Nicaraguan Penal Code Criminalising Abortion to be Enacted July 9th
C Murray | 06.07.2008 18:55 | World
Tim Rogers reporting on the shameful abuse of law by the Nicaraguan administration
in the Nica times gives a timely reminder that the laws criminalising all abortion,
including therapeutic abortion will be written into the Penal code on July 9th 2008.
The backround to the electoral interferences by the RC hierarchy and a purported
Human Rights group are at these links: ,,
in the Nica times gives a timely reminder that the laws criminalising all abortion,
including therapeutic abortion will be written into the Penal code on July 9th 2008.
The backround to the electoral interferences by the RC hierarchy and a purported
Human Rights group are at these links:

In the run-up to the 2006 election there was direct and overt interference by the Church
into the campaign, which saw ex-sandinista Daniel Ortega agree to criminalise all
abortions in Nicaragua if he won..,
He won.
" The law allowing therapeutic abortion here was overturned by the National
assembly in 2006, when the catholic church used the elections as political
leverage to get politicians to outlaw abortion in exchange for votes. Lawmakers
then ratified their pact with the church last year by outlawing abortion in the
new penal code, which enters into force on July 9th".
(Rogers Nica Times)
The case of 'Rosita' led to the attempt to criminalise members of the Women's
Network against Violence and their charging by authorities with crimes
of omission. 9 members of the network are charged, two members have been
murdered in 'domestic abuse cases'
Rosita was the last girl to procure a legal abortion in Nicaragua.
Currently the case of Marianita is dominating discussion wherein she had an abortion
to save her life.(24 weeks)
Both girls are 11-12 years old and were victims of in-family incest and rape.
The links at the top of the page include articles and contacts for the campaign
to have the penal code abolished. At time of writing the series of articles
there was little MSM coverage of the abuse of human rights of girls in
The Nobel Women's statement went unpicked up on in Western media, where
after two years of suffering and a refusal by the current power-brokers
and their supporters in Roman Catholicism the issue of criminalisation
into the campaign, which saw ex-sandinista Daniel Ortega agree to criminalise all
abortions in Nicaragua if he won..,
He won.
" The law allowing therapeutic abortion here was overturned by the National
assembly in 2006, when the catholic church used the elections as political
leverage to get politicians to outlaw abortion in exchange for votes. Lawmakers
then ratified their pact with the church last year by outlawing abortion in the
new penal code, which enters into force on July 9th".
(Rogers Nica Times)
The case of 'Rosita' led to the attempt to criminalise members of the Women's
Network against Violence and their charging by authorities with crimes
of omission. 9 members of the network are charged, two members have been
murdered in 'domestic abuse cases'
Rosita was the last girl to procure a legal abortion in Nicaragua.
Currently the case of Marianita is dominating discussion wherein she had an abortion
to save her life.(24 weeks)
Both girls are 11-12 years old and were victims of in-family incest and rape.
The links at the top of the page include articles and contacts for the campaign
to have the penal code abolished. At time of writing the series of articles
there was little MSM coverage of the abuse of human rights of girls in
The Nobel Women's statement went unpicked up on in Western media, where
after two years of suffering and a refusal by the current power-brokers
and their supporters in Roman Catholicism the issue of criminalisation

C Murray