UK Newswire Archive
EDL to demonstrate in Leicester
20-01-2012 18:55
The EDL have announced that they will be going to Leicester for their next national demo on 4th Feb. They say that this is in response to the “racist” attack on Rhea Page, who was assaulted by four women of Somali descent in Leicester in June 2010. The women all received suspended sentences in November.
The case would probably have passed unnoticed had it not been for the Daily Mail’s extremely selective and dishonest reporting of the most salacious details of the case. The Mail reported that Ms Page’s attackers shouted “Kill the white slag” and suggested that they were “freed” because “they weren’t used to drinking because they’re Muslims”. Cue much foaming at the mouth about racism cutting both ways and politically correct sentencing gone mad, etc.
Although it doesn’t make for such a good knee-jerk reactionary story, the facts of the case paint a rather different picture. It seems that both Page and the defendants claimed that racist comments had been made but there was insufficient evidence to support either set of claims. Indeed, the CPS stated that although “the comment ‘white bitch’ was reported to have been heard during the incident… this racist comment could not be attributed to any particular suspect and was not adopted by the group as a whole. There was therefore no realistic prospect of conviction for a racially aggravated offence.” They knew that there was insufficient evidence to make the case for racial aggravation in court.
The fact that the defence solicitor used the argument that the women were not used to drinking was not mentioned by the judge in sentencing. Instead he accepted the womens’ argument that they were victims of unreasonable force from Ms Page’s partner, and took this into consideration.
So the real picture of what went on looks much, much murkier than how it is being painted by the tabloids and their ever eager guard dogs in the EDL. A drunken confrontation in the city centre, during which both sides are alleged to have hurled racist abuse and Page’s boyfriend used unreasonable force to end. But that story doesn’t whip up enough hysteria to sell papers or get people to demos.
It’s also interesting the hypocrisy of the Mail’s coverage which is set up to suggest that these women got special treatment because they were Muslim. They themselves give special treatment to Ms Page (22) who is referred to as a woman throughout whilst the other women (aged 24-28) are referred to as a “girl gang” and “girls”. It is Ms Page’s interpretation that the attack was racially motivated that is treated as factual by the Mail even though it was rejected by the legal system.
The EDL take this one stage further than the Mail though by claiming that this case is “a clear example of a two tier system in which crimes perpetrated by ‘sensitive minorities’ (particularly British Muslims) are treated with far greater leniency than they would be if committed by a member of the majority population”. They do not give any other evidence of this two tier system in action or compare this sentence to other sentences in comparable cases where the perpetrators were white, so we presumably just have to take their word for it.
If, rather than selectively focussing on one prejudiced newspaper report of one crime, you look at the statistics on sentencing throughout the justice system, there is clear evidence of a racial divide… but not in the direction that the EDL claim. A recent study into over 1m court records found that black offenders were 44% more likely than white offenders to be jailed for driving offences, 38% more likely to be jailed for public disorder or possession of an offensive weapon and 27% more likely to be jailed for drug possession. Asian offenders were 41% more likely to be jailed for drugs offences than white offenders and 19% more likely to be jailed for shoplifting. For indictable offences, the percentage of those given immediate custody was 24% for white defendants, 27% for black defendants and 29% for Asian defendants.
The 2010 Department for Justice statistics agree. Despite whites being more likely to be convicted of indictable offences than other ethnic groups, a higher percentage of those in the BME groups were sentenced to immediate custody (White 23%, Black 27%, Asian 29% and Other 42%). They were also given longer average sentences of 20.8 months (Black) and 19.9 months (Asian) compared with 14.9 months for the White group. Any racism in the justice system is favouring whites, not other ethnic groups.
The EDL are refreshingly honest about their knowledge admitting “we accept that we do not have the full details of the case” but this hasn’t stopped them from constructing a whole theory of persecution of white people around it and rallying their troops for another assault on Leicester’s Muslim community.
People's Bristol 2050
20-01-2012 18:55
Business West's Bristol 2050 consulted business leaders from across the City. A group of people associated with Occupy Bristol are starting a rival People’s Bristol 2050... Come along to find out more!The explosion of free and open source software and mass co-production of things like wikipedia has shown that people together can do amazing things.
Business West's Bristol 2050 consulted business leaders from across the City. A group of people associated with Occupy Bristol are starting a rival People’s Bristol 2050, which involves all the communities in Bristol, not just the business leaders. The people of Bristol and the surrounding area have the knowledge, ingenuity and skills to come up with a far greater plan, and start putting it into action. We also think the 40 year timescale frees people to think more imaginatively, and to propose creative and hopeful futures. Occupy Bristol envisage the project including,Open Space meetings, online discussions and information sharing, events in community centres and more. The first event will be an Open Space meeting at the Trinity Centre, Saturday 21 Jan 2pm-4pm (upstairs hall). The hope is to bring interested people together to talk about sensible ideas and plans and kick start initiatives, both big and small.
If you’re interested, please come along. Bring your thoughts, ideas and enthusiasm and, above all, a willingness to listen to others. Full Article
Atos classify a man in coma as capable of work
20-01-2012 18:06

