UK Newswire Archive
#6 The July Show Now Online ~ Riseup! Radio - check it out
30-06-2008 11:02

Ahoy! From the heart of our lovely city we bring you another lively show, this time with special guest presenter Hicham Yezza, who was arrested at Nottingham Uni in May on Terrorism Charges but is now free (on bail) to join us, talk about his experiences and play some music. Other than that, lots of news, commentary and local music. Check it out..
Listen: #6 The July Show
Burlusconi has almost got his immunity on corruption-not on human rights abuse
30-06-2008 10:22
Mr Burlusconi who owns Italy and thus can bend the law to suit both his vanityand ego has before cabinet a document which will allow immunity from prosecution
during his term of office. This would also include two speakers in the house.
Given that the immunity is only for corruption , one would hope that legal
and or criminal charges for incitement to violence would be brought against him
by the Italian citizens who have suffered injury due to pogrom and racist attack.
Letter to the Times: Merchants of War
30-06-2008 09:18
The following letter to Bronwen Maddox and Oliver Kamm of the Times Newspaper follows the Medialens' correspondence with them regarding the US NIE and the IAEA report on Iran's nuclear programme. Bronwen Maddox is the Chief Foreign Commentator of the Times. Oliver Kamm, the Times’ columnist, is a founding member of the right wing Henry Jackson Society and a proponent of interventionism in foreign policyCall for AU investigation into Zimbabwe human rughts abuses
30-06-2008 09:14
News statementIssued by: The Centre for Citizen’s Participation in the African Union
30 June 2008
African civil society calls for AU investigation into Zimbabwe human rights abuses
Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions
30-06-2008 09:03
Statement on Zim election
MSF calls upon South African authorities
30-06-2008 08:33
BBC should not lie about Zimbabwe
30-06-2008 02:16
CAN the BBC tell the truth about Zimbabwe when its senior managers are appointed by the United Kingdom government and will they be fired if they step out of line and become realistic about Zimbabwe?Along with others like the New York Times, Sky News and CNN, the broadcaster is notably egregious, given its reputation that's now decidedly undeserved.
The BBC has muted its criticism of Zimbabwe and framed it in the continuing “cycle of violence and impunity that has plagued the Southern African country for so many years.”
However, the agenda of the BBC, New York Times and ‘their friends’ is clear: ignore realpolitik, press for Mugabe’s exit, and in the process, disenchant members and supporters of his Zanu PF party.
Climate Camp's response to E.ON's request to meet
30-06-2008 00:48
The original letter sent to Climate Camp, and our response (being sent out today).Colombia accompaniment training weekend: July 19-20
30-06-2008 00:12
On 19th and 20th July Espacio Bristol-Colombia are holding our second training weekend for people interested in accompanying social organizations as a volunteer in Colombia.Solidarity accompaniment involves both providing an international presence to deter the army or paramilitaries from interfering with social activists and working with Colombian organisations building solidarity links.
URGENT: Help needed for imminent removal of pregnant mother
29-06-2008 23:57
24 year old Kemi Ayinde is 5 months pregnant and yet is scheduled to be forcibly removed on Tuesday 1st July at 12:50pmFull article | 4 additions | 19 comments
Activists Disrupt 'Salute to Israel' Parade (press release)
29-06-2008 23:36
Autonomous actions for Palestine challenge Zionist paradeState-Sponsored Terror: British and American Black Ops in Iraq
29-06-2008 23:10

In January of 2002, the Washington Post ran a story detailing a CIA plan put forward to President Bush shortly after 9/11 by CIA Director George Tenet titled, "Worldwide Attack Matrix," which was "outlining a clandestine anti-terror campaign in 80 countries around the world. What he was ready to propose represented a striking and risky departure for U.S. policy and would give the CIA the broadest and most lethal authority in its history." The plan entailed CIA and Special Forces "covert operations across the globe," and at "the heart of the proposal was a recommendation that the president give the CIA what Tenet labeled "exceptional authorities" to attack and destroy al Qaeda in Afghanistan and the rest of the world." Tenet cited the need for such authority "to allow the agency to operate without restraint -- and he wanted encouragement from the president to take risks." Among the many authorities recommended was the use of "deadly force."
Independent Media Coverage of Middle East War: From BAFTA to the Border
29-06-2008 23:06
“Man's inhumanity to man Makes countless thousands mourn." Robert Burns (1759-1796)On 16th June, Mohammed Omer (24) became the youngest journalist to be presented with the prestigious Martha Gellhorn Prize for journalism, 2008. Omer and Dahr Jamail, two independent correspondents, were co-recipients, for their extraordinary coverage of Gaza and Iraq, respectively. Alone, in dangerous and difficult regions, their writings have towered, dwarfing many household names with mega-media backing. As their colleagues (especially other independents) have been murdered and shot, often by security forces and frequently by unknowns, they ploughed a lone, courageous furrough.
Radio Ecoshock on James Hansen on Climate Criminals
29-06-2008 22:37

NASA scientist James Hansen shakes up Capitol Hill (and the media) with explosive testimony to the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Climate Change. For one thing, he thinks oil industry executives who purposely (and secretly) fund groups to confuse the public about climate science – should be charged with crimes against humanity.
Israel...a 60 year salute.
29-06-2008 22:13

Video of Anti BNP central london 21st June 2008: weyman bennett speaks
29-06-2008 21:28

'Salute to Israel' march in London and counter-demonstrations
29-06-2008 20:18

Also included are images of the Palestinian / Student counter demonstrations.
Disruptions at Salute Israel Event
29-06-2008 20:11
A number of activists disrupted the zionist salute israel parade and rally in London today.Cycling to the moon: Mass to Croydon July 5th
29-06-2008 19:59
Bikeride to CroydonA Day Out In Croydon!
Londonfete invites for a bikeride/critical mass
to Croydon, Saturday July 5th as part of the International Day of Action
against the G8, starting on Brixton Oval SW2 1JG
(Ritzy Cinema, Brixton Reclaim the Food)
Meeting 10am, starting 10.30
5th European Symposium on Gender and ICT, Call for submissions
29-06-2008 18:34

Bremen, March 5-7 2009.
Those with an interest in ICT education/publication and Women Spaces
are invited to submit by September 1st 2008.
