UK Newswire Archive
Zionists organizing a pro war demo at Israeli embassy Wednesday 7th
07-01-2009 00:24
Guess who's going to be trying to hold a demo outside the Israeli embassy just half an hour after the daily emergency anti-war protest? Yes the UK Zionist Federation is mobilizing a pro-war demo in support of the Israeli attacks on gaza....An all new show on Riseup Radio
06-01-2009 23:44
bringing you the latest news on student activism in Nottingham and playing music from student bands.Another greyhound fatally injured at Peterborough
06-01-2009 23:32

Molten Lead
06-01-2009 23:31

JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT, Aljazeera’s Arabic channel was reporting on events in Gaza. Suddenly the camera was pointing upwards towards the dark sky. The screen was pitch black. Nothing could be seen, but there was a sound to be heard: the noise of airplanes, a frightening, a terrifying droning.
The BBC: Eyeless in Gaza
06-01-2009 23:15
Here's a very good article about how the BBC's one sided reporting in Gaza where it refers to the ongoing massacre as "The clashes" shame on these jerk off journalists !!!The BBC's offices and studio's are a good alternative to the Israeli embassy for anti Israeli Demonstrations.
Prominent US Activist Admits He Infiltrated RNC Protest Groups as FBI Informant
06-01-2009 23:04
Following is the transcript of an item from todays Democracy Now, the audio for the show can be found here:

U.S. Backed Invasion by Israel: Stop the Israeli Massacre in Gaza!
06-01-2009 22:19
Shortly after darkness fell on Saturday night, January 3, Israel launched a massive land invasion of Gaza involving 9,000-10,000 soldiers, tanks, helicopters, and heavy artillery, engineering and intelligence forces, with the support of Israel’s Air Force, navy, and secret police and spy agencies. The ground invasion came after Israel, for the first time, unleashed an artillery barrage on Gaza, striking a mosque and killing at least 11 people. By the next day, Israeli forces had reportedly cut Gaza in half, “bisecting” it between north and south.
UN school attacked by IDF - Interview with Alberto Arce
06-01-2009 22:15
To listen to the recorded Interview use this link:
Direct Action; Spain, Sweden, Mexico & UK
06-01-2009 22:01

Jabalia - 4th Jan 6pm - 5th Jan 5pm
06-01-2009 20:43
The Interview with Alberto about the attack on the Al Awda hospital can be heard here:
This article has been censored two times on indymedia germany...
Thank you for giving us asylum.
Bloody day in Gaza: 82 killed in 24 hours Date: 06 / 01 / 2009 Time: 21:45
06-01-2009 20:21

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, more than 640 have been killed over eleven days of Israeli attacks on Gaza. More than 2,850 have been killed.
The Crime of the Zionists and the Transnational Elite and the Stand of the Left
06-01-2009 19:54
It is, therefore, obvious that the crimes of the Zionists will never be forgiven and forgotten by the peoples of the world in general and the Arab peoples in particular, unless the Jews in Israel and their communities abroad begin a systematic campaign to overthrow this criminal regime and its ideology and replace it with a multicultural regime for all the peoples of Palestine as the first step towards the creation of a confederal Inclusive Democracy there, i.e. a genuine democracy involving the equal distribution of power among all citizens.Images from the Gaza solidarity demo, 03.01.09
06-01-2009 19:52

The day commenced with a march from Embankment through Westminster to Trafalgar Square.
Later in the evening there was a larger, more aggressive demo outside the Israeli Embassy near High Street Kensington.
Resistance against the War in Israel
06-01-2009 19:12

National Gaza demo in pictures.
06-01-2009 18:17

Saturdays demo was very loud and angry. The Police, following their usual government agenda, said that a mere 10,000 were in attendance. Meanwhile the Stop the War Coalition doubled the figures to 50,000. Both faction should be congratulated for their consistency if nothing else.
After the demo a march heading for the embassy was stopped by Police in an underpass while several thousand others made their way there by tube.
Massacre: 42 killed by Israeli shelling at UN school in Jabaliya Refugee Camp
06-01-2009 17:37
Updated 18:07Gaza – Ma’an – Israeli forces killed at least 42 Palestinians at a UN school that was sheltering displaced people in Jabaliya Refugee Camp in the northern Gaza Strip late on Tuesday afternoon, medical officials confirmed to Ma’an.
According to initial reports, the school was destroyed, collapsing on top of Palestinians who took shelter inside from the intense bombardment by Israeli air and ground forces.
Unconventional Weapons against the People of Gaza
06-01-2009 17:25

Policing of Palestine demo 'like Hillsborough'
06-01-2009 16:33
Anger over the policing of last Saturday's Palestinian solidarity demonstration in London continued today, with activists saying the police were "asking for another Hillsborough disaster".