UK Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 06032010
03-06-2010 14:38

high court report - democracy village
03-06-2010 13:22
hearing adjourned till this afternoon. boris dropped part of battle for now.
more than fifty supporters arrived at the high court this morning to contest the papers served on behalf of the GLA to remove them from the square.
the papers name rebecca hall, brian haw, barbara tucker, and other persons unknown as the respondents, and they comprise both a possession order (as the GLA manage the parliament square gardens on behalf of the crown, who were given the land in 1999) and also an injunction to stop the various breaches of bye-laws and restore the square "for the general use of the public".
as so many people had turned up, a bigger court room had to be found and by 11.30 this morning, everyone was piled into court 76 at the top of the building. there they waited, and waited, and waited. after about twenty minutes an usher made the announcement that the judges were held up by an over-running previous hearing and that proceedings would commence 'shortly'. various people called out they were in no hurry and could come back another day if wanted!
after cigarette breaks and soaking up the hot sun, people returned another half hour later for further announcement. the judges were nearly finished in the other case, but then they'd have to have lunch, so the hearing was adjourned to 2pm.
and so justice grinds on.
outside the court was a spirited demonstration.
we DID hear that at the last moment the GLA had decided to drop the injunctive portion of their case, relying on a simple possession order. the papers also separate out brian haw and barbara tucker and recognise the right they have won to continue protest in the square, but re-inforcing that that protest must be conducted only from the pavement (owned by westminster council) and not from the grass, (managed by the GLA on behalf of the recent owner, the queen).
more news later........
Plane Stupid ‘estate agents’ condemn Newham mayor
03-06-2010 12:22
Eco-activists have branded Newham's mayor a ‘sell-out' for not protecting East Londoners from increasing noise and pollution as a result of flight increases at London City Airport.
Over the last threeweeks activists from anti aviation expansion group, Plane Stupid, have posed as estate agents and planted mock ‘For Sale' signs all over East London. One sign reads: ‘Community For Sale: Contact Robin ‘Weasel' Wales. Airport Owners Only Need Apply'. Another sign reads: ‘Newham Council: completely sold out to London City Airport'.
Spokesperson Nancy Birch said Newham's mayor, Sir Robin Wales, must prove he is worthy of his recent re-election by reviewing the council's decision to allow London City Airport to increase its annual flights from 91,000 to 120,000.
Since the council gave the green light to expansion last July, residents all over east and north-eastLondon have suffered from aircraft noise following the introduction of new flight paths.
Comment on the action of ‘Plane Stupid Estates', spokeswoman Nancy Birch said: ‘Sir Robin is ultimately responsible for protecting the health and wellbeing of people of Newham. The air quality around the airport already exceeds EU guidelines and now, with the increase in flights, the whole of the east side of London is suffering from higher levels of noise and pollution.'
Councils in Havering, Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets, Bexley and Barking & Dagenham are supporting a High Court challenge by East London campaign group, Fight The Flights, to stop the expansion. Residents in Greenwich and Hackney are also likely to be affected by an increase in flights.
Miss Birch continues: ‘Followinghis re-election Sir Robin told reporters, "We have to fight to defend our people and support them the best we can." Now heneeds to practice what he preaches. We are calling for Newham Council to review its policy on London City Airport and say no to expansion.'
Notes to the editor:
Plane Stupid is highlighting three major failures by Newham Council in its dealing with the airport:
· Newham Council has failed to act on the fact that the chief executive of London City Airport, Richard Gooding, is also the chairman of Newham Homes. Many properties around the airport are managed by Newham Homes. Complaints about noise or air pollution at London City Airport from local residents would ultimately be dealt with by Richard Gooding. This is clearly unethical.
