UK Newswire Archive
Grosvenor Square / Reclaim the Bases
05-04-2003 19:34
Anti-war protesters on the marchThe Handmaid's Tale Proceeding on Schedule!
05-04-2003 19:29
My fellow Canadian, Margaret Atwood, could not have predicted what we're now going through more accurately.War Crimes - Interviews available
05-04-2003 19:26
* Aggressive War * U.N. Charter * Geneva Conventions * Water, Electricity and Food.Is a biased Media complicit and liable ?
Send this item to your local media.
The democracy we bomb to you
05-04-2003 18:43

Photos - N. Ireland Activists Reclaim the Bases
05-04-2003 18:34

Britain admits there may be no WMD's in Iraq
05-04-2003 18:26
British Home Secretary David Blunkett made the startling admission in a radio interview on BBC. The cracks are beginning to appear.Pictures from Reclaim The Bases, Fylingdales
05-04-2003 17:55

Los sueños no se desalojan/hip hop piquetero
05-04-2003 17:17

Reclaim the bases UK- day 1 round up
05-04-2003 17:10
Reclaim the bases-Naval HQ in Portsmouth closed
Police stage imaginary march at USAF Fairford
Weapons inspectors denied access at Devonport
RAF Stafford reclaimed.
Action at Fylingdales US Space Command. More actions tomorrow.
Timeline of Events - US Embassy Demo, London, Sat 5th April
05-04-2003 15:44
Timeline of London No-war-demo at the US embassy. Saturday April 5th.asylum and human news in Iraq
05-04-2003 14:54
The IFIR Emergency Unit on Iraqi Refugees headed by Farshad Hoseini has issued 15 press releases to date. Here is a summary of the first 13 press releases
teleytaia anakoinvsh ths S.O. tou Athens Indy
05-04-2003 14:11
O server xanasthnetai apo thn arxh me allo leitourgiko (systhma FreeBSD anti gia Linux pou etrexe mexri twra). Aurio Kyriakh (ektos aprooptou) tha arxisei na leitoyrgoyn kai pali ta tria indymedia.US-Troops ready for massacre in Bagdad!!
05-04-2003 13:46
A U.S. Marine commander said on Saturday American troops would use overwhelming force to crush any resistance if ordered to storm Baghdad and that the battle would cost many civilian lives.New Police "Powers" at Fairford!
05-04-2003 13:36
Police invent new 'public safety' powers to harrass PeaceWatch camp at Gate 10.Emperor coming to Belfast to meet slave leaders
05-04-2003 11:30
phone conversation about master-slave relationshipWhat people say about the war
05-04-2003 10:46
What people are saying about the war, translated from