UK Newswire Archive
Free Vegan Food For All! 4/07/08*
06-07-2008 21:24

Action against Private Equity July 17 1pm Trafalgar Square
06-07-2008 20:52
*Join the Global Day of Action against one of the oldest and largest private equity firms in the world: KKR (Kohlberg, Kravitz and Roberts)* *Thursday July 17 1PM Trafalgar Square, under the lions*On Thursday 17 July 2008, thousands of trade unions, community organisations, environmentalists, workers and activists will be taking part in a global day of action against KKR - actions are planned in 100 cities in 25 countries.
NO!G8 cafe in London
06-07-2008 19:55
as most are aware the 7th-9th July sees the G8 meeting for another round of bollocks by Lake Toya in Hokkaido, Japan. To coincide with this Bowl Court Social Centre brings you film and info nights....G8, NoBorders, demo in Croydon– bike ride included
06-07-2008 19:27
Was told after the demo that this had also been a Freedom to Protest action. Which suited quite well, given the amount of harassment given by police to all present, from the start. It feels like the objective is to discourage people from being politically active by simply giving us an unbearable hard time.Nicaraguan Penal Code Criminalising Abortion to be Enacted July 9th
06-07-2008 18:55

in the Nica times gives a timely reminder that the laws criminalising all abortion,
including therapeutic abortion will be written into the Penal code on July 9th 2008.
The backround to the electoral interferences by the RC hierarchy and a purported
Human Rights group are at these links:

Picket outside the Japanese embassy.
06-07-2008 18:25
On Friday 4th of July a few people gathered outside the Japanese embassy from noon to about 3pm to protest this Country's host (and participation) in the Group of 8.Wrexham Peace & Justice News Issue 25 out now
06-07-2008 18:24

NETCU Support Psychotic Violence
06-07-2008 18:00
Sarah Whitehead is a brave and caring person. When concerned neighbours went to her for help as they were concerned about a beagle she acted and rescued that poor little soul from horrendous abuse. We would like to emphasise that this creature was not a much loved family pet as has been portrayed in the local media but a punchbag who was thrown about, denied adequate food, permanently muzzled, repeatedly punched and kicked and tied to a radiator.New Social Center Opens / Frome Squatters' Network
06-07-2008 17:26
The new Social Center in Frome, a short ways south of Bath, is hosting it's first public event this Thursday - the first meeting of the Frome Squatters' Network!There's going to be an almighty TIF
06-07-2008 16:34

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Sex Discrimination by London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
06-07-2008 14:15

This very recent case is one of the first cases where a local authority defined as a Public authority is seeking to evict a homosexual man from his home by directly discriminating him.
The Parties (i) London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham & Mr. Ciechanowicz
7:7 Survivor's book causes consternation among British secret services
06-07-2008 14:09
Since 'The 4th Bomb' - a book by Tavistock bus bomb survivor Daniel Obachike was launched, its popularity has been mirrored by the regular attendance of secret services personnel attending seminars and meetings he's attended.His eye witness account asserts that a European male planted the bomb on the bus before exiting after the bus driver suddenly opened the doors with no bus stop in sight
film: the new attack (Chiapas)
06-07-2008 12:03

zapatist indigenous communities in Chiapas / Mexico.
Zapatistas: a call to action
06-07-2008 11:32
Article by the well-respected Oaxacan activist and founder of the University of the Earth, Gustavo Esteva. Gustavo was one of the EZLN's advisors in their negotiations with the Mexican government. This article was published in La Jornada 30th June 2008, and is a call to civil society to respond to a state of emergency.Conditions in Soetwater refugee camp near Cape Town.
06-07-2008 10:13
It is winter in Cape Town. The climate in this region is Mediterranean; with cold, wet and windy winters. Soetwater is in a remote and exposed corner of the region, colder and windier than many other places refugees might be located. The Cape is not named Cape of Storms for nothing as you will read in Karin Chubb's reportFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Waitrose Buyers not into telling you what ingredients their products contain
06-07-2008 09:01
It is interesting that Waitrose Buyers do not like to tell you what the cakes on their counters contain. Write them a letter and ask them and you will find they are quite reluctant. Secondly. you will be interested to know the Waitrose Leaf Mark is a lot of nonsense as they use human slurry and tried to claim the Soil Association use it - They do not.Quorn contain GM feed
06-07-2008 08:58
I was told that Quorn did not contain GM ingredients but when I probed the customer service department then I was told GM feed was used but there was no presence of it afterwards. Please remember all processed food unless organic is likely to contain GM ingredients.BBC lies about 9-11 and WTC7
06-07-2008 03:50
Saw the BBC propaganda on Australias SBS saturday 5 july...what they didnt say is they liedDo You Have Love in Your Culture?
06-07-2008 00:56
On the brutalization of award-winning Palestinian journalist, Mohammad Omer, by Israel's Shin Bet, upon his return from Europe.