UK Newswire Archive
Sweden : Nazis try to murder union organizers & their child
03-12-2008 14:37
Union organisers house burned in Stockholm by Nazi activists.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
DAN protest today about the welfare reforms
03-12-2008 13:54
Just been Fwd'ed this about the action carried out in london today by the Disabled Action Network (DAN)Text by the people behind The Cyclops on the burning of their house...
03-12-2008 13:39

Terrorizer Magazine featuring explicit Nazi band and individuals
03-12-2008 12:19

The singer of the Black Metal band Gorgoroth appears on the cover, which is known for flirting with Nazi idelogy and most known for his convinctions due to enslavement and torture. In addition the band Taake, known for its Swastika affair in Germany, is also featured on the Mag.
Open meeting to develop the Social Centres scene in London
03-12-2008 11:48
Rampart and beyond, open meeting for developing new and existing London Social CentresClimate Safety report
03-12-2008 10:39

Decentralised energy Film and disscusion Night. Newcastle climate camp
03-12-2008 10:02

speakers from the greenpeace&toon climate action
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Anti ID Card Protesters Arrested
03-12-2008 08:38
POLICE made a dozen arrests after a group of anarchists staged a protest at the Home Office buildings in Sheffield.After PRIMARK's PR Conference cop-out, AGM action expected..
03-12-2008 06:44
Keep up the pressure on Primark! Join Labour Behind the Label, No Sweat, Blood Sweat and T-Shirts and War on Want this friday...and also, why is the TUC hosting this AGM? PR support for Primark?...Hello London! What ethnic backgrounds have we got in tonight?
03-12-2008 03:16
Form 696 will require all live music performers in London to fill out 8 pages of personal details and expected ethnic background of the audience.Who said the police never lie? Lakenheath 8 trial update.
03-12-2008 00:39
On Monday 1st December 10 am, the Lakenheath 8 began their trial on charges of SOCPA 128 and Criminal Damage.Wreaths were laid at the door of Ipswich crown court in remembrance of Margaret Moss, one of the defendants who died in 2007, and for all the victims of cluster munitions.
After a late start due to an unforeseen ‘Irene’ incident the trial started at 1.30pm.
First into the witness box for the prosecution was Mrs.'I know nothing' Rice, deputy director of Air Staff, responsible for all policy matters relating to United States visiting forces. She has held this position in London for 18 years.
Mumbai Attacks: The British are behind it
02-12-2008 23:47
False flags events are the only way nowadays to get the masses to accept going to war, to fight the wars our governments and secret services still feel have to be fought and won. At any cost it seems, billions and billions, never mind any economic depression in between.Yes, we are at war. Yes, the Nuclear Third World War is on our doorstep. Yes, no global financial crisis, no matter how serious it is, will stop that now. It is all being planned and discussed in secret, and moved forward by false flag events to justify it.
Firebird benefit carboot now on 14th Dec
02-12-2008 23:12
There is a change of date for the Firebird/Community Justice Centre benefit car boot, see
Save Dave Rave, Support gig for Dave Mahoney UK RNC protestor!
02-12-2008 22:27

Dave was part of the protesters assembled at the Republican National Convention in the City that week, and was there to peacefully remind America and the rest of the world of some of the atrocities, and in-justices millions of people endure everyday across the globe - many of which link directly to the actions & policy of the Republican party.
Instead, Dave's become one of the victims... facing trumped up charges of Assault, and Conspiracy to Riot with a Furtherance of Terrorism; if convicted he could get up to 12 years in jail AND a $24,000 dollar fine...
ClimateCampCymru - meeting in Wrexham 6 Dec
02-12-2008 22:14
Interested in the idea of a Climate Camp for Wales?There will be a gathering in Wrexham this Saturday, 6 December, from 1 - 4 pm at Room 33, Glyndŵr University (the educational establishment previously known as NEWI), Mold Road, Wrexham.
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HSBC Promotion
02-12-2008 19:03
Make an enquiry call to HSBC and receive a free report on bank charges...SOUTH WALES JOB MASSACRE - Fightback Time!
02-12-2008 18:50
The New Chartists in South Wales have put together two meetings to organise community fightbacks against the job massacres. Many shopstewards, union reps, the convenor of UNITE at Hoover will be coming along, but it important that we mobilise the entire community behind the struggle to save South Wales from being once again laid waste by capital red in tooth and claw.Around the Campaigns Tuesday 2nd December 2008
02-12-2008 18:31
Abbas Ali Babakir is not flying today, removal stayed, not sure why!!!Newspaper of Anarchist Black Cross - St.Petersburg (Russia) – 2nd issue is out
02-12-2008 18:28

Dark Nights #4 - Anti-Prison, Anti-State Bulletin
02-12-2008 17:31