UK Newswire Archive
If You Think Bush Is Evil Now, Wait Until He Nukes Iran
06-06-2007 22:46
The neocons think that by bombing Iran the US will provoke Iran to arm the Shiite militias in Iraq with armor-piercing rocket propelled grenades and with surface to air missiles and unleash the militias against US troops. These weapons would neutralize US tanks and helicopter gunships and destroy the US military edge, leaving divided and isolated US forces subject to being cut off from supplies and retreat routes. With America on the verge of losing most of its troops in Iraq, the cry would go up to “save the troops” by nuking Iran.Prison-death demonstration, Styal Prison, 13 June 2007
06-06-2007 22:30
Demonstration to protest against the death of another woman prisonerHelen Mary Cole, aged 48, died on 3 June 2007
while in the care of Styal Prison, Cheshire
Demonstration will take place on Wednesday 13 June 2007 starting at 1.00 pm
Reporters and photographers are welcome to attend
G8 Police 'Almost Raid' Rostock Camp
06-06-2007 21:50

Arriving in force they entered the adjoining field which had effectively been squatted to accomodate the spill over campers from when the site had become crowded.
Report follows below:
Is leafleting now 'anti-social behaviour' in the eyes of the state?
06-06-2007 21:45

Pictures of Boergenende blockade, Wednesday evening
06-06-2007 21:32

Another not guilty verdict for a Fairford protester
06-06-2007 21:02
Josh Richards was arrested at Fairford in March 2003 - reportedly headed towards the B52s with a can of fuel and a box of matches - reportedly to burn them. After waiting several years for judgement of his actions and waiting through his two trials.....he was given that judgement today!G8 police are so Green they MOT bikes, yes seriously! (video)
06-06-2007 20:02
G8 police are so Green they MOT bikes, yes seriously! (video)CASMII condemns Republican candidates for refusing to rule out using nukes again
06-06-2007 19:21
In a debate on Tuesday June 5, in Manchester N.H., four of the ten Republican candidates, namely Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Massachusetts Fov. Mitt Romney and former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore, declared that they would use tactical nuclear weapons against Iran.Scotts against the G8!
06-06-2007 19:10
Scottish protestors are part of the mobilisation currently ongoing in Northern Germany against the G8 summit.Putin A Spanner In G8 Works
06-06-2007 18:56
Protestors could not have disrupted the G8 more than Putins threat to target EuropeSupport pipeline protesters, stop G8 climate criminals!
06-06-2007 17:46
Pipeline and G8 solidarity protest outside court in Cardiff tomorrow as authorities attempt to evict Brecon anti-pipe tree camp.The Salvador Option in Beirut
06-06-2007 17:41
From mission statement to mission accomplished, the slam dunk cakewalks continue. But from Baghdad to Beirut, the forgery looks the same.Unlike Iraq, there is no “weapons of mass destruction threat” to facilitate toppling the Syrian regime. This time, a United Nations Tribunal could provide the means, deploying Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri's murder as the weapon. But like the US show trial to convict Saddam Hussein, the show trial to convict Syria for Hariri's murder, built by the United Nation's International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC), has a history of problems.
G8 Tuesday. MSF action Rostock harbour.
06-06-2007 17:32

G8 Blockade On Main Road To Heiligendamm
06-06-2007 16:33

At the time of publishing this report the blockade is still on, and growing in numbers as protesters from an earlier blockade of a military airport nearby are joining in. Police are bringing in water cannons and small tanks, but the protestors are staying put and resisting the blockade, some of which planning to stay overnight.
Here there are a few pics of the blockade so far ....
Cardiff solidarity with G8 protests- weds 6th
06-06-2007 16:27

G8 Blockade Occupies Road - (Gate 2 Shut Down!)
06-06-2007 16:13

Thousands of people marched through the fields and forests before splitting into several different coloured blocks to take the main SE road to the G8 security fence.
This was one of several blockades which seem to have shut down all roads to the G8.
G 8 BREAKING NEWS: breakthrough to the fence !
06-06-2007 14:25

Wednesday Rostock-Laage Airport rallys
06-06-2007 14:23