UK Newswire Archive
The Mastermind Behind 911?
06-10-2006 18:18
The possibility of nefarious use of the fly by remote control and Flight Termination System technologies developed and deployed by Systems Planning Corporation certainly deserves careful consideration in any full and impartial investigation of what actually took place on 9/11.[ s p a c e ] S.O.S: Save Our Studios
06-10-2006 18:00
Please sign our e-petition to save studio space in East London .chris coverdale case adjourned as judge refuses to consider war legality
06-10-2006 17:59
anti-war campaigner chris coverdale appeared at marylebone magistrates court this morning intending to argue that british and international law prevents him from paying a court fine arising from a conviction for 'unauthorised protest' and 'use of a megaphone'. the judge became the 21st who has refused to consider and uphold war law that chris has faced over 3 years in a variety of different cases.Corporate social responsibility- not yet!!
06-10-2006 17:25
The Dutch commodities trader demonstrates that the voluntary arrangements on corp social responsibility ain't really working.Rossport Flyer
06-10-2006 16:57

Its not quite up to date but better than nothing
Rossport Solidarity Day of Action in London and Nationwide, Wednesday 11th Call
06-10-2006 16:14

Food Standards Agency sides with the industry, against the "consumer"
06-10-2006 16:13
The UK Food Standards Agency showed again today that its interests lie in protecting "big business" and that it is not interested in protecting the "consumer".Why the world must contain the U.S./Anglo empire
06-10-2006 16:10
White supremacy, as evident with the "master race" overtones of America's idea of "manifest destiny", is another factor driving the U.S. desire for global empire in addition to fundamentalist Christian fantasies of "end-times/rapture/Armageddon".Protest Against Custody Deaths! London Sat 28th Oct
06-10-2006 16:09

Mental Health
06-10-2006 15:57
Schools are struggling to cope with increasing numbers of pupils with mental health problems, a study says.The survey commissioned by the NASUWT teachers' union found teachers often had difficulty identifying pupils with problems like anxiety and depression.
Alvaro Vargas Llosa sends Hugo Chavez to Dante's inferno
06-10-2006 15:43
Conservative think tank writer savages Hugo ChavezCambridge goes to Faslane
06-10-2006 15:10
How you can be part of mass civil resistance against Britains Trident nuclear weapons at Faslane in Scotland.Media Lite on correct information over Sack Parliament
06-10-2006 14:53
London's finest right-wing tabloid the Evening Standard has produced some wonderful news stories and they've come out with another cracker today about Sack Parliament happening on Monday.Kenny Peter's Inquest Points to Asylum Failures
06-10-2006 13:48
On 15 September, an inquest found that yet another asylum seeker had taken his life in detention. Unusually, in such cases, in addition to a self-harm verdict, the jury also listed the numerous ways in which the system, supposed to care for vulnerable detainees, had failed to do so.Stand up! Stand up! Stand up for your rights!
06-10-2006 12:57
Young drivers are being discriminated against and victimised. Well we have had enough!Shell's Wild Lie - counter exhibition and speaker tour
06-10-2006 12:22
Shell is the third largest oil company in the world.It is also the new sponsor of the Natural History Museum’s Wildlife
Photographer of the Year exhibition.
06-10-2006 12:05

Our Criminal Crown
06-10-2006 11:52
Queen Elizabeth is an integral part in the massive judicial oath fraud. The Judicial Oath is proved to have no meaning whatsoever except probably as a means to deceive the UK people. Only Queen Elizabeth II has Members of Parliament. Contary to general belief the UK public dont have them. Thir illegiance is sworn only to the Monarch, presently Queen Elizabeth II. Crown immunity is illegal under international law. Queen Elizabeth II is the Patron Head of the Secret Society of UK Freemasonry.use your pocket power to support shell protestors in Mayo
06-10-2006 10:28
dont buy shell petrolEvery Little Hurts!!
06-10-2006 10:27
don't forget Mass Mobilisation tomorrow ..Saturday 7 Octobermeet at Durrington train station at 2pm..
we will march on mass to the camp..