UK Newswire Archive
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Abused speak out on BBC Radio 5
28-06-2013 15:08

Snowden, Surveillance And The Secret State
28-06-2013 09:48
The latest from Media Lens (reposted)Original article here:

Peace Education in Wrexham Schools: This week, Palestine
28-06-2013 08:49

The Wrexham Peace Day Group has co-ordinated local peace days in September for the past few years. In 2012 the group worked with St Christopher's school to put together a day of peace education and activities that was attended by over 300 children aged 7-19 from ten different schools, followed by two days for peace in the middle of town. Another schools day is planned for this year on Friday 20 September with a day in town on Saturday 21.
Thanks to generous offers of time and skills, we've also been able to offer sessions on peace related themes in schools during the summer term this year. A couple of weeks ago, children in two primary and two high schools learned about nuclear weapons and the peace movement in sessions delivered by Julia Herzog from Faslane Peace Camp; over the next couple of weeks, Camilla Cancantata from Footloose will work with children from two schools to create music for peace, while Fiona Collins will tell peace stories from different cultures to children in three more schools. This week and next, however, the focus is on Palestine, with Ann Farr of EAPPI and Rod Cox of CAPE speaking to local children about their work.
Glasgow ATOS, Anniversary Picket.
28-06-2013 02:55
Friday 28 June, 12:30 - 14:30Corunna House,
Cadogan Street,
Article by Glasgow Activist J. C. highlighting the vicious attack by this government on the ordinary people, in particular the brutal assault on the disabled and vulnerable in our society.
PSC Workers: Which Side Are You On??
28-06-2013 02:55
The following is a comment from a life long Glasgow activist, J. C. on the recent strike by PCS workers. If they expect solidarity from the people, they have to show solidarity with the people, and not forget that they themselves are WORKERS!!Support Scotmid tenants to reclaim their illegal fees!
28-06-2013 02:55

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Charity snubs EDL for using cancer stricken girl in far right campaign
28-06-2013 00:41

One of the UK’s leading children’s cancer charities are refunding money donated by EDL supporters after leader Tommy Robinson used the plight of a two year-old girl as a political cover for far-right activities.
As reported by Scrapbook this week, Robinson and his fellow leader Kevin Carroll planned to march past the East London Mosque towards the scene of Lee Rigby’s murder in Woolwich – under the pretext that they were raising money for a child suffering from Neuroblastoma.
MET show interest in ACAB scavenger hunt
27-06-2013 16:48

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Bristol Indymedia and "the world we are striving to create"
27-06-2013 01:11
"Bristol indymedia is intended to represent the world we are striving to create, rather than the world we live in".
Fine words indeed, but do they mean anything?
Big Vegan Fair in Brum City Centre, Sat 6th July
26-06-2013 21:23

VID Assange statement re: Snowden read to solidarity vigil @ Ecuadorian embassy
26-06-2013 12:23
VID (4 mins) 22/6/13 Julian #Assange statement re: #Snowden read to solidarity vigil outside Ecuadoran embassy,London
UG#650 - Fighting Nature To The Last Drop
25-06-2013 16:28

Is Ben Fellows Lying?
25-06-2013 09:42

Wednesday anti-ATOS action: Protest the BMA meeting
25-06-2013 08:55
Unite Bus Comes To Cambridge
25-06-2013 00:57

This is part of a countrywide tour to promote the union.
EDO MBM files accounts showing 2012 business losses
24-06-2013 19:55

US Comic TV Satire Of Iowa Congressman Trying To Make Battery Hen Cages Smaller
24-06-2013 18:40

SE1 ACAB Scavenger Hunt – 6th July 10pm til late
24-06-2013 14:11

Make this Sat another turning point - from Altab Ali to the end of the EDL
24-06-2013 13:49