UK Newswire Archive
EDO parent corp director to chair secret Pentagon meeting on Iran
16-09-2012 21:28
John J. Hamre is a former US Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the current chairman of Defense Policy Board, a secretive federal advisory committee to the United States Department of Defense. Hamre also happens to be a paid director of ITT Exelis, the parent of Brighton's own EDO MBM Technology has recently released documents of a secret meeting to be chaired by Hamre on the subject of ' national security issues regarding
Iran, including Internal Political Dynamics and Security Posture and
As the war drums beat louder it appears those with a direct financial interest in any military attack on Iran are at the heart of policy making machine that could make it happen.
Fightback against stop-and-search begins
16-09-2012 20:55
With little sign in a reduction of stop-and-search under PACE since the Met's supposed change in approach residents and campaign groups in east London are taking matters into their own hands by educating young people of their rights, encouraging the wider community to stop-and-monitor the police as they conduct their searches and orchestrating a culture of complaining everytime a victim is abused or litigating whenever possible.
DESPITE the Metropolitan Police Commissioner announcing a new approach to stop-and-search in January after a report linked its aggressive and repeated misuse to the riots last year, thousands of innocent people are being detained every week prompting concerns that the foundations are being laid for further unrest.
Police officers stop-and-search a thousand people a day in London, according to the Met's own statistics, arresting little over ten per cent. Figures on how many are actually charged are currently unavailable.
While Section 60s, where a stop-and-search can be conducted without suspicion of criminal involvement, have dropped significantly young people between the ages of 10 and 24 – particularly black males – are still being heavily targeted through PACE (the Police and Criminal Evidence Act).
Most are suspected of being involved with drugs or weapons, according to the Met's stats, although most of the young people I have spoken to say they are accused of matching the description of a burglar or robber.
While few are arrested, teenage victims of stop-and-search complain of being manhandled, treated like criminals, and humiliated in front of their friends, neighbours and even parents while hanging out or making their way home from school.
One teenager from Hackney said he missed a GCSE exam after being stopped on his way in to school.
Ondre Roach, who says he has been stopped about 30 times, said: “It affects your confidence. You're just going about being teenagers. We would go somewhere to chill and have a joke after school and then someone would be stopped by the police and it would just change your whole mindset and we would get annoyed and say something and they would say something back and that's when the problems start.”
Two mass deportations to torture in Sri Lanka, 19th and 20th Sept
16-09-2012 20:54

Protect OUR NHS: demo in London on 20th October.11am to 1.30 march to Hyde Park.
16-09-2012 19:37
Tories getting ready to receive bids on NHS services to the total of £20bn, new briefing reportTwyford 20years event
16-09-2012 11:09

