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Ex Grand Banks evicted!

25-08-2004 07:40

Eviction in progress at Ex Grand Bank Occupied Social Centre.

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review of venezuela week of solidarity

25-08-2004 04:07

outside the US embassy on sunday
review of the solidarity actions in london earlier this month, in the lead-up to the referendum in venezuela, which the bolivarians overwhelmingly won. uhh! ehh! chávez no se fue!

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Hungary: Action Required: NO to Council Software Patent Agreement

25-08-2004 00:07

Hungarian Council wants to patent sofware. All Hungarian IT associations are against the proposal. Action is required to write all EU MEPs to stop software patent directives.

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Rock Around The Blockade Press Release, Scotland. Monday 23rd August 2004

24-08-2004 23:23

On Sunday 15th August the people of Venezuela went to the polls to voice their support for President Hugo Chavez. They were determined to say to the wealthy elites of their own country and of the United States that it is they, the people, who will decide who runs the country.

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Bournbrook Nursery Social Centre, Birmingham!!

24-08-2004 22:32

Bournbrook nursery social cente in birmingham is a place where a dynamic group of people are working to create a space for the local community and a resource centre for activists, the building occupied is a beutifull abandoned nursery which is being tranformed into a useable space for the whole family

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The Stop CATerkiller campaign continues: Action and Court Report

24-08-2004 22:09

We're continuing to take the campaign to CAT, and not going to let any amount of police repression stop us. Everyone and anyone is welcome to join us in the fight to get CATerkiller out of Palestine - just e-mail us at the address below. Below are links to info on CAT and our past actions.

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New bulletin of the Basque Observatory of Human Rights-Behatokia

24-08-2004 16:24

The new Basque Observatory for Human Rights bulletin is avalaible in our web page, at

PDF version of the bulletin in english:

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200 Birds: The First Victims of Dimona's Nuclear Reactor

24-08-2004 14:52

GAZA, August 24, 2004 (IPC + Al Bayan) -- Israeli environmental officials declared that about 200 migrating birds between Africa and Europe died when they stopped near the Israeli nuclear reactor Dimona.

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grownupgreen website is launched

24-08-2004 14:31

grownupgreen is a new website aimed at communicating sustainability.

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Int'l Animal Rights Gathering update

24-08-2004 14:31

International Animal Rights Gathering 2004
Tonbridge, Kent 3rd-6th September

Hi all
For those planning to come to the 2004 gathering, can you please read the following update.

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Democs (DEliberative Meeting Of Citizens)

24-08-2004 14:31

The New Economics Foundation (nef) is an independent think-and-do tank that promotes innovative solutions to economic, environmental and social issues. Nef has developed an exciting new approach to grass-roots democracy, called Democs (DEliberative Meeting Of Citizens). It is a card game and structured discussion to involve people in public policy issues. Democs can be used to help people take part in democracy and help them reach a better understanding of different opinions on contentious issues.

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New Mersey Crossing

24-08-2004 14:06

There can be little doubt that the current Runcorn - Widnes bridge is in a shocking state. However, is it really feasible to have two crossings?

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Monad Squat – new radical project for social change - looking for people

24-08-2004 14:03

Of course which is not new and even still not a project…
Project which will be opened soon (hopefully this week) will look for people interested in:
- squatting
- getting involved in the project happening inside
- helping out (incl. staying overnights/throug the day)

Anyone interested call 0789 739 2160

And check more details at

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24-08-2004 14:01

Anata Village
Demolished Home Rebuilt in Anata Village

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Crisis meeting at Pavilion Housing Association

24-08-2004 13:51

Following a damning report on Pavilion Housing Association and their chief executive being hauled before a committee of Rushmoor Borough Council, he tried to pull a fast one by inviting the councillors for a meeting at his place. It did not go quite as he had planned.

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Defend Naseh Ghafor the struggle goes on

24-08-2004 12:30

Defend Naseh Ghafor the struggle goes on

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Now in Manila’s (Philippines) busiest city highway EDSA (site of 1986 People’s P

24-08-2004 12:17

Pictures at EDSA
The hunger strike of Ernest Barraquias Jr. is to press the top officials of the law-enforcement agencies of the Philippines to conduct investigations on several kid-slay attempts on him. Suspects include members of the Philippine National Police & the National Bureau of Investigation. Although there was a ransom demand on the last abduction attempt on him, the attempts to kidnap-slay him is believed to be related to his coming out in the open and exposing the activities of a big drug syndicate that used his company’s legitimate operations to distribute confiscated drugs back to the market. He & his nephew-dependent Richswaze were held virtual hostages in the last 3 years.

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Homelessness will be on the increase!

24-08-2004 12:00

Private landlords are now hiking up the rents of their sub standard properties to extortionate levels because they know that councils and RSL's can not cope with the demands of the large influx of young low waged working class families who can not afford to obtain a mortgage anymore. Also take a look at the Echo article link at the foot of the posting.

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A Doctors dilema

24-08-2004 10:16

Non-invasive Foetal Heart Monitoring, should I use this technology.

Please read the following paper and then help me decide if I should use it.

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Australian Feds Persecute British born Aus Family with 2yr old Baby

24-08-2004 07:29

PHILIP RUDOCK MP Australian Federal Attorney General allows TORTURE of British born AUS FAMILY WITH BABY 4YRS ONGOING FEDERAL PSYCOLOGICAL TORTURE HUGE TEAM 40 PLUS NASTY FEDS ENCAMPED AROUND FAMILY unit .Indymedia AUS being hacked by Feds stop truth getting out ,Feds cut ph 20/8/04 telstra case no 112673769.print now please. incoming calls mob ph land ph email .indy comments replies in FEDS Control . Evil prevails when good people do nothing . please help us!