Calais and in the middle of nowhere: most turned the offers down. Some of the Sudanese who were in Palestine House have moved to another Sudanese squat, the other occupiers are in the street.Protestors say NO to Boris Island!
13-05-2012 19:39

Anti-nuclear protest hits Centrica AGM
13-05-2012 16:55

On Friday 11 May, Stop Hinkley, Kick Nuclear and friends held a two dozen-strong demo outside the AGM of Centrica (owner of British Gas) at the QE2 Centre in Westminster. Recent news reports suggest that Centrica may be getting cold feet about partnering with EDF Energy in its nuclear new build projects at Hinkley Point in Somerset and other sites in England. This protest aimed to reinforce the message to shareholders and investors that nuclear power is a risky gamble.
Photogallery: Palestinian prisoners' struggle
13-05-2012 16:43

12M at Bank of England Pics
13-05-2012 14:55

People reached the Royal Exchange at about 4pm. There was a Metropolitan police presence at all points along the route, some attempts to contain the demonstration and what at times appeared to be unreasonable force, including batons being drawn.
Later the police moved in against the assembly and made numerous violent arrests - pics to follow.
Anti Opencast Coal Meeting Derbyshire
13-05-2012 13:31
Anti opencast meetingStadium for Cornwall? Will Cornwall Council now fund it?
13-05-2012 12:45
Any Other Business? Shall we give £10 million to a private company?Why Are Forests Dying?
13-05-2012 05:17

Big Flop Productions..
13-05-2012 00:55

Zero tolerance on Lewes Road Brighton??
12-05-2012 23:49
This is weird - just heard today about two mates who both had (separate) overly thorough searches on Lewes Road in Brighton. Thought it's worth posting to see if anyone else had the same experience or has a view on the leaglity of the searches. Seems to go beyond the normal definition of a stop and search.