UK Newswire Archive
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Baghdad: Protester launched a couple of shoes at George W Bush
14-12-2008 21:15

Solidarity with Revolt in Greece Demo - Photos
14-12-2008 20:25

New Tactics in Greece: Rioters Use Lasers to Blind Police
14-12-2008 19:52

Direct Action in Iceland
14-12-2008 19:10

Central Athens - this demonstrations ftom Monday planed
14-12-2008 18:38

Stop the new Leeds Opencast.
14-12-2008 18:13
Join us on Saturday 10th January 2009 to march around the proposed open cast coal mine site at Newton Lane, near Fairburn Ings nature reserve and Castleford.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
IMC Germany censors Greek teargas-story
14-12-2008 16:04
indymedia Deutschland censors:"German and Israeli tear gas supplies for Greece"Merry Cristmas from Athens
14-12-2008 15:57

Send it to your friends..
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Very urgent appeal London Solidarity Demonstration at Dalston station!
14-12-2008 15:28
3:30pm update. Get down to Dalston Station now if you can! Police have cordoned in a hundred protesters and are refusing to let anyone leave or join them. They are being very heavy handed having viciously attacked people trying to leave the cordon injuring several of them! URGENT HELP IS NEEDED NOW!3pm Update: London Solidarity Demonstration
14-12-2008 15:05
Around 100 or so people at Dalston Kingsland Station, heavy police presence, scuffles broke out with police, 2 people arrested. Police containment in operation.Radio station of Manicipality of Athens occupied ..
14-12-2008 12:50
Τhe radio station of Athens 9.84 FM belonging to the manicipality of Athens , occupied today at around 12:00am by demonstrators for around half an hour , broadcasting news for the activities happening and the forecoming actions..Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Birmingham solidarity action for murdered 15 year-old, Alex Grigoropoulos
14-12-2008 11:22

South Korean government looks to rein in the Net
14-12-2008 03:26
The South Korean government is pursuing a series of restrictions on Internet use to prevent what the embattled administration of President Lee Myung Bak calls the spread of false information that prompts social unrest.GUIDELINES ON PRIME MINISTER’S EMPLOYMENT GENERATION PROGRAMME (PMEGP) - Kadyan
14-12-2008 02:32

Day 7 of the revolt in Greece
14-12-2008 01:26
The Greek Intifada continues and the government is unable to impose its control in the country, spreading fears among the ruling classes all over the European Union.Sarva Shikha Abhiyan - Indiscriminate spending continues unabated
14-12-2008 01:04

The revenge of life
14-12-2008 00:38
Some thoughts on the events that are reshaping Greece these daysFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Solidariy With The Madrid 7
13-12-2008 23:30
Info about the 7 Spanish fighters kept in prison after the protest in solidarity with the Greek uprising.