Tuckers Solicitors: Squatting clamp down is upon u
16-09-2012 08:55
The new section 144 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 comes into effect on 1st September 2012.
This section creates a new offence of squatting in a residential building, which will apply throughout England and Wales. There are already, as yet unconfirmed reports, of some police forces moving in on squats...even before the 1 September implementation date.
As a result of the new legislation a person will be committing an offence if they are living or intending to live in a property in which they know they are trespassing - excluding those holding over after a previous lease or licence has expired.
It is not known yet how the various police forces intend to deal with existing residential squats however if you are arrested or need any assistance you can call us on 020 7388 8333. We have been pro-active in liasing with various organisations who are concerned about the potential impact of criminalising people living in squats - often as an alternative to sleeping on the streets.
Movement for Justice group forms inside Yarl's Wood & issue statement
16-09-2012 00:15
Despite the repression suffered by Yarl's Wood detainees who've dared protest in the past, a group of women currently detained in the centre have come together to issue the following statement.Growing alarm over attacks on Zapatista communities
15-09-2012 20:18
** International NGOs call on authorities to stop the violence
** It is a war that escalates every day, says Gustavo Esteva
Attacks On Zapatista Communities of Comandante Abel and Unión Hidalgo.
15-09-2012 15:03
Paramilitary Attacks against Comandante Abel Zapatista Community Continue
15-09-2012 11:41
** The situation of the support bases is grave, denounces the Junta New Seed that is going to Produce
** Children, women and elderly “have fled to the woods” for fear of the bullets; there are four disappeared
NF skegness redirection point!!!
14-09-2012 22:58
demo for NF in skegness, redirection point now rumbledMake some Global Noise on October 13th
14-09-2012 22:55
International activists involved in the Indignato and Occupy movements have begun a campaign to create GlobalNoise, a worldwide cacerolazo, or casserole march, on Saturday, October 13th, 2012. The hope is that local Occupations and Collectives will take up the call to march, using the method of a casserole march to highlight whatever issues are the most important to their community.
Historically, banging on a pot has been a universally understood means to gain attention. From children to adults, we all know that a pot or pan can be easily used as a makeshift drum or an alarm. With #globalNOISE, it’s both. The casserole march has its origins as a means to call attention to problems facing the community that the power structure is not addressing, using a method that is hard to ignore. In the past, this form of activism has been used to draw attention to education reform, starvation, government corruption, inequality in resources, and more.
It has been revived recently in the international Occupy and Spanish Indignatos movements, and most notably by the Student movement in Canada. Since then, it has spread worldwide. It is from these historical references and recent examples that the idea of a coordinated worldwide cacerolazo emerged. An international showing of frustration and unrest on a global scale that would be hard to ignore. A GlobalNoise.
How to make noise with kitchen equipment
The basic idea behind potbanging is simple. Using any cooking spoon or utensil, you hit the bottom of an empty pot, a pan, or some similarly shaped non-glass kitchen equipment. In our experience, metal or wooden cooking spoons make the best drum sticks.
Alternative instruments
The goal of the GlobalNoise initiative is to draw attention to itself, indeed that is the very idea behind a casserole march. And while kitchen equipment may be the first choice, it is most certainly not the only choice. Remember, the goal is to draw attention. If you don’t have access to kitchen equipment, you can use whatever will make noise, even actual instruments, like whistles, horns, vuvuzelas, or even drums. DIY instruments or established noise makers don’t matter, just make noise. You can even encourage drivers to join in with their horns as you pass them on the march. In Spain, they call that “Pitodromo”.
As you can see there´s no limit to the imaginative way you choose to make some noise. And if you have any interesting and fun ways in mind, please share it with us. We love suggestions. post on our facebook page, tweet at us (@potbanging), or join the working group!
Size and Shape of a casserole march
A potbanging demonstration can be any size, from small to big. The bigger the group the louder the noise, but even one person banging on a pot makes a lot of noise.
The GlobalNoise working group encourages you to organize Cacerolazo actions in your own city for October 13th 2012. (Due to events already being planned and in progress in various assemblies, some groups and collectives will have GlobalNoise actions over the course of that week. So if the 13th is impossible for your group, try for another day in that week.
Remember, potbanging marches are particularly suited for spontaneous participation, especially if the attitude and tone of the march stays festive and positive. Spectators quickly realize that they don’t need anything more than a noise maker to join in.
There have been many potbanging-protests worldwide over the last year since the formation of the Ingdinado and Occupy movements. The reason for unrest has ranged from the student debt crisis to the shortage of resources, while the method of expressing the frustration has been the same.
There was a large casserole march against inflation in Argentina earlier this year. Reuters reported that “Several thousand Argentines protested against the government… by banging pots and pans in front of the presidential palace in Buenos Aires.” In Seattle, the “noise making” from the Student Debt Noise Brigade takes place once a week. In addition, as reported by Global Montreal, the Montreal casserole marches inspired solidarity demonstrations worldwide. Even back in October 2010 Oldenburg, Germany held the ‘Krach schlagen statt Kohldampf schieben‘ demonstration demanding living wages and fair access to resources.
A worldwide globalNOISE is coming
In June of 2012, activists from many different countries, social justice movements, and networks began planning a nonviolent worldwide day of action connected solely by this most noticeable of protest methods, the cacerolazo. The collected activists formed a working group, and the following proposal was created.
Each collective or general assembly interested in participating is encouraged to identify what local or regional issues most adversely affect their communities and then join the world in a casserole march. We feel using the power of our collective mass can create a sound of our world population calling out for change that will be hard to ignore. The globalNOISE working group has called for Saturday October 13th to be the day of action where we as flood the streets and towns with the distinctive noise of potbanging.
As of late August, members of the Indignado and Occupy movements from many cities, including London, Brussels, Chicago, Madrid, Paris, Hamburg, and Perth, have endorsed this proposal and/or begun planning a globalNOISE casserole action. And the list is growing daily.
Get involved!
It’s easy to help make globalNOISE a success. You can simply share the idea of globalNOISE with your family, your friends, on facebook, over twitter, and other social networks. Consider sharing the official facebook page and twitter account, or using the hashtag #globalNOISE.
Contact your local general assembly or activist collectives to begin planning creating an event in your area. And be sure to let us know about it!
If you’d like to help coordinate the global aspect, please feel free to join the working group meetings and listserve. As it’s a world wide global action, we have a need for translators, and other contributors. If you’re interested, we’d love to have you involved. More information can be found on our website:
While we may be separated by physical space, we are all united in our struggle. Help us make sure that on October 13th, in every town, in every city, on every continent, the world will hear the sound of change.
We will make a globalNOISE!
For questions, concerns, comments, suggestions, here’s some contact info and web resources:
Twitter: @potbanging #globalNOISE
Facebook page:
Facebook group:
InterOccupy hub:
Email list serve:
Cardiff Paralympic Homecoming Protest
14-09-2012 22:53
Disabled People Against Cuts supporters went to visit paralympian homecoming parade to do some lowkey leafleting, networking and mingling and astonished to witness another unknown group carrying out anti-atos protest!Spring Turns To Autumn
14-09-2012 20:51
Behind the outbursts of anger against the Embassies of the West over publication of an anti-Islamic film, lies a deeper and more fundamental hostility to the USA and Europe. The elites in the US and Europe are in denial over their aggressive interventions and therefore focus on secondary symptoms.Fascist NF on Lincs radio tomorrow morning - Call in!!
14-09-2012 17:54

Yaxley's Last Stand
14-09-2012 17:15

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Bubble Trouble
14-09-2012 15:52

Protest gets fizz-ical at Brighton SodaStream shop