UK Newswire Archive
Excellent article from Greg Pallast website and much much more
26-03-2002 22:06
Still think conspiracy theory's the domain of paranoid wingnuts? Work through this little lot and you may not be so sure. The lead article from Carol Shiffler of the Pallast site is straight enough tho.Munlochy GM vigil in Scottish Parliament
26-03-2002 19:29
On Wednesday 27 March the Munlochy GM vigil petition, calling for an end to GM trials, will be presented in the Scottish Parliament.IMC Reporter Sues Daily Mail - coverage on US radio
26-03-2002 19:27
Coverage of Sky's case on Free Speach Radio NewsUS accuses Anti-Capitalist of Knowing Bin Laden!
26-03-2002 18:03
Interrogation at the US-Canada Border: The experience of an OCAP organizer by John Clarke: "Then came the most astounding part of the whole interrogation. Out of the blue, Seitz demanded to know where Osama Bin Laden was hiding. I knew were he was, he insisted. If I grew a beard I would look like Bin Laden. I was holding back on telling him why I was going to the university and who I was going to meet there. If I didn't want to go to jail, it was time to tell him the real story...."Picnic For Peace, 30 March
26-03-2002 18:03
This Saturday (30 March), Direct Action Against the War Now kicks off with a Picnic for Peace outside the United States embassy on Grosvenor Square in central London. All are welcome! And that means YOU!Jose Saramago compares Israel with nazis (cartoon+article)
26-03-2002 17:08

Massacre in China
26-03-2002 14:36
100 believed dead in Falun Gong witch hunt by chinese police. Many people driven from high-rise windows. Death sentences expected for civil rights TV hackersMonopolise Mayday
26-03-2002 12:57
A critique of the Globalise Resistance attempt to Monopolise Mayday and push a reformist agenda.Simultaneous Policy development site launched
26-03-2002 12:44
An unofficial site in support of the Simultanous Policy is launched today. The Simultaneous Policy (SP) will consist of a variety of policy measures, each of which is to be implemented by national governments simultaneously, as soon as sufficient nations have adopted the policy measure(s) concerned. SP represents a unique consensus-building strategy for solving global problems.Yarls Wood: new demo announced
26-03-2002 12:13
Forwarded from National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns:Pro-Big Business Budget
26-03-2002 09:51
Brown has announced a billion worth of tax cuts to big businessInternation Womens Day 8th March
26-03-2002 09:48
No Sweat anti-sweatshop demo in London resulting in occupation of the Gap.. boo hiss