UK Newswire Archive
BP refuses gift of song outside AGM, 20.4.06 (updated)
20-04-2006 17:25
Members of the provisionally musical theatre wing of climate justiceaction group London Rising Tide (LRT) set out today to communicate their warm feelings about BP in song to shareholders heading for the oil giant's Annual General Meeting at the ExCel Centre in Docklands.
BP refuses gift of song outside Annual General Meeting
20-04-2006 15:13
Members of the provisionally musical theatre wing of climate justice action group London Rising Tide (LRT) set out today to communicate their warm feelings about BP in song to shareholders heading for the oil giant's Annual General Meeting at the ExCel Centre in Docklands.Don't Vote!
20-04-2006 15:00
A call for a don't vote campaign for the May Day period.Dr Janez Dmov'ek, President of Slovenia, on being a vegan.
20-04-2006 14:44
Dr Janez Dmov'ek on the ethics of a vegan diet and the foolishness of the EU in subsidising the meat industry.Announcement of AK (Assembly of Salonica) about the recent arson of its centre
20-04-2006 14:33
... the price of the Struggle for Freedom is heavy and requires responsibility ...How close to the edge of the abyss do you go before you back away?
20-04-2006 14:11
Crude oil prices jumped to a new all time record high of over $74 a barrel today as the market responded to a faster than expected decline in U.S. gasoline stocks and growing unease over the situation of U.S. led action against Iran.The People's Petition
20-04-2006 13:30
The People's Petition is a web petition for those in favour of medical research using animals to register their support. A spin-off from the Coalition for Medical Progress, it's an excellent way for people to show that they oppose the anti-vivisectionists who monopolise the discussion on animal experimentation.Iran's state murder of gays
20-04-2006 09:54
Victims framed for kidnap and rape"Deportation would be a death sentence"
Asylum urged for gay Iranian refugees
20-04-2006 09:50
April CM in Manchester is part of the Manc Mayday weekend. There'll be a free film screening after the ride.Fascist Murder in Moscow
20-04-2006 08:57
Fascist Violence against persons with a "foreign" appearance and political enemies has lately increased in Russia.Recently, the antifascist aktivist Timur was stabbed to death in St.Petersburg, where just some weeks ago an senegalese
studend was shot by fascists. On Monday evening, the first activist was murdered in Moscow.
London MAYDAY Weekend
20-04-2006 06:25
Below is a list of events & activities in London over the Mayday weekend.FCO enquiry about Legal Code violations
20-04-2006 06:23
My question is simply "if a judge do not care about The National Legal Code, is this correct and can this happen at UK, and is this legal according to Intertnational Laws; judgments should be based on laws, however not.". It is interesting to realise, that there is no other laws than Police and Enforcement act functioning in Finland, so why did they wrote all other laws if they have no use?Social Centres - Where To Next?
20-04-2006 05:58
Invitation to a discussion on the future of social centres.Sunday April 30th - as part of the London Mayday Weekend
The Square
21 Russell square
London WC1
Bare All for Bears
19-04-2006 22:57
Come and Bare Your Skin for Bears!Bare Witness is asking you on behalf of PETA to join this demonstration against the use of real bear fur in the Palace Guards' hats:
When: Sunday morning 21 May
You will need to be available from 9am to 1pm
Where: Central London Location (TBC)

Judas - From Benedict Arnold to Mother Teresa
19-04-2006 19:13
What a difference a day makes.Southend’s first Critical Mass stopped by police.
19-04-2006 16:52

19-04-2006 16:43
"Were not blocking the traffic, we are the traffic"Iran Calls for mobilisation against film "Submission 2"
19-04-2006 15:52
Iran wants to block the production of a Dutch film about the condition of homosexuals in Islamic countries. The director of Submission 1 was murdered in 2004 in Amsterdam. The murderer pinched on his body a paper with death threats for the scriptwriter of both films, a Somali woman.MAYDAY Glasgow 06!
19-04-2006 15:35

Taking arms out of Gov-Letter on new regs.
19-04-2006 15:30
Reply (at long last) to campaign letter started by Campaign Against the Arms Trade way back last September.