· Newham Council has failed to address the rapid increase in the number of jets (as opposed to turbo-prop engines) using London City Airport and the commensurate increase in noise nuisance. Civil Aviation Authority figures show that the percentage of jets used annually has risen from 25% of flights in 2002 to 62% in 2009.
· Newham Council has failed to recognise that nitrogen dioxide levels surrounding the airport are already 50% above EU limits.
Local campaign group Fight The Flights has launched a High Court bid to stop the airport from expanding its flight numbers. The Greater London Assembly's Environment Committee is also holding a probe into the effects of flight expansion.
In July 2009 Newham Council gave London City Airport permission to increase the number of flights from 91,000 to 120,000 per year. Expansion was made conditional on tougher environmental controls for air quality and noise levels.
The GLA's review will look at environmental impacts such as noise, emissions and air quality and whether current environmental safeguards and controls are adequate.
London City Airport's long term plan is increase total flights to from 91,000 to 170,000 per annum by 2030.
For further information contact Nancy Birch on: 07506-06597
The Moneyless Man book launch in Bath
03-06-2010 12:22
Waterstones Bath, Milsom St, Bath @ 6.30pmI'll be giving a talk tonight about 'Living without Money' to launch the book, The Moneyless Man, in Bath.
I'll be talking about the reasons why, and the practicalities of actually doing it. There'll be lots of tips about how to save money and thread more gently on the planet at the same time, and plenty of time for Q&A.
It's free, so come along! Happy to go somewhere afterwards also for a more informal chat!
BP Brings Corporate Propaganda to Bristol
03-06-2010 12:22
As the oil leak gushes on and on pumping millions of barrels of oil into the sea, destroying wildlife, habitats and communities - BP is busy with the corporate propaganda - in the form of the BP big screen.This is an event trying to make us think of BP as being a patron of the arts rather than a ravisher of the natural world.
Here's the blurb...
The BP Summer Big Screens are the perfect way to introduce friends and family to the Royal Opera House and to world-class opera and ballet. Featuring exclusive backstage films, competitions and live interaction, these screenings bring the best performances live absolutely FREE!
Carmen on 8 June, 2010 - duration 3 hours 6 minutes, starting at 7pm.
Simon Boccanegra on 13 July, 2010 - duration 2 hours 52 minutes, starting at 7.30pm
Free entry to the event enclosure is on a first come first served basis subject to capacity.
BP Bans Workers From Sharing Photos of Animals Killed by the Oil Spill
BP Policing the Media
Blog of a Civil Service whistleblower within Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.
03-06-2010 12:05
Would you keep quite if you knew your employer had misused used public funds to charge you with being an extremist for heckling the Neo Nazi BNP after your details had been put on a Neo Nazi hit list called Redwatch? Would you refuse to drop your case with the Civil Service Commissioners if you were warned - threatened by your employer you would be sacked if you did not? If your wondering why I did then perhaps when you read my blog you will understand.UKBA D-Locked
03-06-2010 12:03
The UK Border Agency offices in Derby were d-locked last night. And a written message was left.The EDL: 1 Year On by ‘Malatesta’
03-06-2010 10:43
1 year older so what's going on with those cheeky monkeys in the EDL?Avon and Somerset Police at Bristol Refugee Week
03-06-2010 09:22
Just to make it clear ther are loads of great events at Bristol Refugee Week but one entry in the programme leaves me a little puzzled....Quoted from the Bristol Refugee Week Programme:
Avon & Somerset Careers Outreach Team
PC Maz Nuur
“It sounds clichéd and a bit cheesy but I really joined the police to help people."
It sounds like a load of PR Bullshit more like.
PC Maz Continues: " I’m a people person and I never really wanted to sit in an office so this was the natural choice for me. I have two young daughters and I would strongly recommend the Police Service to them. Working here gives you such a huge range of different opportunities.
You Mean like helping UK Border Agency goons kick peoples doors down and snatch families in the middle of the night? Or perhaps you mean the fact that Trinity Rd Police Station is used as a holding facitlity when people get there claims refused, or are just deemed at risk of absconding ?
