Simultaneous Policy development site launched
Mike Brady | 26.03.2002 12:44
An unofficial site in support of the Simultanous Policy is launched today. The Simultaneous Policy (SP) will consist of a variety of policy measures, each of which is to be implemented by national governments simultaneously, as soon as sufficient nations have adopted the policy measure(s) concerned. SP represents a unique consensus-building strategy for solving global problems.
"The Simultaneous Policy (SP) aims to restore genuine democracy by creating a genuine 'community of nation states' built upon consensus such that proper democratic control over global markets and corporations is restored. The ultimate aim of SP is the transformation of the international economy such that it operates in harmony with the global natural environment and with the needs of human nature. The measures required to bring this about will be implemented globally and simultaneously. Governments, politicians, individuals and other organisations can adopt the principle of SP today. See for further details and to adopt SP. SP will be implemented when all or nearly all governments have adopted SP, in accordance with the conditions set in the policy. The following unofficial draft policy is a possible set of measures to be implemented. This may be reproduced, with or without alterations, in any form as long as this header is included. If alterations are made to the text, this must be clearly indicated in the title. The text that follows may have been altered. The original text can be found at where SP adopters can vote on the text and suggest amendments and find details of the 'copyleft' license under which this has been published."
The Simultaneous Policy
(unofficial draft version)
Article 1. Support for SP.
1.1 This legislation will hereafter be referred to as the Simultaneous Policy or SP.
1.2 The government will encourage other governments to adopt SP.
[SP adopters may accept, amend or reject the above text and the rest of the text in this document using the form at]
Article 2. Implementation of SP.
2.1 Articles will be implemented in accordance with the conditions relating to each Article.
2.2 The government will support the creation of the Simultaneous Policy Monitoring Body under a United Nations Resolution to monitor adoption and implementation of the Simultaneous Policy by the world's governments. The body will be independent of business interests and will be funded from general taxation of each adopting country to an amount at least equivalent to 0.001% of GNP.
2.3 The government will support a UN meeting to draft the UN Resolution referred to in Article 2.2 when 50% of the world's governments have adopted SP. The SP body is to come into existence and funds made available as set out in Article 2.2 when 90% of the world's governments have adopted SP.
2.4 The SP body will take action against governments which seek to gain competitive advantage by violating Articles of the Simultaneous Policy. Action will include allowing other governments to impose tariffs on imports from the violating country to recoup losses occurring due to the violation.

The Simultaneous Policy
(unofficial draft version)
Article 1. Support for SP.
1.1 This legislation will hereafter be referred to as the Simultaneous Policy or SP.
1.2 The government will encourage other governments to adopt SP.
[SP adopters may accept, amend or reject the above text and the rest of the text in this document using the form at

Article 2. Implementation of SP.
2.1 Articles will be implemented in accordance with the conditions relating to each Article.
2.2 The government will support the creation of the Simultaneous Policy Monitoring Body under a United Nations Resolution to monitor adoption and implementation of the Simultaneous Policy by the world's governments. The body will be independent of business interests and will be funded from general taxation of each adopting country to an amount at least equivalent to 0.001% of GNP.
2.3 The government will support a UN meeting to draft the UN Resolution referred to in Article 2.2 when 50% of the world's governments have adopted SP. The SP body is to come into existence and funds made available as set out in Article 2.2 when 90% of the world's governments have adopted SP.
2.4 The SP body will take action against governments which seek to gain competitive advantage by violating Articles of the Simultaneous Policy. Action will include allowing other governments to impose tariffs on imports from the violating country to recoup losses occurring due to the violation.

Mike Brady