Today in Palestine, The Daily News for the 15th May 2006
IMEMC Radio Crew | 16.05.2006 08:32 | World
TODAY IN PALESTINE, a service of the international Middle East Media Center for Monday may 15th, 2006
The Israeli Army arrest two Hebron residents and three residents arrested from Tulkarem, One farmer injured in the Israeli shelling of Beit Lahia and the Israeli Army installs a military checkpoint at Tammon village entrance and a Bethlehem resident arrested.
These stories and more coming up stay tuned

The Israeli Army arrest two Hebron residents and three residents arrested from Tulkarem, One farmer injured in the Israeli shelling of Beit Lahia and the Israeli Army installs a military checkpoint at Tammon village entrance and a Bethlehem resident arrested.
These stories and more coming up stay tuned
Army arrest two Hebron residents
Monday at dawn, the Israeli army invaded various neighborhoods across the West Bank city of Hebron, and conducted wide scale searches resulting in the arrest of two residents.
Official sources at the Hebron Palestinian Prisoner's society reported that Israeli soldiers broke into several houses in the neighborhoods of Daheyat Al-Zaytun and Al-Husien south as well as in the city center. They arrested Abdel Haleem Mohamad Al Zeer, 34, and Nathmee Atef AlSharabati, 28, who works for the Palestinian military intelligence.
Army arrests three residents from Tulkarem
The Israeli army arrested three residents in an invasion of the West Bank city of Tulkarem. Monday morning Troops stormed the city and searched several residents' homes before arresting Wa'el Meslamani, 20, Omar Ishtawi, 19, Mo'atez Al Qarep, 24. All were taken to unknown locations
One farmer injured in the Israeli shelling of Beit Lahia
One farmer was injured due to the Israeli army shelling of Beit Lahia north of the Gaza strip, Monday morning
Nabeel Ma'rof sustained an injury to his shoulder after being hit by shell fragments while working on his land, medical sources reported
Several homes were damaged by the shelling which has been ongoing for more than a month now, local sources reported.
The Israeli Army installs a military checkpoint at Tammon village entrance
The Israeli army installed a military checkpoint at the main entrance of Tammon village east of the West Bank city of Tubas, on Monday.
Soldiers closed the main road and stopped the residents' cars, no one was allowed to pass until they were searched and ID checked, local resident reported.
Army arrests a Bethlehem resident
Monday at dawn, the Israeli army invaded the West Bank village of Al-Rashayda east of Bethlehem and arrested one resident, local sources reported.
Israeli troops backed by armored vehicles invaded the Bedouin village of Al-Rashyda after surrounding it and declaring it a closed military zone
Israeli soldiers broke into the house of Ayman Mohamad Hassan Rashyda, 21,;and searched it before blind folding and handcuffing him then taking him to an unknown location
Fawaz Al-Rashayad head of the village council affirmed that during the invasion, Israeli soldiers acted violently towards residents.
Ayaman is the fourth of his brothers to be arrested by the Israeli army.
And that’s just some of the news for today in Palestine. For constant updates, check out the International Middle East Media Center website, As always, thanks for joining us. From Occupied Bethlehem, this is TODAY IN PALESTINE brought to you by Pennie Quinton and Ghassan Bannoura
Monday at dawn, the Israeli army invaded various neighborhoods across the West Bank city of Hebron, and conducted wide scale searches resulting in the arrest of two residents.
Official sources at the Hebron Palestinian Prisoner's society reported that Israeli soldiers broke into several houses in the neighborhoods of Daheyat Al-Zaytun and Al-Husien south as well as in the city center. They arrested Abdel Haleem Mohamad Al Zeer, 34, and Nathmee Atef AlSharabati, 28, who works for the Palestinian military intelligence.
Army arrests three residents from Tulkarem
The Israeli army arrested three residents in an invasion of the West Bank city of Tulkarem. Monday morning Troops stormed the city and searched several residents' homes before arresting Wa'el Meslamani, 20, Omar Ishtawi, 19, Mo'atez Al Qarep, 24. All were taken to unknown locations
One farmer injured in the Israeli shelling of Beit Lahia
One farmer was injured due to the Israeli army shelling of Beit Lahia north of the Gaza strip, Monday morning
Nabeel Ma'rof sustained an injury to his shoulder after being hit by shell fragments while working on his land, medical sources reported
Several homes were damaged by the shelling which has been ongoing for more than a month now, local sources reported.
The Israeli Army installs a military checkpoint at Tammon village entrance
The Israeli army installed a military checkpoint at the main entrance of Tammon village east of the West Bank city of Tubas, on Monday.
Soldiers closed the main road and stopped the residents' cars, no one was allowed to pass until they were searched and ID checked, local resident reported.
Army arrests a Bethlehem resident
Monday at dawn, the Israeli army invaded the West Bank village of Al-Rashayda east of Bethlehem and arrested one resident, local sources reported.
Israeli troops backed by armored vehicles invaded the Bedouin village of Al-Rashyda after surrounding it and declaring it a closed military zone
Israeli soldiers broke into the house of Ayman Mohamad Hassan Rashyda, 21,;and searched it before blind folding and handcuffing him then taking him to an unknown location
Fawaz Al-Rashayad head of the village council affirmed that during the invasion, Israeli soldiers acted violently towards residents.
Ayaman is the fourth of his brothers to be arrested by the Israeli army.
And that’s just some of the news for today in Palestine. For constant updates, check out the International Middle East Media Center website,
IMEMC Radio Crew