UK Newswire Archive
Ramallah's water cut off
03-04-2002 17:07
Israeli occupying forces have cut off Ramallah's water supply, according to two messages below, received from reputable sources by electronicintifada in the USjapanese palestine activist commits sucide
03-04-2002 17:02
a story you will not hear on the royal broadcasing corporation.GREENS CALL FOR AN INT'L PEACEKEEPING BODY TO ENFORCE A MIDDLE EAST CEASEFIRE
03-04-2002 16:11
Green candidates for U. S. Congress urge a halt to thespiraling violence and immediate action from Bush
Press release
03-04-2002 15:40
Press release from the InternationalL Delegations in the Bethlehem refugee campsSEND HELP NOW
03-04-2002 15:34
As members of the international civilian peace force on the ground in the besieged Palestinian towns of Ramallah and Bethlehem, we are sending out an urgent call for help.Situation Desperate in Ramallah
03-04-2002 14:54
Update from Ramallah from IMC Palestine.The Mystery of Percival Brine
03-04-2002 14:25
Not a Sherlock Holmes story, but an equally mysterious real- life puzzle about an Englishman who got caught up in the Siege of Paris in 1870.Sample letter to fax to your MP
03-04-2002 14:21
Dear All,Here is a sample letter which you can modify and send to your MP. Its important that we make our voices heard in whatever little way we can, and stand up for the Palestinian people.
Woomera refugee detention centre action and break out, south australia
03-04-2002 12:54
Two first hand accounts of the actions last weekend at woomera detentioncentre for refugees out in the South australian desert. 1000 activists marched on the centre and some refugees broke out.Demonstrate in solidarity with Palestine
03-04-2002 12:34
List of upcoming demonstrationsDesperate situation in Bethlehem (12.10 gmt+2)
03-04-2002 12:20
Translation found on IMC ItalyChomsky Interview on Palestine, 2.4.02
03-04-2002 11:57
A ZNet interview with Noam Chomsky on current events in Palestine and dealing with Arab Summit, Security Council resolution etc.Further Update on Internationals
03-04-2002 11:25
1255:The one aid truck the Occupation Forces they then attacked. Soldiers took out the medical aid and stomped it into the ground they took out sugar, flour and other food aid and dumped it out and threw tea gas again at the group. Earlier they shot at a UN convoy. Now they are beating the protestors with batons.Downing street say sanctions won't be useful
03-04-2002 11:22
As Palestinians see their country taken over, the powers that be meekly say get out without the power to stop them.comedy in soli with indonesian workers, in south london
03-04-2002 11:20
No Sweat comedy cabaret - fundraiser for no sweat's Indonesian workers' solidarity campaign (see

On Friday 10th May in Clapham
Update on Internationals in Palestine - Pascifists face down Israeli Army
03-04-2002 11:10
Most recent report from IMC Italy.We believe everything we hear, see and read
03-04-2002 10:09
We believe everything the media tells us repeatedly. Why? Can't we return to using our brains, or don't we even notice how our thoughts are controlled by repetitive media brainwashing?Italian Press Federation Denounces Israel
03-04-2002 09:56
AGI) - Rome, April 2 - The secretary of the National Federation of the Italian Press, Paolo Serventi Longhi has declared that "Israeli militiamen, it appears under orders of the Government, have committed in the last few hours acts of really violent intimidation with regard to journalists from all over the world in the Palestinian territories"