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Press TV has finally been censored by UK government.
20-01-2012 17:54
Press TV based in London has been highly critical of the UK Government, the Royal family and the USA Government. You can still watch it on the Internet though.Road building in Shropshire
20-01-2012 17:35
Telford & Wrekin Council in Shropshire have just announced plans to build a link road from the M54 to the M6 northbound and the M6 Toll.Avoid forced unpaid labour
20-01-2012 17:13
The following advice for anyone on JSA is from the Boycott Workfare website
Why We’re Supporting Boycott Workfare Campaign In Birmingham
20-01-2012 16:59
Since the beginning of the year, Birmingham Trades Council and Brighton GMB Branch have signed the pledge to Boycott Workfare. The campaign also has the support of Birmingham Against Cuts who have written this statement…The Brutal Logic of Climate Change
20-01-2012 15:57

Just say no to Dorries' abstinence bill
20-01-2012 14:55
Nadine Dorries bill proposing mandatory abstinence classes for young girls was withdrawn before it could be debated by MPs in parliament today. Close to 100 mostly women protesters welcomed the news of the withdrawal with cheers and applause.
The protest was supported by Women Against Rape and Black Women’s Rape Action Project, The British Humanist Association, Feminist Fightback, Abortion Rights UK, Bristol Feminist Network, Left Front Art, Liberal Conspiracy, National Secular Society, Education for Choice, Parents and Carers for Sex and Relationships Education, Youth Fight for Jobs, Queers Against the Cuts and Slut Means Speak Up.
Read more:
Just say no to Nadine Dorries' abstinence education bill!
Opposition to Dorries' abstinence bill heats up ahead of protest
The mysterious disappearance of Nadine Dorries' abstinence bill
Proposed new London airport: Boris’s idea will never fly
20-01-2012 14:45
Wednesdays announcement that the government will hold a consultation in the spring on a new airport in the Thames Estuary, dubbed 'Boris Island' sparked a long day of media hysteria.National Occupy Conference 20th - 22nd Jan - Citadel of Hope - Sheffield
20-01-2012 14:39

The 3rd National Occupy Confererence, hosted by Occupy Sheffield, starts today in the squatted Citadel of Hope in Sheffield city centre (map).
Squatters March Through Brighton Streets
20-01-2012 11:39
Today squatters and supporters will be marching through Brighton's streets. Three Squats are due in court as the owners of the buildings try and regain possession.Will PSC rise to the Challenge?
20-01-2012 11:06
As the AGM of Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) approaches, the drive to control, fragment, agitate and to steer away PSC from its fundamental core issues is at all times high.
The crusade against PSC was ignited by Zionists from outside the movement beginning in September, following an article published on the Zionist hate-website Harry's Place (HP), and a letter from the Board of Deputies of British Jews” (BODBJ), accusing PSC and its branches of publishing anti-Semitic articles and linking to Holocaust denial websites, which arguably is a crude lie. However, the crusade was sustained, promoted and amplified by insiders with questionable loyalty, who roam freely within the Palestine solidarity movement.
Anonymous launches 'biggest attack ever'
20-01-2012 07:45
ANONYMOUS hacktivists launched their 'largest attack ever' on Thursday in response to the US government's growing war on internet freedom.Dodgy Land Deals in Dalmarnock
20-01-2012 00:55
In yet another example of the disgraceful way Glasgow City Council operates, we see Labour Councillors paying off their chums from regeneration budgets while those they have displaced or evicted are ignored.
Media cover-up: Police attack on the Parliament Square Peace Campaign
19-01-2012 23:43

Occupy tribunals open to public & broadcast live
19-01-2012 22:55
The second Occupy tribunal tomorrow will take place tomorrow between 12 and 3pm at the former Old Street Magistrates Court, in East london, looking at the government's plans to criminalise squatting.
The event is open to the public to sit-in on proceedings and will be broadcast live from
On Saturday RBS will be put on trial over claims of false accounting at the earlier time of 10.30am, just in case you've not gone to bed yet, until around 4.30pm.
Post Calais info and film night
19-01-2012 22:05
Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge - Thursday 2nd Feb 7.30 pmPirate Party UK condemns US take-down of MegaUpload
19-01-2012 21:33
The Pirate Party UK and I are alarmed at the US's continued efforts to enforce its excessive and unpopular copyright legislation outside of the USA.Megaupload "international organized criminal enterprise" closed by the FBI
19-01-2012 21:26
(From fbi site) Justice Department Charges Leaders of Megaupload with Widespread Online Copyright Infringement