UK Newswire Archive
7/7: Crime and Prejudice
29-09-2011 12:51
A brand new feature-length documentary on the 7/7 bombings in London in 2005.Online Protest Against the Atos Enablers – they’re all in it together!
29-09-2011 12:05

Strathclyde Uni Occupied Against Introduction of £27k fees for non-Scottish students
29-09-2011 10:46
This morning at 11 am around 40 students from across Scotland went
into occupation of the collins building at Strathclyde University in
protest of the recently announced £27,000 fees for RUK (Rest of UK,
apart from Scotland) students. Students have come from Universities
all over Scotland, including Glasgow, Strathclyde, Caledonian,
Total Failure of Class War Politics in Britain
29-09-2011 00:02

Nuclear power station to become target for mass blockade
28-09-2011 19:51

Open Letter on Atos ‘Healthcare’ to the BMJ and RCN
28-09-2011 19:16
Over 100 groups and individuals have signed a letter to the British Medical Association (BMJ) and the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) urging them to stop giving disability deniers Atos credibility by advertising their vacancies and allowing them to attend their events.Media Lens: Inciting Violence - Irony and the English Riots
28-09-2011 18:22
Ironies abound in the media reaction to the English riots that erupted between August 6-10.The Dangerous Cult of the Guardian: A Thought Police for the Internet Age
28-09-2011 17:58
There could be no better proof of the revolution – care of the internet – occurring in the accessibility of information and informed commentary than the reaction of our mainstream, corporate media.National Day of Action against Atos. Oxford Protest.
28-09-2011 17:45
Advertising protest outside Atos Offices Oxford60 international activists occupy Gold Corporation headquarters in Rosia Montana
28-09-2011 17:41

NHS child heart unit Vandalism
28-09-2011 17:32

TOMORROW: Spanish solidarity demonstration - "La lucha está en la calle!"
28-09-2011 16:24

Hinkley Point nuclear power station to be targeted in mass blockade - 3rd Oct
28-09-2011 16:10
Nuclear power station to become target for mass blockadeStop New Nuclear - Wed, 28/09/2011
People from all over the UK are set to descend on Hinkley Point nuclear power station [in Somerset] to protest again EDF Energy’s plans to build two new mega-reactors next to the existing site.
Scope to shut down DIAL UK, make all staff redundant
28-09-2011 14:21
Scope a National charity plan to shut down a smaller charity DIAL UK and make the DIAL UK staff redundant following a recent merger. This will impact on Disabled People's Advice Services.325#9 – Free PDF magazine of Social War & Anarchy
28-09-2011 13:21

Cry Freedom in an Autumn of Discontent !
28-09-2011 12:55
With the exception of the incarcerated, the August Riots are possibly fading in to memory, however the far reaching implications of those momentous days, will regrettably continue to reverberate in the months to come, as the full brunt and lunacy of Tory Cuts comes into force.
At the time of the convictions, Mein Fuhrer: David Cameron backed the sentences, saying: "They decided in that court to send a tough sentence, send a tough message and I think it's good that courts are able to do that."
However, anyone who came to the conclusion that the courts operated independently, without the "overlord hand" of the Tory leadership, is sadly mistaken. In the same way that courts were ordered to operate "around the clock" so too was the message from on high: "Crack down hard ! for what transpires here today, is not only meant for the riotous few, but will send a clear warning to others who dare to take to the streets to fight our cuts"
What happened in the days and weeks following the riots, was not, as everyone believed, a simple matter of locking up the (possibly) guilty few.
Instead, it was a heaven sent opportunity for the Tory Party and coalition government, to take a Double Edged Hatchet to the body of the British public.
Firstly: A half-arsed, panic induced attempt by Cameron and his cronies, to repair some of the damaging Tory popularity polls, and to do the one thing every political party should do: "Listen to the people"
It didn't matter to the Tories, that "the people" were mainly Daily Mail readers
(the middle class, blue-rinsed, sycophantic, loyal voters to the ruling elite)
Phase One: " Lets pretend to listen to what they want and act accordingly"
Tory policy-makers, (so far up Camerons' arse they never needed a sun-tan) practically creamed their pants at the chance to repair the Tory Junta's broken image.
But more sinister is the other side of the True Blue Hatchets swing .......
Phase Two: An insidious and veiled warning/threat against future protests.
It reads like this:
"To the great unwashed and minions of the island of Great Britain, behold the dictorial and capitalist warning we now serve upon you "....
"The cuts are coming, and we are not for turning, we will not waver from the suicidal and drastic course that we have chosen, you will all, in turn, pay for the mistakes of the financial few, and the sentences of the August rioters are the warnings you must heed:
1. You will lie down and take the economic kicking we will give you.
2. You will not protest.
3. You will not take to the streets with banners of disapproval.
4. You will not dare to even "voice" your dissent on social networking sites, for us, your privacy is a joke and we will hack them and hack emails too.
5. You will have your homes raided in the grey light of an early dawn by our
private army (the police) and the seemingly guilty dragged from their beds.
6. You will be tried and sentenced unjustly, by ageing Tory judges, sitting in
darkened, kangaroo-courts at midnight, who, appalled by your protester
status, will hand down farcical and draconian, judicial punishments.
7. In summary, like the peasants you are, and, like peasants we think of you,
you must rid your simple minds of the fact that Britain is supposed to be a
democracy, and we a democratically elected government, pity the peasants
who thought that Thatcherism and a police state was dead.
You have unwittingly unleashed a great evil, and like the mad axe-men we
always were, we will run amok throughout this bankrupt isle."
And finally another statement of fact: Three Court of Appeal Judges, led by the Lord Chief Justice, were told ‘disproportionate weight' was placed on giving tough sentences to deter others committing offences in the future.
The Tories cum Carpet-Baggers are here. The Cuts are upon us.
And, lulled by a warm September sun, we sleepwalking into a Police-State.
And I am ringing Alarm Bells !
Brutal cop outed by Anonymous as protestors rally against NYPD.
28-09-2011 11:58

As we watched your officers kettle innocent women, we observed you barberically pepper spray wildly into the group of kettled women. We were shocked and disgusted by your behavior. You know who the innocent women were, now they will have the chance to know who you are. Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice. WE ARE WATCHING!!! Expect Us!
150th Birthday: IG Farben founder Carl Duisberg "a criminal genius"
28-09-2011 11:29
This Thursday (29) sees the 150th anniversary of the birth of Carl Duisberg, who was chief executive of Bayer AG for many years and intellectual father of IG Farben. The chemist carried significant responsibility for the global rise of the company.... the former Bayer chief executive / Responsible for use of poison gas and forced labour / Coalition demands renaming of streets and removal of honorary citizenship
'Girl Band' Protest at Royal Bank of Scotland sponsorship of low carbon conference
28-09-2011 09:57
A 'girl band' of environmental activists dressed as 'oily bankers' protested outside the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) sponsored Scottish Low Carbon Investment Conference in Edinburgh yesterday morning (Tuesday 27 September 2011).
You can see the video at