UK Newswire Archive
The IMF and the World Bank: Disaster as a Natural Law
02-05-2004 15:18
"With `TINA-There is no Alternative', British prime minister Margaret Thatcher stylized worldwide free trade as a natural law. The IMF and the World Bank were the new institutions that forced these concepts on reluctant poor countries dependent on credits and donations.. In the course of the years, the good ideas and intentions that undergirded the establishment of the IMF and the World Bank changed.."Pix of Mayday March, Sat 1 May 04 - Set 4 of 5
02-05-2004 15:16

Pix of Mayday March, Sat 1 May 04 - Set 5 of 5
02-05-2004 15:09

Dublin Mayday grassroots march photo gallery
02-05-2004 13:51
A large crowd marched in from the center of Dublin to Phoenix Park where the EU heads of state were having their party.Justice For Tenants - Fighting for working class people in Liverpool!
02-05-2004 13:48
A tenants' direct action campaign group!The tenants in Liverpool and Merseyside are sick of the injustices. The councillors whether they're Labour or Liberal-Democrat simply don't care about throwing us out into the private sector they're not tenants themselves! Councillors are giving away our land, our homes, our streets, our neighbourhoods and our communities for 'FREE' to undemocratic and unaccountable private landlords it is 'our' public property not for them to give away through rigged ballots or no ballots at all.
Action Call: resist big oil, J15-J21
02-05-2004 13:25
An Exhibition of Resistance to BP and Big OilJune 15th-21st 2004
To celebrate the beginning of the end of BP's sponsorship of the
National Portrait Award, come and help us put together An Exhibition
of Resistance to BP and Big Oil, from June 15th-21st 2004.
Report of Edinburgh May Day march and rally May 1st 2004
02-05-2004 12:48

Palestine: Film screening, speakers, discussion. 7.30pm May 9.
02-05-2004 09:29

US deserters claim refugee status in Canada, 30 years on...
02-05-2004 07:22
I wonder how many refugees there are here from Greece? conscripts fleeing conscription.During Nam Sweden was a big haven for several thousand (i think) Yank conscripts.
Two American soldiers have deserted, claiming asylum in Canada rather than serve in Iraq. They argue that the war is illegal under international law
Vancovuer Canada May Day March Photos
02-05-2004 00:47

Oxford Teach-In on the Kurdish Crisis in Iraq and Turkey
02-05-2004 00:14
this is a workshop u might consider going to. it should be very interesting as it is organised by a kurdish university student who was expelled by turkey 3 years ago for having signed a petition in favour of the kurdish people ( at least according to him ).Security Forces Versus Picnic Mob Video
01-05-2004 23:47

BRISTOL Stop-The-War SPECIAL : 1st May 2004
01-05-2004 22:58
More PUBLICITY For REGIONAL EVENTS (See Section 1)Hello. The main monthly newsletter will be out on the 12th May, and will be our first fully Regional newsletter. You do not need to be affiliated to STW to be publicised by Bristol STW, so please *do* send us details of your anti-war and related events.
Dublin: Reclaim the City
01-05-2004 20:49

In the afternoon protesters whose numbers had swelled to over 1000 went on to reclaim space in the city. A private park in the the centre of the town was opened and occupied.
Heroes Save Grafton Centre From Picnic Mob
01-05-2004 20:00
![Picnic 1 [Can I see your papers?]](/icon/2004/05/290437.jpg)
In a funny but disturbing display of hostility, Grafton Centre security guards under the watchful eyes of mall managers grabbed anti-sweatshop literature out of the hands of mild-mannered protesters, forbid the use of video and still cameras, and triumphantly dismantled the sinister May Day picnic apparatus inside the mall. A potentially violent mob which was handing out pink "No To Child Labour" balloons to passing children was also suppressed with ruthless effectiveness.
Dublin: No Borders Action
01-05-2004 19:16

Mayday in Dublin started with a No Borders demonstration. Around 100 people demonstrated through town
'We are more than buyers' - Cambridge Mayday leaflet
01-05-2004 18:30
This year's Cambridge mayday - international worker's day - celebrations took place at the Grafton Centre, on Saturday 1st May, 1pm. Here is the text of a leaflet distributed at the event.More Brit Troop Shame:Interview with Racist Civil Military Operations Officer
01-05-2004 18:27
The Army is institutionally racist. These stories of a few sadistic bad apples are meant to re-enforce the Occupation's agenda by implying that Iraqi resistance is a response to the actions of individual soldiers in detention camps when the resistance is a response to the entire occupation and the logic of the genocidal 13 year sanctions campaign which killed over a million and a half Iraqis and reduced the country to an Infrastructural Ground Zero - ripe for the current free market take-over fleecing the country. Below is a synopsis of an interview I had with Major Clements at CPA South in Basra, January