"You meet so many people from different walks of life and learn something new every day.”
or do you mean "You get to lock people from so many different countries".
The "Outreach team" will be in the information tent at the Refugee Week event at Queen Square on Sunday 13th June. Mayeb you'd like to say hello.
Protest Against Israel's Attack On Aid Flotilla
03-06-2010 09:22
On Saturday 5th June Bristol Stop The War Coalition & Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign are organising a protest calling for a full independent inquiry into Israel's attack on the aid flotilla to Gaza and for a permanent end to the blockade of Gaza.Please join us – assemble on The Centre (opposite the Hippodrome) at 3pm.
We hope Cliff Hanley and Sakir Yildirim who are on there way home from Israel will be able to speak there.
Bring placards, friends & family.
Words are easy. We salute Cliff and Sakir
03-06-2010 09:22
Fuck politiciansThere has been an unprecedented explosion of anger against Israel's
deadly attack on the Gaza aid flotilla, reflected in protests across
the country and throughout the world.
People who went in peace to take aid to Gaza have been subjected to
violent attack. Nine were killed. Hundreds have been locked up in
Israeli prisons. Their possessions have been confiscated.
Two of the activists on the flotilla, Cliff Hanley & Sakir Yildirim,
are from Bristol. They are now travelling home after their ordeal.
Israel and the US have never been so isolated over the issue of Gaza.
NATO had a crisis meeting today, one of its members being Turkey, from
where most of those killed on the flotilla came.
Nick Clegg said today that he wants the Gaza siege lifted, adding that
David Cameron agrees with him!
But words are easy. We need urgent action and that means exerting
maximum public pressure on political leaders who have indulged Israeli
crimes against humanity for so long.
Locally, in Bristol on Saturday 5th June there will be a protest
calling for a full independent inquiry into the attack and a permanent
end to the blockade of Gaza. Please join us – assemble on The Centre
(opposite the Hippodrome) at 3pm. We hope Cliff and Sakir will be able
to speak there. Bring placards, friends & family.
There is also a national demonstration in London on Saturday 5th June
organised by Stop The War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign and
others. If you are in London or can get there please try to support
it. The demonstration assembles at 1.30pm at Downing Street before
marching to the Israeli Embassy. For more information on this
demonstration see:
See Seumas Milne in today's Guardian
Defend the democracy village in Parliament Square
03-06-2010 09:05
The GLA is going to the high court today to seek an injunction against the democracy village in Parliament Square which will order the village to be dismantled and demonstrators to leave the square. An eviction is expected early tommorrow morning so as many people need to get down to Parliament square by tonight to stop the eviction.stwc- national demonstration, 5th june
03-06-2010 08:39
stwc demonstration.London Protest Supports Murad Akincilar
03-06-2010 08:00

Israel's international aggression: US thumbs up to state terror and murder
03-06-2010 07:31

And, of course, the western media/propaganda machine can be counted upon to pump out plenty of misinformation fog to afford a cover of legitimacy to this charade by the White House and its criminal client regime in Tel Aviv. - new media library on Israel; currently Gaza Flotilla archive
03-06-2010 06:16 is a new media library project that plans to publish a series of both topic-specific and current event-focused archive websites, with the help of the pro-Palestinian community and beyond.Media Activism: The Yes Men
03-06-2010 04:42

Recorded by Alex Smith of Radio Ecoshock at the annual dinner for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
BP Protests Oil Activism
03-06-2010 04:33

The Lone Ship of the Freedom Flotilla: The Rachel Corrie MV Continues to Sail
03-06-2010 02:51
"The Malaysian and Irish peace and humanitarian activists aboard share their deepest grief and sense of loss with the loved ones of those killed and injured in the illegal action undertaken by Israel on Monday 31st May 2010 in the international waters of the Mediterranean. In the names of our friends, we are more determined than ever to continue into Gaza with our humanitarian cargo and our support for the blockaded and suffering people of Gaza."