UK Newswire Archive
Dispatches from Sequani torture labs, SOCPA and the implications for democracy.
27-02-2008 01:32

UK Earthquake
27-02-2008 01:20
At 00:56 hours on Wednesday 27th February an Earthquake tremor occured in the West Midlands.SOCPA newsflash
27-02-2008 01:18
three arrests outside gates of parliament on tuesday evening at 9pmFull article | 1 addition | 5 comments
London MET Police Launch New Anti-Terror Campaign
27-02-2008 00:00
This time it is the photographers and videographers we have to fear.1st of March: Second National Day Of Action For Freedom Of Assembly
26-02-2008 23:20

It's time we had freedom to publicly assemble in the UK. The Campaign
for Freedom of Assembly is calling for a second national day of action
against the existing legislation restricting our freedom to protest
around Parliament and its possible extension to the rest of the country.
2 UK Actions: McDonalds & Sequani Labs Supplier
26-02-2008 22:21
from the Western Animal Rights Network:
Paddy´s Day of Action Against Shell
26-02-2008 20:58
This year´s St Paddy´s day, 17th March, has been called as an International day of action against shell, in solidarity with the people of Rossport.1 March Lancaster Carnival of Culture against corporate takeover
26-02-2008 19:45
This Saturday 1 March, Lancaster will see its first Carnival of Culture, a celebration of everything that's fun about Lancaster and a protest against the corporate take over of the city.Lots of towns and cities around the UK are being turned into identi-kit clone towns. Lancaster seems to be next in line. This Saturday will see hundreds of people take to the streets in opposition to these plans. There'll be musicians, dancers, jugglers, dragons, puppets, flags, banners, food and lots of fun.
Manchester Crtitical Mass and After Party This Friday
26-02-2008 19:32
Critical Mass Bicycle RideFriday 29th February
6pm Central Library M1
Bike ride around the city to celebrate the bicycle
Cops become animal rights activists
26-02-2008 19:08
'the police have asked the restaurateurs to take the ingredients off the menu'Thousands say no, no, no to Heathrow expansion
26-02-2008 17:13
Last night's Stop Heathrow Expansion rally showed the strength of opinion against environmentally disastrous plans to build a third runway.Pictures of Third Runway Conference- Westminster 25.2.08
26-02-2008 16:44

Palestine Today 022608
26-02-2008 16:05

Evelyne & Adou belong to Newcastle
26-02-2008 15:15

ALF Injunction, Global Day of Action & Victories: Escada Campaign
26-02-2008 14:55

19.02.2008: Protests against Escada do the job
09.02.2008: Escada-Campaign "Global Days of Action"
05.02.2008: Escada files injunction against "Die Tierbefreier e.V." ("The Animal Liberators")
Israeli Targeted Killing Assassinates Hezbollah Co-Founder
26-02-2008 14:39
With the steady elimination of Israel's enemies, the New Middle East evolves into an Israel-friendly zone.JSA Rights
26-02-2008 13:54
Here follows a brief analysis of statistics produced by DWP on sanctions imposed on JSA claimants. These confirm what most people already know- that if you appeal to the independent tribunal you will most probably win. And if everybody appeals the sanctions system will collapse.Ratcliffe Power station Climate Action, The Verdict
26-02-2008 12:38

Manchester Space Invaders Landing April
26-02-2008 12:10
11th & 12th April have been named as ‘international days of action on autonomousspaces’. There will be things happening in Europe including squatted
buildings, parties, Reclaim the Streets, land occupations and more!
We have started an organising group to kick start ideas for action in Manchester. From reclaiming the streets to guerilla gardening..from a ceilidh to a
vegan party to permaculture space...