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Downing street say sanctions won't be useful

Ivor point | 03.04.2002 11:22

As Palestinians see their country taken over, the powers that be meekly say get out without the power to stop them.

Sharon and his army continue to smash there way into Palestine, with bullets being aimed at children, men and women. Complaints have been made and yet the invasion continues, with the outside world unable or unwilling to step in. The UK government have stated with a UN resoulution for Israel to pull out with no effect to Sharon. When questioned about furhter action being taken such as sanctions, a spokesperson at Downing street said "there is no talk of sanctions, we don't think it will be useful in this situation". They furter stated they would be not be towing the line with the US on this matter, "we will be co-ordinating with the European Union as it is in line with our thought."

Ivor point