UK Newswire Archive
Closing them down
04-12-2010 18:18

Solidarity with SHAC in Germany
04-12-2010 18:11

UG#527 - The Emerging Field of Epigenetics (Beyond Genetic Determinism)
04-12-2010 17:56

Sheffield students protest against tuition fee rises and tax dodgers - Photos
04-12-2010 17:42

Sheffield Occupation Marches Against Austerity
04-12-2010 17:25
Report from Sheffield on the weekend of action against austerity.Benefit for Anti-Cuts Resistance
04-12-2010 17:22
It's the Bastard Squad Collective's nightmare before Christmas...Saturday 18th December
(More power ballads for the punx! Release party for their split L.P with JESUS
BRUISER, and their final gig)
(Ace anarcho from Swindon/Manchester)
(Two-piece good-time punk rock madness back again)
(Epic dystopian crust from Nottingham, don't miss 'em...)
Ring 07521 788343 on the night for venue details.
£5 on the door, 8pm start, benefit for printing "Against & Beyond" fanzine.
Sheffield Vodafone and Top Shop targeted in tax dodge demo
04-12-2010 15:50

Oxford Top Shop targeted in tax dodge demo
04-12-2010 15:31

The wikileaks observations nobody seems to make
04-12-2010 14:26
1. The leaking and dissemination of the embassy cables is an event with far reaching and catastrophic consequences for the position of the United States in the world as a super power.Bath Bomb benefit gig announcement
04-12-2010 14:12

Cardiff Teach-in on Cuts
04-12-2010 13:53
Speakers and support for the event will include representation from users of public services, social workers, mental health workers, unemployed youth, health care professionals, trade unions, ethnic minority community representative, Action against cuts - Cardiff, students and staff from social sciences, journalism, law and philosophyBristol Indymedia Presents: Viral Xmas Fun & FOSBR Celebration!
04-12-2010 13:22
8pm at the Cube Cinema, Stokes Croft, Bristol8pm at the Cube Cinema, Stokes Croft, Bristol
Entry £3/£4 (but nobody refused entry for a lack of funds.)

Monday 6th December
8pm, at the Cube Cinema, Dove St South, Stokes Croft, Bristol
Entry £3/£4 (but nobody refused entry for a lack of funds.) Come and join Bristol Indymedia as we come to the end of 2010 to have a light hearted look at the year and celebrate 15 years of campaign group Friends of Bristol Suburban Railways (FOSBR). Looking back, we’ll be showing some clips from the best talks of the past couple of years, bringing along our favourite interesting (funny/amazing/powerful/shocking) viral videos (not including cats falling off things or dogs wearing sunglasses, honest).
Find The Cube at : Dove Street South, Bristol BS2 8JD
Come and join Bristol Indymedia as we come to the end of 2010 to
have a light hearted look at the year and celebrate 15 years of
campaign group Friends of Bristol Suburban Railways (FOSBR).
Looking back, we’ll be showing some clips from the best talks of
the past couple of years, bringing along our favourite interesting
(funny/amazing/powerful/shocking) viral videos (not including cats
falling off things or dogs wearing sunglasses, honest).
We're also going to be celebrating a campaign that after 15 years
is still going strong. After decades of dominance by car-culture,
join the Friends of Suburban Bristol Railways as we celebrate their
impressive record of victories that have secured the survival of
local railways. Join us in celebrating this achievement with
films, songs and poems and a look at what Thomas Cook (the man not
the company!) considered the most scenic railway in Europe.
An informative and entertaining night is promised!
Directions to Cube:
Students To Attempt Vote Of No Confidence In Aaron Porter?
04-12-2010 13:10
It looks as though momentum is steadily growing for a vote of no confidence in disgraced NUS President Aaron Porter, so I thought I'd help try and drum up support for this by publicising the idea.Manchester Airport on Trial - call out for court support - Mon. 6th December
04-12-2010 12:25

The seventeen defendants face two trials at Trafford Magistrates Court (M33 7NR). Come to court to show your support. Climate defence is not an offence
Trial 1 – Monday 6th December – Meet at 9am outside court.
Machines Sabotaged at Mainshill
04-12-2010 12:24
In the last week of November machines at Mainshill were sabotaged. Twelve machines had hydraulics and electrics cut, these included dumper trucks, fuel tanks, a digger and bulldozers.
Anti Nick Clegg song for Xmas Number One?
04-12-2010 12:23
London Oxford St Topshop Shut in #Ukuncut Action
04-12-2010 12:22
11.20am As part of around 23 decentralised actions across the country London's Oxford Street Top Shop has been shut down by over one hundred UKuncut protestors.
People gathered inside the store shortly before 11am. Security began physically throwing out press or anyone with 'big lenses' whilst a sit down was held, stickers saying "this item is free" were plastered about, and chants rang out:
- "Where did all our money go? He sneaked it off to Monaco"
- "If you want to sell your clothes, pay your tax!"
- "We voted Lib Dem, look at what we got from them: Cuts, job losses, money for the bosses"
Soon and the shop was closed down and a line of police formed outside. Plenty of other targets still out there :)
Previous vodafone action reports 1 2
Follow and hashtag #ukuncut for more reports.
[pics: sunny hundal ukuncut banner pic]
VIDEO: inside topshop oxford circus (amelia gregory)
Other pics:
jono warren
more at
GuyAitchison: Sgt Smelley guarding Topshop
More Actions Planned Against Cuts
04-12-2010 12:22
Dates and details of forthcoming anti cuts demonstrations planned for the next couple of weeks
Following the actions on November 24th and November 30th, there are a series of events and actions against the ConDem cuts planned over the next few weeks
On Sunday 5th December a demo is planned, with the intention of allowing people who are unable to attend the midweek walkouts due to work or other commitments. The plan is to meet at 12:00 on College Green
On Wednesday 8th December there is a call for actions at universities across the country issued by NUS and UCU.
Then on the 9th December, the day parliament votes on the proposed cuts to education, there are calls for a huge national protest in London.
Finally the 15th December is a national day of protest against welfare cuts, with local events planned around the country.
5th December Students Against the Cuts | Day X3 | UCU and NUS set out week's protests in campaign against fees and education cuts | National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts: Call for Local Events | Student Protest 3rd December
Developments out of Oxford 'Tamil' Protest
04-12-2010 11:34
Serious allegations are leveled against the Oxford Union following their own twisted cover up following the hurried flight of President Mahinda Rajapakse and his entourage as court proceedings of most serious nature were underway in London. As WikiLeak staff [2] organise US diplomatic cables International Bar Association has raised the issue to one of Crime Against Humanity.Lame excuses and explanations by the Oxford Union is to be questioned. Further possible protest action is planned with an aim of exposing the involvement of the defence secretary's action 'in a private capacity' and that of Bell Pottinger.