UK Newswire Archive
Lancaster One World Week
15-03-2004 15:32
A groups Lancaster University students and staff member hosted a succesful One World Week withg many interesting events.Nine Ladies Anti-Quarry Protest Camp: Donation Night
15-03-2004 15:21
A public Gathering and Donation Drop in support of the nine ladies anti-quarry protest camp in the Peaks is being held on Tuesday 23 March, Mount Pleasant Centre, Sharrow Lane, 7-9pm. Come along and drop off your donations and learn more about the protest site.Sainsburys as a focus for anti-GM campaign
15-03-2004 15:21
A couple of weeks ago there was a national day of action against sainsbury's (see
Summary of Protest against the Labour Party Spring Conference
15-03-2004 14:17
The Labour Party circus rolled into Manchester this weekend (12-14th Feb). What follows is a summary of protests against the event. It is mere personal memories so if anyone remembers anything i forgot, or has any photos, that would be great...ISM Action Alert: Activist Flo Razowsky Arrested By Israeli Occupation Army
15-03-2004 13:32
For Immediate Release
Testosterone Fueled Government
15-03-2004 13:15
The cheapest and most certain way to minimise a terrorist attack on UK is a clean pair of hands to lead the Labour Party into the Next Election to stop all this simplistic talk talk about Evil which stifles debate.I struggle with my five year old grandson’s simplistic enthusiasm for ‘goodies’ and ‘baddies’. We do not need this attitude from our government
After Spain’s recent election results and the possible election of Kerry in the USA
Britain under Blair is going to be isolated. Blairs unselfish statesmanlike resignation for would be for the good of us all is.
Obesity, class and the 'Cheeseburger Bill'
15-03-2004 12:48
A recent bill passed by the House of Representatives in an effort to protect fast food giants in the United States is built around the idea that obesity is solely the responsibility of individuals; under a bit of scrutiny, though, the racism and class arrogance of this notion comes to light...Rap, Hip Hop, Young People Speak Out
15-03-2004 12:01
Nine young Americans and local Sheffield youth from Burngreave are performing rap and hip hop at Sadacca on Wednesday evening March 24th - the theme: "Young People Speak Out through rap and hip hop".I Live in a Free Country
15-03-2004 11:27
As the world knows, this week Spain has lived through a period of intense pain, grief, turmoil and transformation. We have experienced the bloodiest massacre since the 1940s, enormous street demonstrations, official cover-ups and revelations, a general election and a long-awaited change of government. Years of history telescoped into the space of four days. For me, this week has been a lesson in how a free country works, how free people act. The Spanish people have held up a picture of freedom to the billions around the world who dream of living in a free country. I would like to share my experience with you.Why Seeking Justice for the Palestinians Is the Jewish Cause
15-03-2004 08:45
"The road to Auschwitz was built by hate but paved with indifference" The most urgent, the most disgraceful and the most shameful problem is silence. A great people which had created a great civilization had become a nation of silent onlookersNew Fears for Stability of Congo
15-03-2004 08:08
This peace has never been easy. At times, there were as many as seven foreign nations fighting in DRC’s civil war and numerous home-grown rebel militias fought against the central government in Kinshasa, each other, and the foreigner troops.9/11 style propaganda spectacle backfires in Spain.
15-03-2004 01:51
Would-be masters of the universe in Washington DC would naturally presume that the spectacular tragedy in Madrid would help the current right wing Spanish government allied to Bush. But Bush's Spanish allies did not benefit from the mass murder like Bush benefitted from 9/11. A few days later, the Spanish electorate threw the ruling party out and elected the Socialists, demanding a full investigation to uncover the hidden truth.STOP THE WALL: Destruction for the Wall Accelerates Throughout the West Bank
15-03-2004 01:17 in a Weekfrom the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Both Houses of Parliament - One Question
14-03-2004 21:40
There is now a call in both British Houses of Parliament to report the United States to the United Nations Security Council for breaching the Geneva Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention by supplying Saddam Hussein with the very biological materials which were the basis for war in Iraq.U.S. Unloading WMD in Iraq
14-03-2004 21:25
US and UK planting Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq!!!SPAIN- SO far PP loosing election
14-03-2004 21:08
PP party is paying in the election for their lies and deception.All the fascists in Britain in one place...
14-03-2004 19:32
The British far-right is an eclectic bunch, with organisations varying from those like the British National Party and Freedom Party, who hold elected office and have serious pretensions to wield power locally, to organisations like the November 9th Society that could best be described as containing one man and a German Shepherd dog.Developing an exhaustive list is far beyond our timescale (and sanity) but this is a pretty exhaustive guide to what is currently out there, and what to say (and what not to say) before you put the boot in.
Lets create a Camp X-Ray in Edinburgh City Centre.
14-03-2004 19:27

World Economic Forum in Warshaw
14-03-2004 19:11
The alternative globalisation movement in Poland is preparing itself for protests against the European Economic Forum, which will take place 28-30 April 2004 in Warsaw. Indymedia Poland reports: