UK Newswire Archive
Video: Leeds Protest and Occupation on the National Student Walkouts
25-11-2010 15:12
Footage from the protest in Leeds yesterday.Domestic extremism: time to start submitting those data protection requests
25-11-2010 14:36
From November 25th it is possible to use the Data Protection Act to discover what information the "domestic extremism" units hold on you.Prosecution describes safety measures taken by the
25-11-2010 14:23
The prosecution continued its case this morning.
Felicity Gerry QC spent the morning describing in detail various aspects of the plans to shut down Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station. She has commented on the sophistication of the plans, including mobile-phone and walkie-talkie systems, catering for 120 people for a week, and the details of the actions to be taken by the different teams that activists were grouped in. For example, the Green Team were to scale the chimney, the Black Team to lock onto the coal conveyor belt.
The Prosecution's comments have unveiled the extent of the 114's safety measures. For example using gas detectors, respiratory protection, ear protection, as well as first aid kits. These details demonstrate the hard work and planning that went into an action that the prosecution have been trying to portray as "a bit of a laugh". For more details see this article by a local journalist.
The case for the Prosecution closes today, after which the Defence will open theirs beginning on Monday.
Poverty Group Acts in Solidarity with Student Anti-cuts demo
25-11-2010 14:22
Demo outside A4e (jobcentre private contractor) 34 Earl Grey St, then join up with Student march.
Meeting at High Riggs Jobcentre, Tollcross, 12.00pm this Wed 24th Nov.
And beforehand leafleting on Wed morning at High Riggs from 11am
Also leafleting at High Riggs Mon 22nd 10am - 12 noon and Tues 23rd 10am - 12 noon.
Justice for Bety and Jyri: killed by paramilitries in Oaxaca
25-11-2010 14:22
Mexican Territory
Countries of the World
November 25, 2010
Text of leaflet for Zapatista Solidarity International Day of Action November 27th
25-11-2010 14:22
¡THE ZAPATISTA COMMUNITIES LIVE!In 1994 the Zapatistas reclaimed land in Chiapas Mexico from greedy and absentee landlords, because they believe that the land belongs to those who work it. The last 18 months has seen a new phase of attacks against the Zapatista communities aimed at retaking their land and resources for exploitation by corporations.
Direct Action at Scottish Liberal Democrat HQ
25-11-2010 14:22
After one of the most extensive, vibrant and wide-ranging days of activism in recent memory, with students and young people across the country taking to the streets to protest against the goverment's plan to slash education funding and treble fees, activists in Edinburgh took direct action againts the Lib Dem HQ on Clifton Terrace.
The site had been the scene of a peaceful 'teach in' in
President Gul: NATO missile plan is in line with our expectations
25-11-2010 14:05

Actually, the signing of NATO’s new Strategic Concept by Turkey and all the other members of NATO at the November 2010 Lisbon Summit was the clearest indication of Turkey’s total capitulation to NATO and Israeli war plans against Iran.
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
University Security Attempt to Evict Student Occupation at Sheffield
25-11-2010 13:26
BREAKING NEWS on the current situation of the student occupation at Sheffield University. Security attempt to forcefully evict protesters, when this fails they set off fire alarms to force legal evacuation of the building.Day of Action 24/11/2010 Nottingham
25-11-2010 13:25
Students from Nottingham University and Toot Hill School in Bingham protest against higher university fees and the axe of EMAs.
Around 60 students form Toot Hill school in Bingham walked out of classes as part of the Day of Action against Eduation Cuts. Students congregated on the steps of the Counicl House at around midday. The students, majority from sixth form, said that they had the backing of the headteacher.
Around a similar number of students from Nottingham University gathered on the steps of the portland Building at 2PM. They marched to the Trent Building where they demanded to see the Vice Chancellor. Coincidentally, the VC was on holiday and students regrouped outside one of the libraries. A teach in was planned for 4PM.
March on Parliament for a 'Zero Carbon Britain' and a Million Climate Jobs 04/12
25-11-2010 13:08
Saturday 4th DecemberAssembling 12.00 noon Hyde Park and marching to a Rally outside Parliament,
2.30 to 3.30 pm
The National Climate March, on the Saturday midway through the UN Climate
Talks taking place in Cancun, Mexico, will this year take the form of a
'March on Parliament for a Zero Carbon Britain and a Million Climate Jobs'.
SOAS Occupation Delays Court Injunction in High Court Battle
25-11-2010 12:56

