UK Newswire Archive
LONDON: MEET PRESIDENT CHAVEZ - He calls Bush 'Hitler' and Blair 'the pawn'.
16-05-2006 12:36
The US 'PNAC pack' versus Venezuela: ''But the sanctions may not make much difference. Last year, on Chavez's orders, Venezuela's military began shifting arms-purchasing to non-US sources, including Brazil, China, Russia, and Spain.''Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole challenges FT Crossrail plug by a new baroness
16-05-2006 12:17
The FT refuses to publish any community opposition to Big Business plans, which is always being portrayed as being sensitive to the needs of the public. This is the same with the FT’s refusal to publish evidence of how the CrossRail hole plan would destroy entire communities along the proposed route. The FT today has published yet another plug for Big Business claiming that they are discussing ways of funding CrossRail. This is news to the public. Big Business wants the public purse top pay for CrossRail wile the Big conglomerates pocket the main construction cash.ride of silence 7pm velodrome wed 17 may
16-05-2006 12:11
ride of silence manchester tomorrw (wednesday) from velodrome 7pm.Each participant should wear a black armband, or a red armband if they have been injured themselves.
Riders should be silent as far as possible. It isn’t a protest in the
traditional sense: there will be no banners or slogans.
it is a ride to remember and to think and not to be outwardly angry but instead to let our silence and our numbers have the required effect.
"The Ride Of Silence is a free ride that asks its cyclists to ride no
faster than 12 mph and remain silent during the ride. There is no
brochure, no sponsors, no registration fees and no t-shirt. The ride,
which is being held during Bike Safety month (U.S), aims to raise theawareness of motorists, police and city officials that cyclists have a legal right to the public roadways. The ride is also a chance to showrespect for those who have been killed or injured."

Under Fives Fingerprinted in Liverpool and Croydon
16-05-2006 11:44
At an age when many kids are fingerpainting, children under five are being fingerprinted in Liverpool and Croydon asylum detention centres.Nanotech: Corporations make money, government ducks issue, public takes the risk
16-05-2006 09:54
The UK government is currently running a consultation on the regulation of nanotechnology. The only proposal on the table is a voluntary notification scheme for new nanotech products. This will give nanotech companies free reign to introduce nanomaterials into consumer products - unlabelled, untested and unregulatedToday in Palestine, The Daily News for the 15th May 2006
16-05-2006 08:32

The Israeli Army arrest two Hebron residents and three residents arrested from Tulkarem, One farmer injured in the Israeli shelling of Beit Lahia and the Israeli Army installs a military checkpoint at Tammon village entrance and a Bethlehem resident arrested.
These stories and more coming up stay tuned
List of Individuals Detained by the Department of Defense at Guantanamo Bay
16-05-2006 05:55
List of Individuals Detained by the Department of Defense at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba from January 2002 through May 15, 2006Failure of the Affluent State
16-05-2006 05:28
When the State fails and criminals steal the reigns of power corruption filters through State institutions. The agencies and the regulatory ‘authorities’ usually ‘toe the line’ and therefore cannot be trusted to serve the interests of the people. When the government becomes a den of thieves, liars and murderers it is the people who must restore sanity and legitimate government.Iraqi children suffering alarming malnutrition - UNICEF
16-05-2006 04:34

Appealing to the United States is not very appealing
16-05-2006 04:05

Greece, Athens 4-7 May: An anarchist forum, a demo and a riot (Photos)
16-05-2006 02:03
Greece, Athens 4-7 May: An anarchist forum, a demo & a riot (photos) & the co-operation of the European Social Forum with the police in arresting dozens of innocent passers-by and bystanders and charging seventeen of them.Resist attack on Human Rights Act!
15-05-2006 22:40
This article calls for a defence of the Human Rights Act which is under attack from Labour and Tory politicians and Sun journalists. It also links to stories on human rights abuses in Britain.North America: Big Brother said it: "It's the Moment of Truth!"
15-05-2006 22:07

Ritual Abuse Survivors Have Their Day in Court . . . TV
15-05-2006 22:04
In what the prosecutor considered "a classic textbook satanic cult killing," (Toledo Blade, May 13, 2006), Father Gerald Robinson of Toledo, Ohio was convicted of murdering Sister Margaret Ann Pahl in 1980. During the trial, I was given the unique opportunity to speak on live TV about the reality of ritual abuse without being discredited, demeaned, or disbelieved by Court TV anchors Lisa Bloom and Vinnie Politan.Anti Scam website attacked
15-05-2006 20:10
A website which exposes a number of directory scams as well as the men behind them has been subjected to a denial of service attack, a spam attack was targeted at the site authorPhotos: President Hugo Chavez in London (15.05.06)
15-05-2006 19:42

"PMDB is not a prostitute",
15-05-2006 19:41
says Garotinho lean as who has just left a spa.The former-governor of Rio, Anthony Garotinho was the center of the attentions during the convention of the PMDB.15,500 on the run in E. Burma from Murder, Burnings, Mines, Rape, Torture
15-05-2006 19:30

15-05-2006 18:47
The final version of the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill will be voted on by MP's tomorrow. Well publicised government amendments have given the impression that the government has "climbed down". In fact, Conservatives are enthusiastically greeting a Bill which still allows ministers to change just about any law they like.