UK Newswire Archive
Earth First! activists occupy EBRD in protest against the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline
23-01-2003 14:43
One more landmark in the journey towards the abandonment of the pipeline...TURKEY: Conscientious objector Mehmet Bal arrested again
23-01-2003 14:08

Russian court frees ecologist Pasko
23-01-2003 12:42
Military journalist Grigory Pasko, jailed on charges of espionage for alleging that Russia's navy dumped nuclear waste at sea, was freed by a Russian court on Thursday and vowed to clear his name.New head of 9-11 investigation is linked to Bin Ladin family!
23-01-2003 11:11
Do they think we are f***ing stupid?!?Global day of action in support of imprisoned refugees & asylum seekers - 18
23-01-2003 09:31
Last year there was a massive demonstration at the Woomera Immigration Detention Facility in Australia, where the fences were ripped down and some refugees escaped. In the spirit of those actions, there is a convergence on Baxter Immigration Detention Facility (also in Australia) over the Easter weekend, 18-21 April 2003.Scott Ritter Framed? A couple of articles
23-01-2003 09:04
Ritter's interview with WRGB-TV (see link at bottom) is a not so subtle hint to reporters that they should dig, as the story is here, and the seal of cort record prevents him to fully speak [hand hold for reporters]Michel Chossudovsky: The 911 Commission, War And The Criminal State // AUDIO MP3
23-01-2003 06:22
Guns And Butter Radio: Michel Chossudovsky Interview: “The 911 Commission, War And The Criminal State”; mp3 filesPartners in crime against humanity - Saddams arms suppliers.
23-01-2003 00:58
Paula Abood writes: 'Remember when you read vague stuff about the US government 'editing' bits from Iraq's declaration? Here they are, courtesy of Berlin daily newspaper Die Tageszeitung, No. 6934, 19 Dec 2002, page 3, "Exclusive: The Secret List of Arms Suppliers - Saddam's Business partners" (taz, in German):Google News Search: anti war: Brings-Up 13,000 To 17,000 News Articles
22-01-2003 22:46
Google News Search "anti war" brings up between 13,000 and 17,000 News articles re anti war efforts. Below is the first page. Note: The articles constantly change, and come from around the country and world.Http://
22-01-2003 21:11
ROCK AGAINST THE WAR! : MEGA CONCERT !!!Reclaim The Future 2 - Party and Event
22-01-2003 20:17
RECLAIM THE FUTURE 2Saturday 01/02/03
All day event in a self-organised space in London.
For venue details please ring 07931560569 or check IMC-UK fron noon 1st Feb.
Workshops, cabaret, comedy, political cinema, and cafe by Vegan Cannibals & London Kitchen from 3pm. Kids' space in afternoon. Party from 8pm.
£2 in afternoon - £5 / £3 after 7pm
Kind old U S of A....
22-01-2003 19:55
How kind of Georgie-boy to promise to do such a nice you can see it has alreasy been decided who gets to rule the oil-industry after the war (and that is the war that Britain is not going to join, even if 1/4 of their army goes to the gulf...)Ex council officer cons residents
22-01-2003 18:13
Local traders face being priced out of buying their shops after former Hackney Council officer ruined chances of local traders to buy their shops while aiding a developer to acquire properties at knock-down sums.A Message from the Powerless to the Powerful
22-01-2003 17:16
What's the point of these protests? Bush and the ruling elites have the power to do whatever the hell they want and we are powerless to stop them. Right?US led attack set for Feb - Russia's Interfax News
22-01-2003 16:29
Although most folks kinda know its gonna happen sooner or later...the article below gives a few details...Wake up world Zimbabwe is dying!
22-01-2003 15:57
In Zimbabwe today more than half the population are starving! There is state hijcking of food aid. State prevention of food production. Unemployment of over 70 per cent. Inflation out of control - 200% and rising! Stae approved murder and torture. The press has been muzzled and the judiciary subverted with some judges jailed.ISRAEL: Update on 12 imprisoned conscientious objectors and refuseniks.
22-01-2003 15:21