UK Newswire Archive
Colombia: latest from Colombia Solidarity Campaign
22-04-2002 14:28
Latest news from Colombia Solidarity Campaign:new group to monitor anti-Chinese racism in UK
22-04-2002 14:17
Info forwarded from National Civil Rights Movement (NCRM):'SOFTCITY' Political Art Exhibition, London, April - May
22-04-2002 13:49

Tues 23rd April (6pm-9pm) for 3 weeks
Oval House Theatre, Oval/Kennington, London - Oval Tube
(sharp left out of tube, opposite cricket ground)
Must see 13 minute video of situation in Mideast. Its on Windows Media Player
22-04-2002 13:38
read belowStop Le Pen! solidarity protest at French embassy
22-04-2002 13:23
The ANL have called a solidarity demo tonight to show support for the demo against Le Pen and the FN in Paris:Slaves to US style management.
22-04-2002 13:22
Pressure of workTwo models of capitalism, Anglo-Saxon and European, are on offer - and we've made the wrong choice
22-04-2002 08:16

Please spread the word/distribute widely.
Welsh police 'assaults' condemned
22-04-2002 06:59
In spite of the Professional Standards Departments try to cover up their colleagues misdeeds, the news will get out :O)GREENPEACE Won't Help Us by Belgian activists
22-04-2002 06:59
Here's another example of how Greenpeace ignores grassroots activism. They only do spectacular stunts designed to get onto prime time News channels. This helps with their fund raising but does nothing to solve environmental problems.They certainly don't support grass roots actiivism.
The Flemish Green minister of Environment Vera Dua took not into account the negative advice of the Flemish Health Administration.
The health of our children is not a priority anymore for our green minister.
Extreme right success in French presidential election
22-04-2002 00:32
Jean Marie Le Pen, leader of the far-right Front Nationale, has entered the second round of presidential elections in France, with over 17% of the vote.News from London Action Resource Centre (LARC)
21-04-2002 22:27
LARC is a space for people interested in taking positive action for social justice and the environment. Run by and for its users, it’s made up of a meeting room/ exhibition space, office, library, roof garden, and banner/prop-making basement…
Venezuela coup linked to Bush team
21-04-2002 22:18
Same old gang of corporate assassins responsible for failed Keystone Cops coup in Venezuela.We need welsh action for Eating disorders
21-04-2002 21:36
Help for eating disorders in Wales we need action or more will dieFurther Updates from inside Arafat's compound.
21-04-2002 19:33
Further updates fron British activist inside the Palestinian Authority compound. Food and water is running low and the compound contains many seriously wounded people.The Internationals are lodged throughout the entire building and plan to sit it out until the end.
21-04-2002 17:45
More commentaries from multi-award winning journalist Mumia Abu Jamal, from behind the bars of Death Row USA.BLITZKREIG IN PALESTINE - By Mumia
21-04-2002 17:40
Read Mumia Abu Jamal's latest commentary on Palestine, from behind the bars of Death Row USA.