UK Newswire Archive
S21:Stuttgart - Rebellion and calls for a new kind of governance
25-10-2010 20:06
S21: The intended demolition of a beloved railway station and the uprooting of ancient park trees has led to a rebellion and calls for a new kind of governance.Venezuela: Achieving big things in small spaces ...
25-10-2010 17:39
This strategy should also include the relentless struggle against the patentability of plants, animals and even ancestral knowledge, as determined by Article 124 of our Constitution.SHAC Second Trial sentences - could have been a hell of a lot worse
25-10-2010 17:24
Today 6 activists who had plead guilty to either Conspiricy to Blackmail HLS or Conspiricy to interfere with a contractual relationship of an animal research company (SOCPA 145). Were sentencedIsraeli military training aircraft at Glasgow Airport
25-10-2010 17:23
Three Raytheon T-6 trainer aircraft are currently resting at Glasgow airport after a journey from Iceland.
"Give me a home" Art sale and auction
25-10-2010 15:22
Buy art off the walls or book a place at a charity auction to raise money for homeless children and young people in Bristol and South Glos.Independent People are hosting “Give me a home” - a Charity Art Event to raise money to improve services for the hundreds of homeless children and young people we support in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Artists from all over the country have donated originals and limited editions for us to sell, including sculptures and glasswork. Perfect timing for picking an extra special Christmas present or just treating yourself.
How to get your hands on some great art while helping us to raise much needed cash...
1. Have a look through the preview catalogue attached - if you spot something you like - book a place at the auction on Friday November 19th 7pm at St. Werburghs Community Centre (limited places - to book call Pilar 0117 317 8800 or reply to this email)
2. Visit The Farm Pub, Hopetoun Rd, St Werburghs between October 22nd - November 18th where you will be able to buy original and limited edition art straight off the walls and view the pieces that are reserved for auction. Come and support us and walk away with a bargain!
Also on Friday November 19th from 7pm we’ll be having an “End of exhibition” party at The Farm (hopefully we will have sold all the art by then!) - so if you can’t make it to the auction, come along and help us say thanks to the artists and buyers with mulled wine, live bands/DJ’s and silly costume portrait photography.
Please forward this on to your friends, family and anyone you know who likes art and giving.
25 talks, workshops etc @ Vegan Festival this Saturday
25-10-2010 15:13

See a full list below or on our website.

BHP Billiton: new chair, same old story
25-10-2010 15:12
The worlds biggest mining company and Climate Change.British mercenaries not welcome in Switzerland
25-10-2010 14:47

Bookfair Audio: 'Cameron's Cuts'
25-10-2010 14:22
Paul Mason, Hillel Ticktin and Endnotes debate: ‘Will Cameron’s Cuts lead to working-class defeat or to a new anti-capitalist movement?’ (Paul Mason’s writings can be found at his blog at and Ticktin and Endnotes articles are at
SATURDAY 23 OCTOBER 2010 28th Anarchist Bookfair
No Apologies
25-10-2010 14:22
show of power by mounted &dog section at cuts demo, but was it really necessary?For all you that view bristolindymedia and run to champion the police, NO APOLOGIES,Please pass on this message to them:(we know the monitors will remove this) The old pig on the hor se with the spec's and white hair, we will "take him out" one way or another!
2nd open public meeting for inner city garden space
25-10-2010 13:22
come join usthe first meeting last thursday night wich was held at the Free Shop went well , 16 people attended , ideas were discussed , a mailing list has been created , myself and Sy have measured the chosen site , listed all the seeds that we allready have in stock and taken photos of the area wich we plan to put together as a panoramic shot + took photos of some awesom chairs totally made from recycled car tyres, they be very comfy.
Hope to see you at this next meeting
2nd meeting is at 6pm wednesday 27th October in the Smiling Chair aka Radical Library located opposite Free Shop on Stokes Croft..
maybe there'll be some free cake maybe
Smash EDO: Halloween noise demo this Wednesday!
25-10-2010 12:40
This is just a short reminder that this Wednesday (the 27th of October) Smash EDO are holding the yearly HALLOWEEN NOISE DEMO between 4-6 outside the factory on Home Farm Road. Come dressed in your scariest Halloween mask and be ready to spook them out!Anti-nuclear demo ahoy!
25-10-2010 11:23
Stop Hinkley C. Boycott EDF.After the National Stop Nuclear Power Network Gathering, which was held in Bristol this weekend, participants headed for Harbourside and took their message to the water.
The Gathering shared information on government and corporate plans for new nuclear power stations across the country and discussed present and future resistance to these plans. It was a place for many different groups and individuals with an interest in resisting nuclear power to come together and network. Hopefully, there'll be a fuller report from the meeting soon.
In the meantime, here are a few pictures of yesterday's watery action. Let's have a flotilla next time!
The Afghan peace talks and the “war on terror”
25-10-2010 11:17
US and NATO officials revealed earlier this month that they are facilitating talks between senior Taliban leaders and the Afghan government of Hamid Karzai—a regime that Washington and its allies have sustained in power through a nine-year-long counter-insurgency war.Legal challenge to ban on gay marriage & straight civil partnerships
25-10-2010 10:59
Legal challenge to ban on gay marriage & straight civil partnerships
Gay couples will file applications for civil marriages
Heterosexual couples will apply for civil partnerships
Legal bid to end sexual orientation discrimination
Video of EDL demo in London outside Israeli embassy
25-10-2010 10:39
About 250 EDL supporters held a rally outside the Israeli embassy in Kensington High Street on Sunday the 24th of October. They were met by about 100 counter demonstrators mostly pro Palestinian supporters. The police managed to keep the two groups apart. There was some trouble though when one guy from the counter demonstration tried to disable the EDL sound system, a big crowd chased him off but they were soon pushed back by police.Against Anti-Semitism and foreshortened analysis of the Middle East conflict
25-10-2010 09:59
There is no easy way outSober Living for the Revolution Talk: 25.10.10. Brighton
25-10-2010 07:59
Gabriel Kuhn will be doing a free talk at The Cowley Club (brighton) about his new book ‘Sober Living for the Revolution’ at 7pm on Monday 25th October 2010.
Help us boycott retailers that support the spending cuts
25-10-2010 06:48
Fair trade begins at home. Retailers who signed a letter to the Telegraph last week in support of Osborne's spending cuts have vested interests and no plans for job generation or economic growth.The Impending Cuts and Sell Offs
25-10-2010 02:25
The Spending Review is reviled for its cuts. But who has noticed the asset sales that are being sidled through.