As the majority of occupiers joined 20,000 university, FE and school students from across London on a demonstration in central London, a few SOAS students stayed behind to defend the occupation space. University management chose this moment to pursue their legal challenge.
NO TESCO Resistmas Market
25-11-2010 12:36
A Christmas market will be held at the Stokes Croft Solidarity Centre (27 Stokes Croft) hosting stalls of local fruit and veg, art and crafts, bric and brac! Any stallholders are welcome - there is no pitch fee.The council have been in contact to say that there will be an attempt to close down the Solidarity Centre and market at 1130 - yet again siding with big business over local community interest. We will politely decline to leave.
The Solidarity Centre has provided a space for a number of events over the past month including film nights, meals, benefit gigs, meetings, talks and jelly wrestling competitions. All this after lying empty for several years after being repossessed by Barclays bank.
Hope to see you there. Remember Jesters - Resistance is Fertile! Solidarity with the students and schoolkids. Fuck Tesco!
Statement from Bristol Student Union Occupation
25-11-2010 12:36
At approximately 2.30pm on Wednesday the 24th of November, following a mass demonstration around the university precinct and Park Street we occupied Bristol University Students Union. We occupied this building ostensibly to hold a people’s assembly – that is an open participatory forum – on the future of higher education in England and what steps we want to take to defend and improve it.At approximately 2.30pm on Wednesday the 24th of November, following a mass demonstration around the university precinct and Park Street we occupied Bristol University Students Union. We occupied this building ostensibly to hold a people’s assembly – that is an open participatory forum – on the future of higher education in England and what steps we want to take to defend and improve it.
After collectively discussing the problems assembly made the following agreement:
1. To express our solidarity with everybody affected by the education cuts including but not limited to university staff and current school and university students.
2. To express our solidarity with all those in society negatively affected by the cuts to social spending.
3. To call upon the University of Bristol Students’ Union to genuinely represent the interests of all students and to call an Extraordinary General Meeting.
4. To demand that the plans for university spending cuts are made public; we demand an open accounting policy.
5. To demand that the Vice Chancellor, Eric Thomas, take a stance against cuts to higher education.
6. To continue learning and theorising a new university within the space we have occupied and to be allowed to come and go as we please.
7. That we condemn the violent and heavy-handed policing tactics used against students, staff and their supporters.
8. To demand no disciplinary repercussions for those involved in the protest
We took this form action because we have been consistently denied by the students union (specifically, President James Ashton-Bell) the space and opportunity to discuss the proposed cuts to higher education and to formulate a response. Despite the clear negative impacts on the learning experience at Bristol and to accessibility and quality of higher education more broadly, the students union has failed to take a stance, or up until yesterday, to facilitate debate on this issue of crucial importance.
As a result of the massive turn-out at the demonstration and subsequent occupation, the Student’s Union Officer Team have decided to act, communicating to all students across the university, their intention to hold a Forum on Monday the 29th of November at the Epi Bar.
Whilst this is an absolutely necessary first step, it is important to note that the outcome of a such a forum would not be binding – that is, it would not democratically mandate our Union sabbaticals to take action. As such, in addition to this forum, we call for an Extraordinary General Meeting to take place as soon as is feasible and that we are able to use the Union building (despite not being a university society) for the purposes of holding workshops and debate around this issue. At the point at which these specific demands are reasonably met we will end the occupation of the Student Union Building. Crucially, we would like to underline the fact that throughout the duration of this occupation we intend to keep the union building open and usable as a student space and desire that all pre-booked student society activities are allowed to continue. This must not be an exclusive space.
Whilst our occupation of the Union building will end with the meeting of these particular demands, our struggle for the future of higher education continues. There will be more organising, more actions, demonstrations and debate. We call upon students and staff to join us in this process, on students specifically to attend the forum on Monday at the Epi Bar, and to support the forthcoming motions for our proposed EGM.
…this is just the beginning.
Irish Sighs - A Warning To Us All
25-11-2010 12:30

Girl arrested for burning copy of the Koran
25-11-2010 12:29
A 15-year-old girl has been arrested in the West Midlands for burning a copy of the Koran and posting a video of it on Facebook. Mainstream news report here:
THE Oxford Education Campaign Occupies The “Rad Cam”
25-11-2010 12:20
Fifty students affiliated with the grassroots movement Oxford Education Campaign occupied the historic Radcliffe Camera at 1.30pm yesterday Wednesday 24th November 2010. The protestors have aimed to run the 'Rad Cam', which serves as a Bodleian Library reading room, as a free space for mutual education, in resistance to the neoliberalisation of higher education announced by the coalition government.Police entrapment on student demo in London 24.11.10
25-11-2010 12:02
Letter sent to the Guardian about the policing of the student protest in LondonPhoto's From Manchester Student Protests
25-11-2010 11:54

DayX Spontaneous, massive and militant
25-11-2010 11:43

This is the striking thing. Yesterday's protest had almost no significant institutional backing whatsoever. It's been said, not quite accurately, that there was no left-wing organisation involved. I did see socialists, trade unionists and trade union banners present. To wit, I saw a Unison banner, I saw Billy Hayes of the CWU (looking a bit worried), I saw Right to Work and SWSS placards and stickers, and a few Socialist Worker paper sellers. I saw Socialist Students (that'll be the Socialist Party), and a few 'Revolution' flags. I saw people with loudspeakers who I'd seen at protests before, leading chants and so on. However, the majority of these protesters weren't actually mobilised by any union or party.