UK Newswire Archive
RnB fest mini-report
30-09-2007 22:32
Quick thanks and personal heads up from last nights festival, full report with pics on the wayTwo attempted immigration raids in Glasgow
30-09-2007 22:09

burmese solidarity march today
30-09-2007 22:08

Peace March for Burma in London
30-09-2007 22:04

Wrexham Peace & Justice News out now
30-09-2007 21:47

Issue 22 is out now. Read it online.
Amerika Uber Alles -- Our Nazi Nation
30-09-2007 21:45
Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, develops the disturbing thesis that we have indeed become the new Nazis. Readers will be surprised both by who helped him form idea and who, ultimately, is behind our Nazification.Peace Strike speeches from 29th September
30-09-2007 20:55

Craig Murray address to Scottish students
30-09-2007 18:29
Posted because although his blog is down, the former ambassador is still fighting. Sentiments like this can be found in between his (necessarily) specific address to Dundee students:"One appalling development in modern politics is the death of heckling.
Nowadays politicians deliver their sound-bites to a pathetically complacent and complicit media, in front of a carefully selected and vetted audience of the faithful. Just try getting close enough to a politician to heckle them. I mean that literally – please do try."
No Borders south wales- upcoming activities in Cardiff
30-09-2007 18:23
With inspiration from the recent uk no borders camp, south wales activists make some plans...Arrested for swearing- pics of the infamous arrest at no borders camp
30-09-2007 18:05

Raw News Raw Rap
30-09-2007 16:13
Read the raw news on the `Bread and Butter` issues that matter to activists.AFRICOM: Wrong for Liberia, Disastrous for Africa
30-09-2007 15:36
by Ezekiel Pajibo and Emira Woods | July 26, 2007Injured Burmese Protesters Cremated Alive; I Hate All Iranians: US official
30-09-2007 15:14
Warning: Graphic MaterialMahalla strikers score victory
30-09-2007 15:03

Democrats were Charged to End a War, Not Start One
30-09-2007 14:32
I'm beginning to understand the role of electronic vote (rigging) machines used in the last election. A Republican win would have been unbelievable, so these machines were used to install "friendly" Democrats (members of the RepubliCrat Party) to the halls of power, ensuring nothing would change, and that this Madness could expand.The day before the election, CNN ran a priceless report, saying that E-Voting was provably 'unreliable', but that 76% of Districts were using the machines anyway. Then they cut back to the anchors, who paused for a moment, looking defeated, then basically said, "Oh, well" ...
Israel and the USA Plotting to Attack Iran
30-09-2007 14:30
Wonder if the "news" media will ever report the story ...Tesco Campaign Off to a Great Start!
30-09-2007 14:18
Over 200 people attended a meeting on Thursday 27th of September at St. Philips Church on Mill Road, to express their displeasure at the prospect of Tesco's landing in the middle of their community.Stop the War Demo at Council House in Market Square, Nottingham
30-09-2007 12:46

China against India: global competition, outsourcing, technology, leadership job
30-09-2007 12:46
which nation is going to lead in this century, China, India, or America? What takes to get ahead in borderless finance, wealth, investment, jobs, competition, entrepreneurship?